CHAPTER 13 [ I Am Here With You ]

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•|Next Day|•

[ Author P.O.V ]

It was around 9 to 9:300am in the morning and here was srija, sitting inside her car driving to the company. Actually yesterday she wanted to go for work but anulisa didn't let her go

Plus on the fact that she is a huge workaholic, even more than y/n so even after everyone told her to rest she insisted to go for work

Also unfortunately srija woke up quite late today so she wasn't even able to eat her breakfast, srija looked out of the window and noticed that her favourite cafe was near

"Ah it's my favourite cafe...I know I am getting late but I am very hungry and if anulisa got to know I haven't had breakfast she will finish me for sure. I will just stop here and get something to eat" Srija thought as she stopped the car infront of the cafe and got out as she went inside

Meanwhile on the other hand jungkook had been following srija since the time she left home because he knew she would go to work no matter what

Srija sometimes thought someone was following her but jungkook managed to hide, after seeing her go inside that cafe he parked his car a bit far and got out as he also went inside

"Hello, I want to make an order" Srija said while standing at the counter and jungkook was coming towards her

"Sure, what do you want?" The employee asked politely

"I want a hot chocolate latte and some pancakes with chocolate syrup, it's a takeout btw" Srija said as the employee wrote her order down and nodded

"Please wait here, your takeout will be ready in a few mins" The employee said as srija nodded her head and took out her phone as she started checking some documents

Jungkook came and stood beside her quietly as he ordered the same thing as her but srija didn't even notice him. Few mins later the employee brought the order

"Here is your takeout" The employee said as srija raised her hand to get the latte but put her hand on jungkook's hand which held the cup. Srija looked up and saw jungkook as she widen her eyes in shock and took her hand back

"It's you again?! Why are you here?!" Srija asked in shock as jungkook frowned his brows

"To buy breakfast duh" Jungkook said lying as srija rolled her eyes

"Whatever" Srija said as she tried to take the takeout but jungkook held her hand, stopping her

"Oh hello, that's my order" Jungkook said again lying coz he knew it was hers but he still put his hand on that so that srija's hand will touch his

"Excuse me, I came here before you so it's mine" Srija said trying to take it but jungkook pulled the box towards him

"That doesn't mean this is yours" Jungkook said as srija glared at him

"Fine, take it coz I don't have time to deal with people like you" Srija said as she took the same other takeout and went out of the cafe

"Com'n on, I was just messing around with her but she really left" Jungkook said with a pout as he took the takeout and walked out of the cafe after paying

•|At The Office|•

After 30 mins srija reached at the company and after parking her car, she came inside and went to the third floor where her working area was

You must be thinking why doesn't srija have her own office even after being the secretary of the ceo, it's because she didn't want to work alone in a room so she chose to work with other colleagues

Anyways srija came out of the elevator but the moment she walked inside, literally each and everyone's eyes were on her and they were looking at her weirdly. Some were even whispering among themselves and obviously srija was hella confused

"Hey Sumin, can you come here for a second?" Srija asked her coworker who was drinking coffee at a corner

"Yeah, what happened?" Sumin asked as she came to srija after finishing her coffee

"Why is everyone looking at me like that? Did something happen?" Srija asked being confused as hell while sumin sighed heavily at her question

"Come with me, then you will understand" Sumin said as she walked towards their working area while srija followed her, the next moment she saw a big bouquet of mixed colours roses on her table

"What is this? Why is such a big bouquet is here? Who brought it?" Srija asked with her widen eyes in shock as sumin shook her head in no

"Nope, I don't know. See that card, there must be written the name of the person who sent it" Sumin said as she pointed at the card between those roses

Srija took that card and saw there was written "Yo Miss Forgetful, I know you are at work even after anulisa told you not to come coz you are a workaholic afterall. Anyways make sure to take some rest and don't exhaust yourself. Also from now on you will receive this gifts everyday because now I am pursuing you so be ready:)"

- Jungkook

Seeing this written there srija sighed heavily as she face palmed herself, she threw the card and kept the roses down from her table and sat down

"Srija, why did you throw the card? Who was it?" Sumin asked as srija shook her head

"Nothing much, anyways let's get back to work as usual" Srija said as she started working on her computer

•|On The Other Hand|•

Since the time jhope got out of that store yesterday, he didn't speak a single work with y/n and ignored her as much as possible like y/n tried to talk to him alot of times but he avoided her like she was invisible or something

Actually jhope didn't want to talk to her as he was feeling very awkward since that time and avoided her, this morning he did the same but when he went to the bathroom, blood was coming out of him

Seeing that jhope was horrified and screamed as loud as he could, y/n who was working instantly ran to the bathroom only to find jhope sitting on the floor

"Jhope, what happened?! Why did you scream like that?! Did you get hurt?!" Y/n asked anxiously as she was concerned for jhope

"Y-yn, b-blood is coming o-out of my private area. Looks like I-I am gonna d-die s-soon" Jhope said with tears filled in his eyes while y/n frowned

"Wait what did you say? Blood is coming out of you?" Y/n asked as jhope nodded his head

"Y-yes, maybe something is w-wrong with m-me but y/n please do something. I don't wanna die so youn-" Before jhope could complete y/n cut him off as she remembered something

"No no don't worry, nothing is gonna happen to you. My time of this month has came" Y/n said with her hand on forehead while jhope frowned

"What do you mean by that?" Jhope asked as he wiped his tears

"Don't you know that every woman have a menstruation cycle every month?" Y/n asked as jhope again nodded his head in yes

"Yeah, and it's that time of the month where I will have my periods so don't panic you aren't gonna die" Y/n said as she grabbed jhope's shoulder's and made him stand up

"Are you sure?" Jhope asked as y/n nodded

"Ofc, it's very normal plus I am here with you so you are gonna be alright" Y/n said comforting jhope, she tied a blindfold around his eyes and undressed him

Y/n cleaned him [or her body] and put on a period panty and then some fresh clothes, then she opened the blindfold and took him to the room and went to bring some food

During the whole day jhope had very bad period cramps and it was like dying so y/n gave him whatever he wanted to eat and made sure he was comfortable and relaxed. So just like that the whole day with jhope eating and y/n taking care of him....


Author: you guys might be wondering why y/n put a blindfold on jhope, that's because she doesn't want him to see her body and y/n does everything for jhope. Jhope also does the same for you because of the same reason

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, see you in the next one 🌺💗✨

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