Part 5 - Chapter 21

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Eran glared at Riley who was sitting on the stairs at the side of a downtown club with his friends, leaning on Jay's arm. Riley squinted up at Eran as if he couldn't see, then hid his face in Jay's hood.

"We really didn't have anyone else to call," Jay explained, carefully pushing Riley up. "You're the most trustworthy person Riley knows."

"Don't worry," Tony assured. Riley put his hands over his eyes and moved them away as if playing peek-a-boo. No... it was as if he testing whether Eran would disappear when he uncovered his eyes. "He's not a huge problem. Just a troublemaking, happy, careless drunk. It's just..."

"Basically, his mental state was already shit after the first beer," Jay said frankly.

Eran's glare turned into a look of pure incomprehension. "Why?"

Jay looked like he wasn't sure how to word it, as Riley stood up and started to walk towards the club doors. Jay grabbed his arm and pulled him back before he got too far. So, Tony took over. "The only clue all night was the one time he said, 'Eran's a dick.'"

Riley sat down back on the stairs and looked at his shoes. Jay put his palm on his face and looked at Eran pleadingly.

"I'll be nice," Eran assured Jay. "Riley," he called, frowning.

Jay helped Riley stand. The drunk hugged, or rather fell into Jay. "Nooooo thanks. The night is still young."

Jay pried him off and Eran held out his hand to take Riley's arm. Riley stared at it then tapped it away with his fist. He waved both his hands at Tony and Jay. "Byeeeeeeeee," he said to his friends before turning to follow Eran.

"I had to park a little ways away," Eran informed Riley, despite being unsure if the teen was listening. Riley walked circles around Eran. At a crosswalk, Eran had to grab Riley's arm to pull him back during the red light, lest he get hit by a car. Riley stumbled into Eran who sighed in response. Thankfully, they were getting closer to Eran's car.

"I've got your walleeeeet," Riley sang then laughed like it was truly funny.

"Impressive. Such quick hands. But I need that if I'm going to take you home or anywhere."

Riley put the wallet under the belt of his jeans. "Sure." He shrugged. "If you can get it yourself."

Riley seemed sure Eran wouldn't dare. But Eran grabbed Riley's arm and pulled him closer, looked him in the eye, and removed the wallet from before pushing Riley away by gently hitting his head. As Eran continued walking, Riley dramatically stumbled and hit the nearest wall softly.

He bent forward slightly as if his stomach hurt. "Hahaha!" Eran stopped walking and turned around. "Now I'm kinda..."

Eran stared at Riley. What the hell is going on? The young man was still smiling, but now sadly. "Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?"

Huh? What is he talking about? What could he be thinking? To figure out Riley's intentions, Eran responded vaguely. "Why should I?"

Riley laughed and stood up straight. "You're right. I knew it from the start. That it's none of my business, right?" He started to walk past Eran. "I'm going home."

Eran stopped him by grabbing onto his sleeve. "You think I'll let you go home in this state?" Riley laughed softly again and started to say something, but Eran cut him off. "I don't have a girlfriend, dumbass."

"What about that girl with the short wavy hair?"

"Sienna? She's just a colleague. I don't know where or---... Don't tell me, you saw... today... I-if that's it, she confessed and I rejected her. That's all."

Riley seemed to reach a realization.

"Let's go. I have some stuff for a hangover at my apartment."

During the car ride, Riley was silently staring out the window with no amusement and no vigor left in his eyes. Eran remained silent as well. Why did he go get drunk? He said he'd stopped that lifestyle. Did he lie or did something happen? His attitude completely changed when he brought up Sienna. And he didn't start ignoring me until today. It's better to just ask him directly.

When they arrived, Eran walked into the living room. Riley leaned on the wall near the door. "Sit down," Eran directed in a calm, firm voice. Riley continued to stand there, looking soulless---a look Eran had never seen before. It made Eran feel like the void in Riley's eyes was drifting into his own chest. He pleaded in a softer tone, "Sit down." It was on impulse as well as the expression that mimicked it.

Riley looked taken off guard, then suddenly seemed as if he would cry. He walked towards Eran, but instead of sitting down on the sofa, he stopped to stand in front of the man. Staring into Eran's eyes, Riley asked, "Do you really not have a girlfriend?"

Eran was a bit surprised that Riley would ask again. He stared back into Riley's eyes and replied clearly, "I don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend or anything." Suddenly, he felt himself pushed into Riley's chest and arms wrap around him. Within Riley's embrace, the startled Eran didn't know what to do. Ah, it's just because he's drunk... Eran reasoned.

Then Eran heard Riley's voice close to his ear. "I don't want anyone to take you."

Eran felt his heart begin to race. It confirmed that Riley felt just as selfish as Eran. He means it... He wants to stay with me. His arms rose on their own and wrapped around Riley's back. I'm not going anywhere. "Stupid." With sudden, heavy emotions, he couldn't help but clench at Riley's shirt as he slowly squeezed his eyes shut. "You're enough..."

Within a second, Riley's hold loosened and he hesitantly moved his arms away.

Eran watched as Riley looked to the side with eyes that began to tremble. Suddenly, he walked away quickly towards the door. Whe- "I'm going home."

Eran was filled with so much shock and anxiety that it was a couple of seconds before he chased after Riley. As Riley grabbed his jacket, Eran grabbed Riley's arm. "Don't." What the hell? Now I'm going to... Eran felt his own eye itch. He fought back the moisture and made a horrible attempt to look and sound normal.

Riley pulled his arm away and said, "Don't touch me," not meeting Eran's eyes.

The heaviness in Eran's chest changed to a tightening as he filled with anger and frustration. He grabbed Riley's arm again, pulled him closer and glared, yet the vulnerability refused to leave his gaze.

"What the hell? You hug me then tell me not to touch you?" Self-centered. The both of us.

Riley looked hurt and gave a cynical smirk. Or was it simply sad? "If I stay..." Like Eran, he couldn't hold the normal expression and looked Eran in the eyes exposing his own pain. "...I'll definitely kiss you." His arms began to tremble, asking to be set free.

Eran stopped glaring. He felt his stomach leap as he was shocked again. No, maybe it wasn't really shock.

Eran's hand loosened and he lowered their arms at a moderate pace, still maintaining a very light touch. He moved his hand along Riley's forearm, the tops of his fingers along Riley's wrist then the palm of the hand until finally letting the tips of his fingers drop off the ends of Riley's.

"So?" Eran knew what he'd just said. He knew what it meant. But he didn't know why he would say something so outrageous-and more than anything, he didn't know why he meant it. Honestly, 'so?' Am I that desperate-that pathetic to agree just so he doesn't leave?

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