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There was something that changed between Dazai and Chuuya overtime, it wasn't hot and passionate sex 24/7 and more cuddling, they started cooking stuff for each other. In the two years Dazai was in hiding, he often spent his time at Chuuya's, and Chuuya would cover for him. Thier relationship was changing once again. They had already gone from Enemies to partners, to lovers.

It was a blissful romance at first, hot and steamy sex, often. They loved each other sure, but what was changing in thier relationship, was deeper, almost like they were becoming more like an old married couple, more than they already were. Dazai and Chuuya had already fallen head over heels for each other, it was like they were diving deeper and deeper into that feeling all while passionately making out. Things were less physical and more romantic, and that is where they laid today.

Dazai and Chuuya, former colleges, working for two companies in a war. Yet here they were, cuddling each other, not so oblivious to the war. They just didn't care. The world could burn around them, sure they would notice but they wouldn't care. They had each other, and that is what mattered.

Dazai dreamt of a dance he once had with Chuuya, they still didn't get along very well, Mori-san made them both go, and go together. That dance, Chuuya was making sure Dazai wasn't too close for his liking, by holding a knife to his throat. Dazai held a gun against his chest. It was like two silks intertwining in dance, mirroring the battlefield, destined to dance with each other, in the act of war, and its twin, love. There were no mistakes, in every mistake. Every challenge and every little detail, it was all planned out. Was it destiny for them to be together? Maybe not. Thier stories were destined to be intertwined, whether on the battlefield or in the sheets. Whether they made this thier story, or it was just one of the many pre-destined outcomes.

Dazai was working at the ADA, and Chuuya the Mafia, two rivals. Yet they had a place, a safe spot away from everything, and that safe spot, they made a home. They made themselves a home together when they had no other homes or felt like the outsider. 

Chuuya, un-knowingly to Dazai, had been slipping extra money into Dazai's bank account. Dazai, of course, he noticed but didn't say anything. After all, he was saving up to propose. Whether Chuuya knew, was ambiguous.

But people at the ADA were getting suspicious, after all, they were detectives. Ranpo, one of the agency's best, oh, he knew. Ranpo was closer to Dazai then one might assume. Dazai told him. Dazai had Ranpo, similar to how Chuuya had Koyo. Those two were the only people they ever told about thier relationship. 

Then there was the big day, the day Dazai proposed. Chuuya cried nodding and practically screaming yes, it happened very fast, they were on a date. 

Dazai and taken Chuuya up to a top of a hill cliffside where they could look all over Yokahama. The dazzling lights in the city contrasted to the dark moonlit patch of grass they sat with a tree to thier back.

There was a towel they sat and laid on, admiring the surrounding nature, and of course, eachother. 

Dazai and Chuuya sat there, Chuuya resting his head on Dazai's shoulder speaking softly, "We pretty much own Yokahama."

"I suppose." Dazai played with Chuuya's crab fluffy hair. 

"I'd stay in Yokahama forever," Chuuya paused, "With you."

A smile danced his way onto Dazai's lips, 'That sounds nice, better than suicide." 

Chuuya laughed, "Wow, okay you sap. Something better than suicide? Who are you and what have you done with Dazai?" 

"Hey, I'm serious!" Dazai stuck out his bottom lip.

"Okay, Okay I get it. That's sweet tho, that you'd wanna spend your life with me." Chuuya smirked, blushing slightly.

"I'm serious about that," Dazai's hands made its way into his pocket. 

Chuuya just smirked and cuddled closer to Dazai.



"Look at me-"

Chuuya sat up and looked Dazai in the eye, Dazai swiftly in one movement, was on one knee and pulled out a ring box from his pocket.

Chuuya's eyes widened, "Oh my god, OH MY GOD!"

"Chuuya, you're the love of my life and-"

"YES YES YES, A BILLION TIMES YES!" Chuuya was crying.

"Well, um- okay I guess I'll just use these as my wedding vows," Dazai shoved a notecard into his pocket.

Chuuya tackled him in a hug, "I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH-"

"Hey, I love you too," Dazai smirked and kissed Chuuya.

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