Chapter 50*

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The university auditorium was humming with excitement. Eran looked around at the well-to-do families of Riley's classmates and tried to remember his own graduation.

"I'm bored already," Elias murmured from the seat beside him.

A month before, Eran had begged Elias to attend the graduation with him. Elias had finally relented, saying, "You owe me."

Although Riley was graduating high school and therefore a major chapter of adolescence, Eran felt little excitement and found himself sighing during the ceremony. "This is really boring."

Elias slouched down more in his seat. "There's something wrong with this whole tradition if both the kids and their families are bored."

When Riley's name was finally called, Eran did feel a surge of something. He's officially mine. No longer a high school student. No longer a kid. Okay, still a teen but at least he's not in compulsory schooling anymore.

Once everything had ended, Eran and Elias stood outside. Riley came bounding up, smiling. He's still a kid after all.

"Hm? Where are my flowers?" he asked Eran.

"Is that a joke or did you really want flowers?" For a brief second, Eran worried.

Riley smiled innocently. "I'd rather have you."

Elias responded with a micro disgusted face.

"I'm a graduate now, does that mean we can touch in public?" Riley had seemed to calm down a lot since he first came over. Wait, did he seriously want flowers? Or was he jokingly exaggerating when he first came?

"Not until tomorrow." Eran looked sideways.


"You're a fresh graduate."

Elias interrupted. "I'm leaving then."

Before he could take a step in any direction, Jay jumped on him from behind, wrapping an arm around his neck. "Leaving so soon? Why?"

"Ow." Elias pried Jay off just as Jay's parents and sister approached the bunch.

They congratulated Riley. Eran noticed Jay's little sister, remembering Jay said he was her type. He glanced at Riley to see any reaction.

"Thanks," Riley gestured to Eran. "This is Eran. He's been taking care of me."

Jay's parents introduced themselves as Sam and Katherine as they and Eran exchanged greetings.

Jay bounced on his heels. "And so, this is Elias, Eran's friend. Don't be fooled by his face. He's actually excited to be here. Right?"

Elias smiled politely. "Has he always been so carefree?" Jay's parents responded with apologetic hums and haws.

Jay's sister glanced around. "This is the school you and Riley are going to?"

Jay looked at his sister. "Oh crap. I forgot about Ashley."

"Ass---... jerk. Riley already told me," she explained, rolling her eyes.

Katherine looked on questioningly. "Told you what?"

Jay, Ashley, and Riley replied simultaneously, "Nothing."

Ashley crossed her arms. "He looks short next to Riley, anyway."

...Our heights are compatible., Eran tried turning negative thoughts into positive ones.

Sam then asked, "Were you all planning on doing something? It might be weird to eat with parents, but we've got a feast set up at home."

Jay grinned. "Riley, you should come."

Elias took a step away. "I'm going home."

Jay grabbed his arm. "No way! You're coming too."

"I'm completely unrelated."

Sam assured, "You're all welcome."

Riley shrugged. "Sure."

Eran glanced at Riley. "If Riley is going..."

"Mom, Dad, Elias is going to tutor me."

Elias's look of shock was genuine. "I never agreed to that."

Jay scowled with annoyance. "Why are you so honest?"

Elias returned the look with much less intensity. "Why are you so dishonest?"

"Ah, Riley," Sam mentioned once they entered the Stacks' home. "Can you start working next week? Summer is a busier time for the store. It's when families and college students make their moves, you know."

"Sure." He followed everyone into the dining room.

"I'll work too," Jay told his dad as he passed them to help his mom finish setting up.

Eran tried to hide his displeasure. They'd narrowly avoided an argument about Riley working. It started with Riley saying he wanted a motorcycle. Of course Eran's reply was, "No way."

"Then let me get a full-time job so I can buy a car," Riley had offered. Eran rejected that idea as well.

"Well what am I supposed to do?" He told Riley to take public transportation, as his college was on the opposite side of the town from Eran's. "Then take it with me. We can split up half way. It's eco-friendly too, right?" Eran refused to which Riley called him a snob and that was the end of that.

Eran just hoped Riley would stop working once school started like they'd agreed.

The Stacks's doorbell rang.

"Who is that?" Ashley asked.

