Epilogue Part III : The End

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4000+ words for an ending special (the previous chapters only range from 600-1000 words)


The End


Jungkook's whole body stiffened after hearing a child say that. She ran to Taehyung and hugged him tightly. He always thought that television dramas were an exaggeration, but the way he felt at that moment was certainly not.

It was a little girl who was about the age of two or three. Her hair was tied into pigtails and she was wearing a knee length one piece straw colored dress.

"Seohee! Don't run you might trip. Where are your friends?"

"I don't know where they are because I stayed when I saw Papa crying earlier as he left. Are you okay?" the little girl showed Taehyung a concerned look. He can't help but to smile.

"Papa's okay. Don't be so worried, always smile."

The child pouted. "But you're always sad whenever you visit that tree trunk outside the dormitory at the next street."

Taehyung began explaining in a child done and did small gestures. "Um well... it's a memorial. Papa's special someone disappeared a long time ago in the hospital  he's no longer with us here now, so we decided to use that as a place where we can think about that person."

'So that's why he was there earlier' Jungkook thought. 'I'm glad he still remembers me. But he's happy now, and that's all that matters, right?'

Seohee's eyes showed amusement. "Should I put a memorial for my friends too? They disappeared and they are no longer with us right now!"

Taehyung awkwardly laughed. "Seohee, don't put it that way."

Jungkook looked at them from afar, he smiled. At least Taehyung's happy now even that he's gone. "So he didn't end up with Jimin and had a child? Maybe I should take my leave. 'll just ruin the mood if I show up." he said as he slowly stood up from where he was hiding.

"Ah, burglar! Papa call the police it's a bad guy!"

"Wow, twice in a row." Jungkook mentally cursed at how good a child's eyesight and awareness can be.

"Burglar?" Taehyung was about to look behind. Jungkook noticed this and quickly crouched back to hide. "What do you mean Seohee? That's just Jin hyung."


Jungkook turned around to see a man standing beside him who was waving to Taehyung and Seohee. He was holding a paper bag and was wearing a dark coat, a beanie and a scarf was wrapped around his neck. He was easy to be mistaken as a bad guy alright, but the man was definitely Jin.

"That's rude! I'm too handsome to be a burglar!" Jin playfully did a 'hmp', though as he did, a can of chips from his paper bag fell and rolled down to the car.

"Oh gosh this is bad." Jungkook muttered.

Taehyung noticed the can fell below the car so he stood up and began to walk to the stairs.

"I'll move the car for you so you can get it." he suggested.

"Ah, thanks." Jin sheepishly smiled. Though when he turned to his left, he immediately fell down to the ground with his butt first and shouted a loud scream.

"Jin hyung?" Taehyung asked the man who turned pale in a snap.

"Don't come here! It's a doppelganger! No wait, a ghost! Ghost!"

"U-Um... Hi." Jungkook waved at Jin, but then that only caused the older to shriek out even more.

"It waved! The ghost waves! The myths are true!"

"Seriously hyung, this is no time for your jokes," Taehyung shook his head and held Jin by the shoulder. "Don't tell me you were just so horrified that your food went under the car and--"

Jungkook gulped. 'Well if it's Taehyung I guess he'll react way more calm about this--'

"I'm just seeing things, please don't hunt me! I didn't do anything wrong, please forgive me Jungkook!" And with that Taehyung ran away to the stairs.

Jungkook sighed and followed him quickly once again. He forgot how big of a cute dork Taehyung was.

Because he was in a hurry, the older tripped at the first stair down and almost lost his balance, but thankfully he didn't because a hand firmly gripped his arm.

"Hey that's dangerous, Taehyung." Jungkook warned. His right hand held Taehyung's arm while his other was holding the iron barrier before the slope.

The two had eye contact with each other for a moment. As if everything went by on slow motion, Taehyung gulped and stared deeper into Jungkook's eyes.

"Y-You really are... but how..."

"W-Well, there's a lot to explain," Jungkook scratched his head and showed a goofy smile. "And Yoongi hyung just had to leave in such an important time."

"Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung repeated. "Is he related to why you suddenly appeared out of nowhere?"

"Yeah. Such plot convenience, right?"

"I literally devoted three years to see if you're recovering so be thankful. Don't make me regret my choice of not force shutting the machine keeping you alive sooner."

The three of them curiously looked at the person who spoke behind, it was Yoongi carrying his luggage with him.

