Part 9 - Chapter 41

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"Riley, you're next," Ken Harris called. Riley's classmate huffed into his seat and bit his sandwich in half. "I got the counsellor," Ken answered his friends' questioning looks.

It was lunchtime and the entire class was forced to eat in the classroom as they were called individually to discuss their Future Plans forms with their homeroom teacher.

"Looks like Ms. Sharma saw through Kenny's bullshit," Jay remarked to Riley from a few desks away.

Ken, having clearly heard, gave Jay the finger. "Shut up, Stacks. Not everyone wants to take over their parent's business."

Jay nodded and shrugged with a smirk, "Yeah. Too bad for them." Riley's smart-mouthed friend caught the mandarin orange that was thrown at his head.

Riley entered Ms. Sharma's office and took it as a good sign that the counsellor was not there.

Ms. Sharma smiled as Riley sat down. "Riley, I'm glad we get to talk."

She probably says that to everyone, Riley thought cynically.

"Your other teachers and I were highly interested in what your form would look like. So your father came back over the break?"

Riley nodded, unsure of what to say. His teacher, the assistant principal, and the counsellor probably thought his address change meant his father had returned with enough money for a lifestyle change. "Yeah, but he left again."

The teacher's expression darkened. She caught herself and returned a sympathetic smile. "Of course, a lot of your classmates have parents away on business..." she trailed off before changing the subject. "So, tell me about these plans." The woman tapped the sheet of paper in the centre of the desk.

Riley explained that he wanted to be able to support himself and that with scholarships, little stood in the way of him taking the best route: getting a university degree. It was all completely true; he wanted to become someone who wouldn't burden Eran—someone more worthy of the successful Ph.D. student. Ms. Sharma seemed pleased and took his words as sincere.

"I am a bit concerned about your choice of university though—your grades were only average for some months. It's not about your intelligence. I just mean to say that your GPA would look a lot better if you had been serious about your studies before."

Riley wasn't surprised. Going to the same uni as Eran was somewhat of a dream. That was why his second choice was a more attainable institution.

"Luckily," she continued, "your chemistry teacher and I are willing to write you recommendations that will give you a pretty good boost. What do you think? How about it?"

"Why?" Riley asked skeptically. "Out of pity?"

His teacher scowled and leaned forward. "Of course not! You know we take the academics and efforts of our students very seriously and serve them with integrity." Riley was sure that was probably a direct quote from some teachers' pledge. "And you have made the effort and succeeded. We're all very proud when a student matures." Her smile returned. "You earned it." She leaned back and placed Riley's form face down on a stack of the others. She smiled silently for a while, probably giving Riley the opportunity for any questions or final comments.

Riley ended the awkward silence with "Thanks."

"We'll talk again soon." She peeked at the next form atop a different stack. "Could you send in Mina?"

Riley left the office, noticing the teacher's ignoring of his Plan B: House-husband.

"Mina," Riley motioned to the girl as he went back to the desk that was turned to face Jay.

The girl was intently texting on her phone and didn't even twitch.

Jay pushed the leg of her chair, jerking her to attention. She shot him a glare but silently stood up and left the room.

One of the other girls quietly wished Mina good luck.

"Don't need it," Mina mumbled almost inaudibly as she stepped into the hallway.

Sarcastically, one of the remaining girls remarked to Jay, "You really know how to treat a lady."

"Ladies aren't my type," Jay replied before turning to face Riley. "So?"

"So she said they'll write me recommendations for Eran's school."


"I shouldn't question it, right? I should just accept whatever gets me into Eran's school."

"Hm," Jay hummed thoughtfully. "Should I apply too?"

Riley half-smiled.

"I'm serious."


"If I go to another school, won't you forget about me?"

"What?" Riley tilted his head, not understanding.

Jay responded to Riley's obliviousness with a dramatic sigh. "Will you go to Eran University after school today? He's staying late, right?"

"Ah, yeah. I'll go."

"Do you think—what's his name..."

Riley paused for a second. "Do I think what?"

"He'll be there?"


"Yes! Him."

Riley couldn't be sure whether or not Jay was joking about forgetting the man's name. "If Eran's staying late, then probably."

"Hm," Jay hummed again and then smirked. "Should I tag along?"

Riley and Jay reached the lab door and saw Elias sitting at Eran's desk alone.

"Where's Eran?" Riley asked. And why are you sitting at his desk?

"He went to talk to the professor. You can wait here if you wa—"

"I'm going to go find him," Riley said, talking over the end of Elias's suggestion. He dropped his things into an empty chair and left the room.

Riley knew from experience where Eran's professor's office was, but he hadn't even left the microbiology hall when he spotted Eran. His lover was in the lounge standing in front of a vending machine.

"What are you doing?" Riley asked reproachfully at the same time Eran noticed him at the door.

"Only admiring."

"I hope so." Riley wanted very badly to hug Eran, but held back for fear of anyone catching them. "What are the chemistry and physics departments like here?"

Eran's expression barely shifted. "They're pretty big, especially chemistry. I don't know much about physics thoughother than the fact that it's 90% male." He paused and looked away. "You can sit in on a lecture. For those visits, you'll need to apply and get a note from your school."

"Has that happened to you? Do high school kids sit in on your classes?"

Eran shook his head. "It only happens in undergrad first and second year courses."

"Ah, that's good then."

Eran hesitated. "Why?"

"I'd hate it if some high-schooler fell for you at first sight."

Eran rolled his eyes. "You're overreacting."

"I am not. Don't forget you already have female and male fans."

"Elias exaggerated. They aren't interested in me in that way."

Riley gave a skeptical frown.

"If you're really worried, you're welcome to put another mark on me."

Flustered, Riley blushed and stuttered, "What if someone hears you?"

"Whatever." Eran reached his arm up and put a hand on the back of Riley's neck, pulled him closer, then kissed him.

Physically pleased, but again mentally taken off guard, Riley muttered, "What if someone sees?"

Eran pursed his lips in a pout. "I've been busy lately and it feels like I haven't touched you in days." Eran grabbed onto the lapels of Riley's blazer and put his forehead against Riley's chest. "Things are getting busier, who knows when I'll get to be with you again."

Eran was hiding his face well and Riley was only able to tell Eran was being sincere from the quietness of his voice. "Now who's overreacting?"


"Hm?" Riley tried to pull away to see Eran's expression, but the man pulled Riley back and once again hid his face against his lover's chest.

"The bio professors are all at a conference, so the restroom in their hall should be deserted."

Why is he telling me this... Riley wondered, though he could only think of one reason. But that was impossible. There was no way Eran would...

"I want to go with you."

Riley's jaw dropped in complete shock. Is the stress of work making him crazy? As much as Riley loved to touch Eran, wanting to do it in a public place was absolutely insane. "No."

"I'll hold my voice back," Eran pleaded. He peeked up, looking at Riley from beneath his eyelashes.

Riley closed his eyes to block out Eran's bewitching gaze and began to refuse again, before he was cut off by Eran's warm lips and tongue. It was quick, but stimulating enough to stun.

"Let's go," Eran said calmly as he took Riley's wrist.

Suddenly, Riley forgot how to say 'No.'

A/N: Did Eran shock you? Or do you see him for the kinky person he is?

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