Sam went to get the door as Katherine and Jay continued doing what they were doing with looks of disinterest.

The front door closed and Eran noticed the sound of an additional pair of footsteps. When he looked up, Sam walked in with Riley's dad.

Riley, who was standing beside Jay, gnawing on a carrot stick, froze.

"Sorry I'm late," Noah smiled.

"It's okay. Thanks."

Everyone commenced doing whatever they'd been doing before the unexpected guest showed up.

Jay glanced at Riley. "That lacked feels." He sounded disappointed.

Riley shrugged. Noah sat down across from Eran. "How's it going?"

Eran was about to reply when Elias called, "Jay."

Jay dropped a cherry tomato he was putting in a dish. "H-huh?" Riley watched Jay's flustered reaction closely.

Eran replied to Noah. "It's been fine."

Elias, unfazed, ordered, "Bring that over here."

Riley carried the dish of tomatoes to Elias. "I want a motorcycle."

Eran clicked his tongue before he could catch himself.

Noah chuckled as Riley sat down beside Eran.

"You shouldn't ask for something the first time you see your father." Eran reprimanded.

Riley frowned. "I'm not asking for anything. I'm just saying I want it."

He's so manipulative.

"You cut your hair, eh? It looks good." 

Riley thanked his father for the compliment, glancing at Eran who gave him a sharp look in return. Don't look at me. You did that on your own. 

Noah continued, "So, Riley and Jay are going to the same university? Didn't you want to go to Eran's school, Riley?"

"I went to the university visits, and I decided I liked my second choice better."

Ashley pouted. "Why aren't you getting an apartment or dorm room with Jay? I was supposed to be an only child after he graduated."

Riley seemed to realize something. "Ah."

Jay sneered at his sister. "Eli—"

"Don't even joke," Elias warned.

"The dorms are expensive," Katherine told her. "And we want Jay to get some more experience with the store while he's schooling."

If not for me, Riley would be experiencing college dorm life with Jay. Should we move? Right now, their location favored Eran's day-to-day life, but if they moved, they could be equal distance from Riley's life—his job, friends, and school.

Eran glanced at Riley. It looked like Riley was perseverating over something. Jay looked lost in thought too.

When should I talk to him about it? He didn't want Riley to feel down, distracted about it the whole time they were there. It's strange to do so but... He took out his phone and discreetly texted Riley: 'Should we move?'

Riley replied: 'Really?'

Eran: 'I think it'd be good if you're okay with it.'

Riley announced, "We're moving."

What is he saying just out of the blue?!

Jay asked, "Did you just text each other about it?"


There was a silence.

Katherine spoke, "Kids these days and their texting."

Was I just called a kid? I guess I am a kid to them. They're almost twice my age I think.

"I'll be coming to visit then," Jay informed the couple.

Elias feigned a contemplative look. "If he's visiting, then I should get to too."

"I'm putting in money," Riley said with a determined look. "Even if it's only like, $500."

Noah laughed to himself. "If you two buy a place together, I'll really feel like I'm giving you away... Take good care of him, Eran."

This just got really awkward. Eran was starting to feel horrified.

Katherine turned to Jay. "Let's wait a while, okay?" It sounded like a plea.

Sam patted his wife on the arm. "I don't think Jay's going to settle down for a while. He's like me when I was his age."

"Dad, please don't."

Elias's mouth twisted as he suppressed an amused smile.

"Why don't I bring out the champagne?" Sam asked, already standing up. "If Riley can have some, I'll give some to Jay. You're almost 19 anyway."

Katherine blinked. "Haha, when did we discuss this?"

"It's fine, it's fine," Sam said, as he brought out glasses.

Riley glanced at Eran who would surely be concerned about his boyfriend's drinking, then looked at his lax dad. "Are you the one I ask?"

Noah chuckled and responded without skipping a beat. "I'm the one that'd say it's okay."

"Then you're the one."

Sam brought out seven glasses and a bottle. Ashley wasn't offered any and sat pouting as Sam forced everyone into a toast.

"To the future!"

Elias cringed. Katherine flinched. Noah nodded. Riley blinked. Ashley rolled her eyes. Eran felt like disappearing.

Jay snorted. "That's so cheesy."

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