Jungkook released an awkward laugh. "H-Ha... this time you're also joking right?"

And a glare from the older answered his question.

Taehyung helped Jin, who was still shocked from the surprise stand up and afterwards quickly held Yoongi by the sleeve, demanding to answer his questions and explain everything. And with no choice, Yoongi complied.

"So you explained that, but I'm still confused," Jin waved his pointer finger in the air and did some random shapes. "I don't understand science but I'll just accept the fact that you somehow cured Jungkook."

"I did not completely heal him, what am I, a magician or something?" Yoongi crossed his arms. "He's like a test subject so I have to keep an eye on him for a while and supply him medicines. For all I know I could've just prevented the inevitable to happen quick."

"Random question, but how did you get here, Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"I told you to meet me at the park after an hour." he glanced at his wristwatch. "I got here a bit early because my the person I have to talk to won't make it in time."

"Yes but why our you here?" Jungkook clarified.

"This is the park."

"So you knew Taehyung would be here all along?!"

Yoongi chuckled. "Have you enjoyed your treasure hunting experience? It's nice to walk around Seoul after three years, right?"

"Yeah and thanks I got accused for being a burglar twice in a row." Jungkook muttered and sighed at how smart could this person be.

"At the moment, is he alright?" Taehyung asked with a desperate tone.

"Uh, yes. As of now he's showing no signs of sickness or whatever. He just needs to take plenty of healthy foods, take medicines regularly and a good amount of rest for him to regain his original strength back."

Taehyung started to tear up a bit. "T-That's good," he ran to Jungkook's arms and gave him a warm bear hug. "Y-You're okay, I'm happy. Everything's alright now. Welcome back, I knew you would keep your promise."

Jungkook was surprised by the sudden action but either way, he held the other close and nuzzled his face on the other's his neck. "Yeah, I'm back."

Their moment together lasted for a while until an exhausted exhale came from stairs near the slope. "Where is the ghost? Is it gone, Papa? I was scared to go up."

"Oh, Seohee," Taehyung broke the hug and patted the little girl on the head "I'm sorry for scaring you. Jin hyung and I were just seeing things, there's no ghost."

Jungkook smiled at them, and then at Yoongi. "Well, I guess I'm satisfied. Let's go back Yoongi hyung."

Yoongi gave him a doubtful look. "What? Don't treat an airfare like a bus. Don't you want to stay a little bit longer?"

"You told me you need to monitor my health and..." Jungkook looked back at Taehyung and the kid named 'Seohee' arguing if ghosts exist or not. "I should leave things the way there are now, for the better. He looks so happy, I wished for him to be like this but I don't want to confuse his feelings once more. Besides," Jungkook clutched his chest and tear drop fell from his left eye. "I... I..."

"Okay so what drama are you recreating?" Jin asked in between munching on his snacks.

Yoongi just shook his head and turned away from the group. But then a voice from shouting from afar made him turn back with a somehow frustrated look on his face.


"You don't have to shout, this is an empty lot. I can hear you loud and clear."

"But if I don't you're just going to pretend that I'm non existent! How dare you end my call!"

Yoongi sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Somebody please shut him up."

After he wiped the tear that fell down his cheek, Jungkook waved at the person incoming. "Hoseok hyung!" he greeted with a smile.

And as expected, the person who just came tripped in surprise.

Yoongi who was completely annoyed earlier was now concerned. "H-Hey, are you okay?"

"W-Wait am I seeing things or what?" Hoseok squinted his eyes and pointed his shaking finger at Jungkook. "O-Oh boy."

"Being treated as a burglar twice and a ghost thrice. What a great day." Jungkook told himself before rushing down the stairs to help Hoseok up.

Hoseok stared at Jungkook's hand for a second before holding it. "Oh, the test subject I see, I see. I may appear simply happy go lucky sometimes, but I do know how to read in between the lines with my phone calls with Yoongs."

"I see, no explanations needed for you then." Yoongi went back to his usual self, as if he wasn't concerned about him earlier.

"And yeah by the way, no need to be worried, Yoongi," Hoseok said, dusting the dirt off him. "I didn't trip. I was pulled by gravity."

"Papa, the noisy guy is back!" Seohee yelped and hid behind Taehyung's legs.

Jungkook's face saddened. He forgot that he was still thinking deeply about earlier, but he was interrupted when Hoseok came.

"N-Noisy?!" Hoseok grumpily walked up the stairs as if he was ready to fight the kid.

