Chapter 7

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I woke up to a warm body against mine. I lightly smiled at Nagisa as he laid with me. My mind started to wander 'he's cute' i thought. 'Wait, what am I thinking. He's my best friend I can't think like that about him. Plus he's a boy' I argued with my self. 'Yah but a cute one' 'damn you stupid mind got me thinking all kinds of wired shit' 'hmmmm now that I'm thinking about it I've never actually had a crush on a female' 'welp guess I know why now, but wait I'm gay and like nagisa' 'but would he like me back' I asked my self in my mind. 'Welp I have nothing to lose other than him I'll tell him later.

Ok sorry for not updating in a while I like to procrastinate. Also I have decided to do a word count for the chapters.~ PD
P.s. Thanks for reading my little dragonflys
Word count: 162

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