Chapter 2

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"Last one is the dance studio, hope you remembered everything!" Taehyung cheered as he showed the dance studio as if it was covered in gold.

"Thanks for showing me this. I really like dancing. How about you?" Jimin asked as he sat tiredly on the stone bench located on the hallway in front of the studio. They were walking for an hour straight, after all.

"I'm okay with it. We have dance class tomorrow and it would be fun to see you dance!" Taehyung giggled, but then he immediately slapped his mouth. He wouldn't want to creep out the new student too. "H-Hope you don't find me weird or anything."

"It's okay, I'm actually having a great time talking to you." The other confessed and offered Taehyung a seat beside him, but the other shook his head and declined, he was used at walking that his legs didn't feel tired at all.

"That's great," Taehyung swore he was blushing right now, taking note that the new, transfer student had a way with his words. "I'm glad I helped."


"Kook is the real man here, he got that pretty girl, Eunbi sit on his lap, how lucky." Hoseok laughed as he swung his arm over Yoongi and Jungkook's neck as they walked down the empty grass field of the school.

Namjoon was the only one who played along with him, replying a soft hum as he checked his phone while they walked.

"Wow, didn't know that. You were repeating the same thing for more than five times already," Yoongi sarcastically said. "Besides, we were with you, and we saw the exact same scenario."

"She probably saw you as a creep when you asked her to sit on your lap, hyung." Jungkook joined the conversation.

Yoongi mocked and gave a knowing smile to the youngest. "Hey, she's interested in you, plus she's gorgeous. Why don't you ask her out and ask her to be your girlfriend?"

Jungkook let out and awkward laugh as he tried to find the right words to say. "S-She's older than me." He gave himself mental slap on the forehead. Seriously? That was the sentence he came up with?

"But you like being called 'baby boy' don't you?" Hoseok teased and gave the flustered boy's side a nudge. "You're single, are you not?"

Jungkook knew the correct answer to himself, but of course, if he tells the truth and says, 'no, I'm not', these hyungs won't stop bugging him until he spills.

"Y-Yes I am, of course." he tried to reply on a firm voice to avoid suspicion.

"Hmm... then I'll set you both up on a date!" Hoseok cheered, reaching for the phone and started pressing buttons. Jungkook raised his arms to stop him, but with Hoseok's hard hardheadedness, he had no choice but to let the older do whatever he wants to.

"Hobi isn't that too fast?" Namjoon questioned.

"But if their date goes well, I can tell her to bring a friend and who knows? We might end up doing a double date." Hoseok snickered in delight at the thought. "And too late, I texted her already. Let's buy you some clothes later, kookie."

Jungkook sighed in defeat. When will he have the courage to be proud of who he is and show everyone about his love for Taehyung?

His footsteps halted when he saw an unexpected sight unfolding right in front of him. It was his boyfriend, Taehyung receiving a tight, warm looking hug by someone smaller than him.

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in anger. The other three noticed his behavior so they stopped to see what's wrong.

"Is that the new student?" Jungkook asked his hyungs who were confused.

"Hm? Yeah, I think he was the one introduced earlier this morning," Yoongi replied. "Looks like he became buddy buddy with Taehyung. I always thought that weird kid is gay."

Jungkook raised his brows slightly and became curious. "How can you tell?" 

"Can you see the way he looks at you at class? I think he has a crush on you."

"H-Ha ha, maybe not." Jungkook laughed it off and averted his eyes at Taehyung and the transfer student. But then, Hoseok's sudden outburst made him look back.

"O-Oh my gosh, are they kissing?!"

Hoseok was over reacting, the transfer student did give Taehyung a kiss, but a friendly peck on the cheek. Though that simple gesture of gratefulness didn't stop Jungkook from feeling jealous and irked.

"Hyung, I need to go to the bathroom. I'll catch up with you later." he waved them off a good bye and ran.

"Stomach ache?" Hoseok told nobody in particular as the boys watched the youngest of their group storming off.


As his usual routine, Jungkook went to the janitor's closet immediately. He pressed his knees closer to his chest as he cried, the events of what happened earlier replaying on his head.

The door creaked open, he wanted to look up to see who it was but after hearing a sweet voice saying 'kookie', he lowered his head down even more.

"I was looking for you, why are you here at this hour?" the guy, obviously Taehyung, asked as he crouched down to be directly at Jungkook's eye level.

"Why don't you wrap your arms around that new kid again? You looked like you're having much fun." Jungkook looked away, pretending like he doesn't care.

"Jungkook it's not what you think. I only toured him around the school. It's an act of kindness." Taehyung comforted and reached for his shoulder, but his hand got swatted away.

"'Kindness', my ass." Jungkook got a hold of the bracelet he gave Taehyung as an advance gift for his special day. "Don't you dare touch me. I don't even know why I gave this bracelet to you in advance. Maybe I should just take it back, rip it off--"

"No don't! Please, it's my only way of remembering I'm yours--"

"Don't interrupt me!"


Taehyung bit his lips on reflex after getting hit by the younger. He want to act like it was nothing, but the slap hurt him both physically and emotionally.

Realizing what he has done, Jungkook's eyes widened and wrapped his arms around Taehyung.

"B-Baby I'm sorry." he said as he kissed the swollen part of Taehyung's cheek. "Of course you're mine, and I won't take this bracelet away from you, if that's what you want."

Taehyung closed his eyes and leaned on Jungkook's neck, he adjusted their position so they can comfortably hug each other inside the closed room.

"I love you, Taehyung."

'Wish you could say that outside this room too.' Taehyung thought as he whispered back an 'I love you too'.

"I-I'll probably have a date tomorrow or this week," Jungkook sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck waiting for Taehyung's reply. "You know what I'm about to say next..."

"If I decline, they would be mad at me." Jungkook and Taehyung replied at the same time. Taehyung was an awesome boyfriend, he always remembers everything. Even those statements that he doesn't have to.

"That's your third date this month, Kookie." he said in a sad tone as he looked down on his lap twirling his fingers with one another.  "...when are we going to have an official date, where it's only you and me? Outside this closet?"

"That time would surely come, Tae," The younger ensured as he snuggled back to his boyfriend's neck. "And when that time comes, I promise to give you anything you want. So be prepared at what you would want to request."

Sometimes Taehyung can't help but to wonder if he's the official one. Jungkook does kiss his dates, plus, he never did anything farther than kissing to Taehyung yet.

He can't help but to be depressed and think he was just another fling of his.

But he can't let go, Taehyung was still waiting, patiently waiting, for that day, when Jungkook does his promises.

Though he always promises a lot, it was always forgotten the next morning.

This is a work of fan fiction. All events and occurrences in this book are all fictional and are a part of the author's imagination. None of the events and character's actions and dialogues in this book reflect reality.

Translation requests are NOT allowed. Thank you for understanding and respecting the author's decision.

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