"Seohee, you shouldn't talk to him like that." Taehyung scolded, though the child just pouted once again.

"But he's so loud, and he always pinches my cheeks and... and.. steals my chocolates!"

Hoseok held her by the waist and pulled her up, so she began to yell.

"Waaah, Papa save me!"

"Now, now, Seohee..." Taehyung tried to calm her down.

Not to mention, Yoongi and Jin were just coolly watching how things unfold right in front of them as they ate some mini brownies.

"How. many. times. do. I. have to. tell. you," Hoseok said his words in between pauses. "He's not Papa, I'm your Dad. Do you understand, Jung Seohee?" And as he finished, he pinched the little girl's cheek.

"No, Papa is better!"

A few seconds after, a small group five ran towards the slope. They were all around the same age as Seohee.

"We finally found you, Seohee! We were so worried, we thought we lost you." one of the kids said with a relieved sigh.

"It's great you're with papa, he'll protect you from the bad guys!" another one said with glee.

Seokjin approached the kids and smiled at them. "Okay, since you just finished playing, let's go back to your classroom. Fix your things and let's clean before your parents arrive. Your Papa needs to talk to someone."

"Yes Mr Handsome!" the kids said in chorus before walking into the building that Jungkook saw earlier.

"I'll accompany these kids. See you later." Jin did a wink at Taehyung and the others before leaving the area with the children.

"Why are you letting these kids call you names, seriously." Yoongi told nobody in particular.

Hoseok did a light scowl. "Great, another reason to hate Taehyung after three years. Why do you let your students call you 'Papa'? Is it a kink or what?"

"W-Well... Jin asked the kids to call him 'Mr Handsome' and he suggested for me to do the same so I just asked for them to call me 'Papa' because you know, I like taking care of kids and I wouldn't feel lonely that way." Taehyung fidgeted his fingers as he explained.

"See? Papa is so cool!" Seohee cheered before joining Jin and the other kids, making Hoseok's face turn sour again.

Hoseok looked around and saw Jungkook's confused face. He was debating whether to feel sorry because the younger was definitely trying his best to take all of these new information at once, or if he should laugh at how cute Jungkook's puzzled expression looked at the moment.

"About a year after graduation, I got married and yeah, that's where Seohee came in. You don't have to overthink about it." Hoseok explained in simple words.

"I-I see..." Jungkook smiled in relief.

"I get it. You were crying and being dramatic earlier because you thought Taehyung has a family of his own now?" Yoongi said without hesitation. Jungkook coughed as if he was punched right at the stomach.

"Y-You didn't have to expose it that way, hyung."

"You were crying?" Taehyung asked, holding Jungkook's hand as he did.

"I-I um... you know, I just thought. I guess I assumed ha... ha... sorry."

Taehyung couldn't help but to laugh out loud and hugged Jungkook tightly after.

"It's just ironic. Maybe I shouldn't had let them call me 'Papa'. D-Did I hurt you or..."

"It's okay, I'm just relieved that...you know." Jungkook smiled and kissed Taehyung's hand. The other two watching from behind were awed from watching them reunite.

"Fun fact," Hoseok said. "I think that was the best laugh he had for three years."

"Should we leave them alone?" Yoongi suggested. Though he didn't need to wait was Hoseok's reply, both of them just walked off the scene on reflex.

"I-I'm sorry for this." Jungkook apologized, but he was still holding Taehyung's hands as if he doesn't want to let go.

"What are you sorry for?" Taehyung asked.

"A while ago-- I mean, three years ago... I told you to find someone better but now here I am, pulling you back," Jungkook chuckled. "It isn't really that different from what I've been doing back then at school right? When I push you away but then I still keep holding on to you?"

Taehyung shook his head and wrapped his arms behind the younger's neck.

Jungkook pulled him by the waist and continued. "I thought you found someone better for real, but when I saw you having fun with a kid that I thought was your child I felt so... heart broken, like I wanted you back. I'm crazily indecisive, right?"

"Jungkook," Taehyung called his name. His voice sounded so sweet, it was enough for the younger to tear up in joy. "We went through so much together. Would I just store away our memories like that and move on that easily? I know you want me to be happy, but still, even though my worst moments were with you also, that doesn't change the fact that my happiest moments were also when I was with you."

"But what if I never came back? What if I was dead? Would you continue on living by yourself like this?"

"That's why I decided to be a pre school teacher," Taehyung smiled. "I'm doing something I love and I have fun do distract myself. It was my best choice."

