Chapter 4*

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When Eran came through the doors of Milton's Midtown, he was immediately greeted by the restaurant's owner and his high school classmate, Bubba. "As much as you come here, you'd figure I was your mom."

Taking off his coat, Eran slid into his usual stool. "I want mac n' cheese." Smiling sarcastically, he childishly rocked back and forth on the dark vinyl. The diner wasn't too busy, Eran figured from the absence of Bubba's sous chefs. Although the place did well, it was pretty small and extra staff was only needed on Fridays, weekends, and holidays. Bubba was a beast in the kitchen somehow managing it all on his own at other times.

Bubba pushed his horn-rimmed glasses up his nose, looking unamused. "So what will it be?"

"Um," Eran hummed. "I dunno... Whatever the last thing you served was."

With amusement in his expression and tone, Bubba replied, "Grilled salmon?"

Eran looked sickened. Bubba gestured with his thumb to the chalkboard above the bar nearest to the door. Today's Feature: Fresh Fish (salmon, halibut, trout). Eran wasn't a particularly picky eater, but fish was one thing he couldn't stand.

"I'll change it to chicken," Bubba offered.

Eran watched as Bubba began preparing his food in the open kitchen. "Any interesting customers today?"

"Nah, just the regulars and some regular people." Someone entered the restaurant and Bubba paused, hovering a lid over its pot as he welcomed them. "Well," he added to Eran, "there was one weird guy who ordered 'Whatever the last person ordered.'"

"He sounds more unimaginative than weird."

Unfreezing, Bubba nodded. "Maybe lazy's a good word too." He took a few strides to the register to meet the customer who had just entered, grabbing a full to-go bag on the way.

For some reason, the man decided to include himself in the conversation. "Indecisive too." It was apparent he thought they were talking about a non-present customer. Bubba stifled a snicker as he exchanged money with the man.

"Ha. Ha." Eran sounded like a robot trying to laugh. Apparently, it was enough for the guy to leave waving a friendly goodbye.

Bubba glanced at Eran, puffing out his cheeks, still holding back a laugh.

It really isn't that funny.

"What about you? See an interesting bacterium today?"

There was a scoff and then, "Yeah, one was particularly disgusting."

"Why do I feel like you're talking about a person?" 

Soon after, a plate of grilled chicken (salmon substitute), rice pilaf, and asparagus was placed in front of Eran.

"Talk about unimaginative," Eran stared at the classic dinner. "Anyone order meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and peas?"

The two chatted, continuing a bit after Eran finished eating.

"I want pizza next time. Remind me." Eran reached into his coat pocket for his wallet. I'm sure it was in this one. Bubba watched as Eran searched the other pockets. Eran's fists fell onto the counter with enough force to make Bubba raise his eyebrows in surprise. "That kid," he glared off into space while clenching his fists.

"Did'ya get your wallet stolen?"

Eran explained that he saw the teenager at the convenience store some days ago and then just now smoking at the park.

"Your lecture failed?" Bubba seemed to think for a moment as he stroked his stubbly goatee. "He must've been nineteen."

"And still in high school?" 

Bubba shrugged. "People fail." 

"Maybe..." It'd mean he was even more offended than I thought. "Regardless, did he take it as revenge or is taking wallets his hobby?"

"I'll put it on your tab."

"Is that a dysphemism for 'It's on the house'?"

"I can't give special treatment. It's irresponsible as an owner."

Eran put on his wallet-less coat. "Didn't you give that elderly man who had trouble counting a discount the other day?"

Bubba waved his hand dismissively. "He was old. Rules don't apply to seniors." As Eran walked away from the counter, he heard Bubba say, "I have a feeling you'll run into that kid again." Eran turned around, smiled sarcastically and waved, then left.

If he has my wallet, I hope I do run into him. I'll dislocate every one of his fingers.

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