Chapter 29

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Riley stared down at the melting snow, dirty slush sparkling from the light coming from Milton's Midtown. Eran sighed, releasing another cloud of breath into the night air.

They just stood there.

Eran glanced at Riley. "Go." He gestured his eyes to the door.

"Excuse me, sir, but why don't you?"

Eran bit his lip. "Just go in."

Riley frowned and pouted. "Are you embarrassed to be with me?"

It was obvious that Riley was playing innocent. "Yes," Eran replied plainly.

"For some reason, that response kind of turned me on."

Eran could feel the heat rise to his cheeks and turned away. As if he wasn't already embarrassed enough. He clicked his tongue. Masochist.

There was a strange sound as Eran's head was hit by the opening restaurant door. He heard Riley snicker, but how could he be bothered when Riley then brought Eran's head to his chest to gently and comfortingly pet Eran's hair? Riley and Eran stepped away as a man and woman appeared from behind the door. There was a moment of awkward hesitation as the man was kind enough to hold the door open for the two men to enter.

"Thanks," Riley said, smiling but waving his hand. "Need to make a phone call."

"Oh, okay." The man let go of the door and nodded once. "Have a good night."

Once the man and woman were gone, Riley put his phone away.

"Quick thinking. Weird excuse." Eran stood with his hands in his coat pockets.

"I only made it because you're being a coward."

Eran glared. "I—you..." He stuffed his hands deeper into the pockets.

"You're afraid."


"But there isn't anything to be afraid of." Riley moved closer to Eran. Eran took a step back but met with the wall of the building. Riley's calm eyes seemed to soothe him.

I want to kiss you. Don't look at me like that. I'll actually feel like everything will be okay. Eran averted Riley's gaze by looking down.

"I want to kiss you."

Eran looked up at Riley, surprised by the whispered mirror of his thoughts. The way Riley was looking at Eran—with eyes a little sad, but calm and mature—for a moment, he might have accepted a kiss. He shook his head, coming back to his senses.

Before he could say, "Let's go," Riley was holding out his hand low for Eran. He took it and followed as Riley led him into the restaurant, their hands behind Riley's back, hidden from anyone's sight.

How can this near-adult who's six years younger than me make me feel so safe? Riley's hand was cold from having stood outside, but at the same time, it was too warm. Eran wondered if his boyfriend could feel the pulse of his speeding heart.

"He's not here," Riley muttered. Eran peeked from behind him and saw no Bubba standing behind the counter or in the kitchen.

Just as Eran started to relax, Riley let go of his hand once they reached Eran's regular spot at the bar. Eran found himself feeling a little shocked by the suddenness of it.

"Hey," Riley said and Eran looked up. When did he...?! He then recalled that while he was distracted, he might have heard Bubba's voice say, 'Well, look who it is.'

Riley sat down as Bubba approached the counter. On the other hand, Eran took his time getting seated.

"You." Bubba pointed a finger at Riley, frowning.

Riley smiled. "Me?"

"Since you've been cooking for Eran," Bubba gave a thumbs up and smiled a bit, "I suddenly have more money in my bank account." He looked at Eran whose eyes were diverted. "How's it that I lose a customer, but make more money?" Bubba gave a teasing grin.

Eran responded with a scoff.

"We will gladly pay you today." Riley's smile could win anyone over, Eran thought. "Oh!" Riley seemed to realise something as snapped his fingers and pointed.

Eran was confused for a second before recalling. Oh right; Bubba said he'd treat us. Riley won't admit It, will he?! Riley looked at Eran with eyes that didn't ask for permission, but left all further statements for Eran to decide.

Eran mumbled, or more like grumbled, "We're not paying..."

Bubba blinked once.

"Yeah." Riley leaned onto the counter. "Anyway, I want hot chocolate."

"Sure." Bubba grabbed a mug from a stack behind the counter. "But, hey, come over every once in a while, even if you just order coffee. It gets boring on nights like this." He gestured with his hand by moving it 180 degrees in the direction of the quiet dining area. "So, since it's pretty empty, feel free to tell me all about it." He drawled out the 'a' in 'all' and grinned. He knows. "But first," Bubba held up a jar in one hand and a canister in the other, "marshmallows or whipped cream?"

Riley smiled charmingly at Eran. "Marshmallows. I think whipped cream isn't very safe."

Eran couldn't fight back a blush as he glared at Riley. As much as it pisses me off... Eran sighed, giving up. He's probably right.

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