"... I wouldn't leave you again."

"I've endured everything for months and waited  for you to reveal our secret to everybody, nobody knows about it but the two of us. So what could a lifetime be?"

Jungkook cried. He was unsure if it were brought by being touched or his happiness at the moment.

"You're too good, I don't deserve you."

"But I don't need anyone else but you. These three years felt so lonely but everything was worth it. We have to thank Yoongi hyung later."

Taehyung moved forward and locked his lips with Jungkook. Their relationship was now out of the janitor's closet. It was a fresh start for the two who believed in two different perspective of love.

It all started when one was too loyal to the other to let go, and the other was to self centered to share his problems and decided to settle things in a way only he could be hurt.

"Hey, Jungkook?" Taehyung said as he broke this kiss.


"I love you."



Jungkook laughed at what he just did and poked the older on the forehead.

"I was just joking. This time, no more secrets, no more regrets.." Jungkook smiled and gave the other another kiss on the forehead. "I love you too, Kim Taehyung. And I'm more than ready to let everyone know."



dear readers,

since that was the last chapter of this book, please let me know in my private messages, the comments section or my message board about what you thought throughout reading the book. did you relate to some moments? did some scenes made you cry? laugh? mad? shocked? i'm looking forward to see your remarks.

i could've made that a bit more dramatic, but i decided not to because this book is an entire drama itself. i thought about ending it light. to be honest, i just wanted to make this book a 'scratch' and unpublish it after four chapters, but i never would've thought people would give it a chance, read it, and give it some love. thank you so much!!

i'm not a professional writer and i was in a hiatus for a long time so i felt like i forgot how to write, lol. i apologize if these last few chapters sucked ;(

but still, thank you for those who patiently waited for an update. i can't thank you enough. i'm glad that i can finally put a check mark on this book!! i'm still not accepting translation requests to "our secret" if you're wondering.

"who was hoseok's wife?" i thought i should give eunbi a cameo here as the two of them ending up together but i'm having second thoughts of just leaving the things they are right now, and so i did. i'll just say "i'll leave that to your imagination"

"why is yoongi lowkey hostile?" i honestly thought of him as the "sarcastic but caring" character of the group. it was fun to give him some 'screentime' at the end lol

"i thought you said the ending was sad"? it was supposed to be. to be honest, epilogue should've never existed and it was supposed to end up jungkook dying and taehyung just moving on by keeping jungkook's memories with him. i just thought it was very "unfulfilling" so i decided to make this epilogue. leave your thoughts in the comments if you want to see an alternate ending about this or you're happy about the current ending.

"what happened to jimin?" scroll down for an "extended ending". you know, that "after credits" type of stuff haha :')


[ extended ending ]

"You were like a fairy god mother in a fairy tale, Yoongi." Hoseok mimicked the action of a fairy waving a wand as he said so. "Who knew you actually had a kind heart?"

Yoongi slapped Hoseok's hand away that was still waving around the air. "Shut up, I always had a pure soul."

"I think your reply was unrelated."

"And I think your 'compliment' was uncalled for."

"Why are you so mean?"Hoseok said and jokingly pushed Yoongi's side with his arm, making the other lose his balance for a bit.

"I could say the same for you." Yoongi muttered. He then sighed after he finally regained his balance.

"What? I heard that!"

The two were about to argue further but they stopped after seeing Namjoon walking to them coolly like a professional from the opposite direction.

"Oh, hi. Was I late to see the drama?" he said while waving his hands as a greeting. Namjoon noticed how Yoongi and Hoseok didn't reply, he deducted that they were in between a 'friendly fight' at the moment.

"Why are you staring and smiling like that, Namjoon?" Hoseok asked looking at Namjoon as if he was a creep.

"O-Oh, nothing. I just realized that nothing much has changed with your personalities." Namjoon smiled, making Yoongi cross his arms and look away.

"Yeah, and Hoseok won't even try his best to act matured enough," Yoongi crossed his arms and shook his head in disappointment. "He has his own family to care of now and he still acts the same as ever."

"Oh right. Speaking of, I passed by Seohee earlier and she said she wants to go home early but your wallet was in her backpack," Namjoon pointed his thumb at the direction behind him. "She was worried you won't be able to get home so she'll be waiting for you at the bus stop."

Hoseok slouched his shoulders. "Jeez, why didn't you just get my wallet for me if you're coming here too?"

