CHAPTER 25 [ You Are Stuck With Me ]

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[ Author P.O.V ]

While srija was on her way to the club, here were jungkook, yoongi and jhope. Tonight yoongi and jungkook brought jhope here as since a few days he was quite gloomy so they thought made this would cheer him up

"Hey jhope, what happened to you?" Yoongi asked seeing jhope looking at his drink blankly

"Exactly since a few days you have been quite sad and gloomy, yk that we can't see you like this hobi hyung " Jungkook said as jhope snapped out of his thoughts and sighed

"Y/n.....she..broke up with me " Jhope said looking down as yoongi and jungkook widen their eyes in shock

"What?! She broke up?! With you?! But why?" Jungkook asked as jhope bitterly chuckled and took a sip from his glass

"Leave it, you both won't understand nor believe me if I told you" Jhope said as he shook his head in no while yoongi and jungkook looked at each other

"Are you talking about that both of you switched souls before?" Yoongi said as jhope widen his eyes in shock and snapped his head towards him

" did you...know about it?" Jhope asked being shocked as yoongi and jungkook smirked

"Sometimes you and y/n made it too obvious so we, srija and anulisa took a test on you both and as we expected you failed in all of it" Yoongi said while jhope again became gloomy as jungkook continued

"Don't worry hobi hyung, we aren't sad that about it. It's just that we felt bad but in reality if you ever told us we would never believe it so it's logical" Jungkook said as jhope just smiled a bit

"Alright let me guess, y/n pushed you away but you miss her coz you like her right?" Yoongi said as jhope's jaw dropped to the floor in shock

"You know that too?" Jhope asked as yoongi chuckled

"Dude I am kinda in the same situation like you so I can tell it, anyways do you want to be with her?" Yoongi asked as jhope nodded

"Ofc I want to but....I don't think it will ever be possible in this life" Jhope said with a bitter smile as yoongi put his hand on his shoulder

"No, there's a way. If she's pushing you away then why don't you take the first step and court her?" Yoongi said as jhope just shook his head in no

"I am scared, she will reject me for sure" Jhope said as jungkook hit him in his back

"Hobi hyung, you will never know it if you don't ever try. Who knows maybe y/n also feels the same" Jungkook said as yoongi nodded

"Exactly! Plus if someone like jungkook can get srija why can't you get y/n, you need some courage!" Yoongi said

"Yk hyung, it's been too long now so if you don't take a step forward y/n might go to someone else coz time doesn't wait for anyone. It's now or never" Jungkook said as jhope sighed heavily

"If you both are saying so then I will go as a representative for the meeting my dad has with y/n" Jhope said as yoongi and jungkook cheered for him which made him laugh

•|Next Day|•

[ Y/n P.O.V ]

It was around 11:36am in the morning and I was here in the conference room, waiting for the ceo of Jung Co. to arrive. Well they proposed a deal which might be beneficial to my company so I held a meeting

"Ah I am so sorry for being late Ms. Yang" A voice said from behind as I turned back and spoke

"It's fin-" I stopped speaking in shock as I widened my eyes coz I saw...jhope standing right infront of me. Jhope?! What is he doing?! The ceo was supposed to come then why is he here?!

"Ms. Yang the ceo or my father was busy with something so I came as his representative, do you have a problem with it?" Jhope said as I gulped due to nervousness and shook my head in no

"No it's absolutely okay, anyways since you are let's start for the meeting" I said with a professional smile trying to hide the fact how anxious and nervous I am, then suddenly jhope came near to me

"Did you think you could push me away just like that? You are stuck with me...... for eternity and I am not gonna let you go" Jhope whispered in my ear with a smile which increased my heartbeat. Argh!! Why does he have to smile like that?!!

Jhope sat down on the chair beside me with his secretary and I tried to maintain a straight face as the meeting started. I really don't know what I am gonna do now.....I have no escape from him now

•|At Yoongi's Apartment|•

[ Author P.O.V ]

During the time y/n was having her meeting with jhope, anulisa took a day off and came to yoongi's apartment to hang out

Anulisa had just arrived as she rang the door bell but no one came, few seconds later she knocked on the door calling out for yoongi but still no response

"Where's yoongi? Why isn't he opening the door? Did something happen? I should go and check" Anulisa said as she opened the door and she walked inside, she heard some noise from the kitchen so she went there and saw jungkook over yoongi on the floor

"Jungkook you heavy pig! Get off me!" Yoongi yelled irritated

"I also want to but I can't! Try to understand hyung!" Jungkook said as anulisa's jaw dropped to the floor in shock

"What are you both doing?" Anulisa asked as yoongi and jungkook snapped their hands in shock towards her

"A-anulisa... it's n-not like w-what you t-think..." Yoongi said nervously as jungkook nodded his head

"Yes! We were just-" Before jungkook could complete anulisa cut him off

"It's alright guys! I can understand! It's absolutely normal, I don't have any problem with you being gay so relax" Anulisa said as yoongi and jungkook widened his eyes

"Eww anulisa, how did you even think I will like a guy like him? Even if I was gay I wouldn't date him" Jungkook said as yoongi glared at him

"Because you can never get one like me" Yoongi said roasting jungkook while anulisa realised something

"But wait, you are dating srija then.... Jungkook!! How dare you cheat with my bestie with yoongi huh?!" Anulisa yelled in anger as jungkook shook his head in no

"No I am not! You are misunderstanding us! We are like this because of dendrite!" Jungkook said as anulisa frowned

"Huh?!" Anulisa asked as yoongi sighed

"Help us get up first, then we will explain" Yoongi said as anulisa nodded and helped them stand up, yoongi took the vinegar and poured it between his and jungkook's hand as they finally got free

"Now tell me what's the case?" Anulisa said with her hands folded

"Actually this morning me and jungkook thought to do a scientific experiment, during that time dendrite fell on my hand and this fo put his hand over mine. Then it got stuck so I came here to take vinegar but we fell down and you came" Yoongi said as anulisa nodded understanding the situation

"Btw I am bored, why don't we go to a internet cafe?" Jungkook said casually

"It's amaJIN idea! It's been long since I had played there and won some money!" Anulisa said excited

"Me too! Let's get going then!" Yoongi said as all of them walked out of the apartment and went to a internet cafe

•|Few Days Later|•

It was about 5:50pm at the evening and y/n had just finished her work for the whole day, she yawned while streching her hands. She took a glance at her watch and spoke

"Oh looks like it's time to go home" Y/n said blankly as she stood up and came out of the company only to find it raining heavily outside

"Shit! It's raining and I don't have fuel in my car, looks like I have to book a cab" Y/n said as she took out her phone to book a cab but her phone was dead

"Wow! What a timing! Even my phone is dead nor do I have a umbrella! What do I do now? How will I go home?" Y/n asked herself in frustration as she started thinking what to do but a moment later someone came to her

"Hey y/n, why are you standing here like that? Don't you have fuel in your car or something?" Jhope asked as y/n looked at him slightly shocked

"How on earth do you know I don't?" Y/n asked sternly as jhope chuckled

"Well if you did you wouldn't stand here like this so do you need a ride? I can drop you home" Jhope said politely as y/n looked away

"No thanks" Y/n said as jhope sighed heavily

"Are you sure you don't want that? Coz I don't think the rain is gonna stop anytime soon" Jhope said as y/n looked at the rain and sighed

"Fine, please drop me back" Y/n said looking down completely defeated

"Sure, get inside the car then!" Jhope said with a smile as both of them got inside the car and he drove away from there


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