CHAPTER 20 [ It's Not What You Think ]

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•|At Sunday|•

[ Author P.O.V ]

It has been four days since the test was last taken and after that everything was back to normal like before but the only difference is that everyone expect srija and y/n were very excited for the trip

The last four days while y/n and srija were doing work the others went to the mall and bought a lot of things, they even forcefully took srija and y/n too

Last night all of them went to a restaurant and there everyone got drunk expect for yoongi, srija and y/n. So currently jhope was sleeping peacefully on the bed as y/n came inside

"Hey! You sleeping pig! Wake up already!" Y/n yelled as she opened the curtains making the sunlight come inside and hit jhope's face so he turned around

"Uff jhope wake up already! For how long will you keep sleeping like a pig?!" Y/n said as she shook jhope's body and he groaned in irritation

"Oh com'n y/n, let me sleep a bit more.." Jhope said in a sleepy tone as y/n's lips formed a straight line but....she realised he was...looking so peaceful while sleeping..

Y/n stared at him and was about to touch his cheek but then a evil idea came in his mind so she pulled his ear and twisted it making jhope groan in pain and sit up on the bed

"Ouch y/n, let me go it hurts!" Jhope said whining but y/n twisted it more

"It should hurt! That's why I am doing this or what will be the point of it?" Y/n said as jhope tried to free himself but y/n gripped on his hands

"Ok ok I am sorry for not waking up and lazing around on the bed! Now please let me go!" Jhope said as he looked at y/n with puppy eyes and y/n finally left him

"This is the last time I am leaving you, if you don't wake up next time I will pour water over your head" Y/n said glaring at jhope as he rubbed his red ear

"Anyways the hangover soup for you is ready, after getting ready come downstairs. We have to leave in a hour" Y/n said with a blank face as she got out of the bed

"As your command, your majesty~" Jhope said saluting y/n as she rolled her eyes and turned back with a small smile

•|Time Skip|•

After having breakfast and getting ready quickly y/n and jhope left for the airport where they found the other four waiting for them, soon it was already time for the flight and they boarded on the plane

Y/n and jhope sat in the first row at the corner beside the window, anulisa and srija in the second row and jungkook and yoongi at the third row

Obviously jungkook and yoongi wanted to sit with srija and anulisa but they chased them out and sat together

"Gosh, I am so bored~" Jhope said as he released a sigh of boredom

"Actually I am bored too, why don't we watch a movie?" Y/n said suggesting as she pointed at the big tablet before them

"That's not a bad idea but what movie should we watch?" Jhope asked while staring at the table in confusion

"How about Avengers? Jungkook told me it's a amaJIN movie, it's based on superheroes but there's much more in it" Y/n said as jhope thought for a while and spoke

"Yeah I also heard a lot of people saying it the best movie series ever! Let's watch it then" Jhope said as y/n showed a thumbs-up and took out her earpods but then suddenly jhope took one piece

"Hey that's mine! Use your own earpods!" Y/n said as she snatched back the earpod but jhope again grabbed it

"I don't have one so share it with me" Jhope said as y/n widened her eyes

"Why should I? It's mine plus who knows how much dirt you might have inside your ear" Y/n said with a disgusted expression on her face

"Listen my ear is probably more cleaner than yours!" Jhope said being offended

"I don't believe you, nobody can tell if you are lying or not- hey!" Before y/n could complete jhope snatched away the earpod and plugged it in his ear while y/n glared at him

"You!-.....Fine! I will let you use it just this time!" Y/n said as she crossed her hands over her chest and focused on the movie while jhope secretly smiled

As this flight was very long like for 16 hours so they decided to watch the whole Avengers series today but in the midway when they were on the second part, both y/n and jhope fell asleep

"Srija! Look at there!" Anulisa said in shock as she pointed towards y/n and jhope

"What happened?- OH MY GOD!" Srija yelled in shock as she saw y/n's head on jhope's shoulder and his head over hers, they were sleeping like that

"What in the world? What are they doing?" Srija said as her jaw dropped to the floor but anulisa noticed something more too

"Bro that's not just that, look at there. Y/n is hugging jhope in her sleep" Anulisa said in amusement as she saw jhope's hand wrapped around y/n [from her pov it will be y/n]

"Yes exactly! I have a idea! Take out your phone, let's check some pictures of them like this!" Srija said playfully with a smirk

"Noice idea! We could use this to tease them later on" Anulisa said as she and srija snickered and took out their phones, they went to y/n and jhope and started clicking pictures while seeing this jungkook and yoongi got confused so they also came there

"Hey what are you guys doing while standing here?" Jungkook asked in confusion and curiousity

"Yeah and why are you clicking pictures right now?" Yoongi asked with the same curiousity

"Arey are you blind or what? Can't see how both of them are sleeping?" Srija said pointing at y/n and jhope as jungkook and yoongi's jaw dropped to the floor

"Plus y/n is literally hugging jhope so it's impossible for us not to capture it in our gallery" Anulisa said with playful eyes and another evil idea came in jungkook's mind

"Then why don't we take a video too? Just in case they won't admit it later and we can show it to them" Jungkook said with a smirk as yoongi stared at him in amusement

"You are right! Let's do that, srija and anulisa you take pics and we will take the video" Yoongi said as he and jungkook took out their phones and started recording but few moments later jungkook started bending towards srija

"Yah! Why are you bending towards me?! Don't transfer your weight to me! Heavy monster" Srija said as she pushed jungkook away from her

"You are such a coldie" Jungkook said with a pout as srija ignored him, while yoongi snickered and jungkook glared at him but yoongi looked away

•|At The Hotel|•

After that 16 hours flight finally the six of them arrived at Maldives and it was currently evening here, they took a cab and arrived at the hotel

"Excuse me, we had booked rooms here for two weeks and here is our receipt. Can you please give us the keys of our rooms?" Y/n asked the employee at the counter who checked the computer and then looked up with a awkward face

"Actually sir....three of the rooms have already been boxed by some else and only three are available right now" The employee said awkwardly as everyone looked at each other shock

"Guys..what should we do then?" Jhope asked in confusion

"My mind is completely black, I can't think of anything tbh" Yoongi said as srija thought for a while and spoke

"The only option left is to share the rooms with each other coz I don't think we get reservation in another hotel" Srija said as y/n instantly grabbed jhope's hand and raised it forward

"Ok fine, me and y/n will stay together" Y/n said directly as srija and anulisa snapped their heads at them in shock

"What do you mean by that?..." Srija asked while staring at both of them

"Yeah, what are both planning to do?" Anulisa asked as she looked at both of them from up and down which y/n understood

"No no no! It's not what you are think-" Before y/n could complete jhope cut her off and spoke

"Yes!" Jhope said excited as srija and anulisa stared at each other's face with a small smirk while y/n face palmed herself in frustration

"Oh, if that's the case. You should go" Srija said as jhope grabbed y/n's hand

"Ohk you guys continue, me and jhope are going to our room" Jhope said happily as he took the key and literally dragged y/n with him along with their luggage

"Then I will go with srija, com'n let's go srija!" Jungkook said as he took the key and grabbed srija's hand as he dragged her away even before she could say a word, then yoongi and anulisa looked at each other

"I guess it's only us now, let's get going then" Yoongi said while scratching the back of his head and anulisa nodded her head

"Yep I am very tired and sleepy too, let's go" Anulisa said as she yawned and after taking the key they also went to their room


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