Namjoon shrugged. "Apparently, someone taught her to not give away personal belongings to other people."

"Fine, fine. I taught her that and now I have to go. I'll be back." Hoseok yawned and jogged to the location Namjoon just told him.

With Hoseok finally out of the picture for a while, Namjoon chuckled and leaned on a wall nearby.

"I wasn't there but I can probably guess what could've happened," he smiled. "You sent Jungkook there, and he most likely saw Taehyung with his students calling him 'Papa'. So, how did he react?"

"Thinking that Taehyung finally has a family of his own, Jungkook was heart broken, his face was very gloomy..." Yoongi paused as he felt the wind blowing over to their direction. "He wanted to cry his heart out right then and there after seeing his loved one with a child but he did it silently to not trouble the others. I bet he wished that it was a joke..."


Yoongi stretched his arms and yawned. "Well, it's great that things turned out quite good for him."

Namjoon carefully analyzed Yoongi's face. He couldn't help but to smile sadly and look at the opposite direction of the road.

"You know that feeling quite well."

Yoongi's hands froze as he stretched and glanced at the direction Namjoon was looking at, it was the path to the bus stop. Afterwards, he closed his eyes and released a deep sigh.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Namjoon just stared at Yoongi wiith a satisfied look. "Your face says otherwise."


A few minutes later, Hoseok returned. And once again, he was being loud.

"He~ey!" he cheered. "I found this guy who was lost so I brought him with me!"

Namjoon was curious so he squinted his eyes to see who it was with Hoseok. It was someone familiar as well, Park Jimin.

"I-I'm not lost, I was just looking for somebody." Jimin timidly replied, waving his hands around to quiet Hoseok down.

"Oh? It's you." Yoongi said after the two who just arrived got closer.

"Yoongi hyung, I'm sorry I asked to meet you when you're just returning to Seoul and now you had to adjust because I was late. I'm sorry!" Jimin bowed respectfully. Yoongi slightly stretched his arm out and stopped Jimin from bowing.

"It's okay, stop saying you're sorry. So, what did you want to talk about?"

Jimin nervously gulped and the thing he was holding fell down to the ground. He panicked, but Yoongi reached down to get it on reflex.


"Um yeah, they're for...um..."

"Oh, I see. I must've slipped about Jungkook when I talked to you on the phone. Do you want to see him now and give these to him as a recovery gift?"

"Jungkook? Isn't he..." Jimin titled his head in curiosity. He released a silent 'oh' and sighed sneakily. "O-Oh yeah, Jungkook! Yes, I wanted to talk to you about him. Where is he?"

"The spot where we left him and Taehyung isn't too far from here. I'll take you to them."

This time, Yoongi was the one who left. Namjoon lightly hit his forehead with his palm and released an uncontrollable sigh.

"Well that Jimin moved on from Taehyung quick. I guess he just respected that Taehyung's feelings for Jungkook wouldn't disappear just like that," Hoseok crossed his arms and stared at the two as they walked back to where they left Jungkook and Taehyung. "Though seriously, man. Yoongi has no game."

Namjoon tapped Hoseok's shoulder. "I couldn't blame him though, he's still preoccupied with some thoughts. Maybe that guy could help calm his sarcastic heart."

"...Yeah, I guess. I still feel guilty about one of the reasons why Yoongs is like that."

Namjoon's hand on Hoseok's shoulder tightened. He was shocked, this was the first news to him today. How did he know?

Hoseok was looking at him with a straight face. "Knew it, I just had to confirm."

"How did you arrive to that conclusion?"

"We've all been friends for a while and I know your expressions and everything," Hoseok said. "Everyone showed happiness in their faces when the marriage happened two years ago. Except for one person. Well, he usually doesn't smile. And I actually preferred if he didn't," he turned his palm into fists. "At least it is way better than a forced smile with no emotion at all."

"So you knew all along." Namjoon sighed once again, remenicsing the event Hoseok described.

"I should've considered his feelings earlier even though I couldn't return it," Hoseok's fists were still shaking, he hated himself the most. "I even asked him to be the pianist for the wedding. At first he declined because he said he can't attend, but I jokingly told him that he was being selfish so he did... I'm the worst best friend ever."


"I hope Jimin would at least give him the love he deserves."

--- end of extended ending ---

how was it??

that was kinda okay??. i considered the thought of having a sequel or you know, a second book related to this one but is about yoongi but idk i think i'll just confuse things further xD

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