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What's up my Potatoes, It's Spwrinkles! I just woke up and I had a bad dream, I can remember it so well. So I'll write it in the way the story was made.

Tabs' View: I watched Denis's Q and A when I woke up, I just can't stop myself from watching it, that line.. Just that line that Denis said.. "Aww, Sorry I can't, everyone knows my love and heart goes to Asmr-Darling!" Denis said in the Q and A, just then, I got a text from Sprinkles.

SP: Hey, are you still watching the Q and A all over again?
T: Sigh.. Sadly, yeah.. What about you?
SP: I'm watching Sketch's Q and A that he did with Ethan. Why did you ask?
T: Just wanted to know, Are you free today?
SP: uh.. If I don't get much homework, but yeah, of course I have time!
T: Awesome! Lexi, Adri and I want to meet you somewhere.
SP: ok, where?
T: The park?
SP: Sure!
T: Sweet! See ya!
SP: BooBah!

~Seven Hours Later~

Sprinkles's View: As soon as I got home, I got dressed into a Red and Black Jacket with a hoodie, Black Pants with Red Converse shoes, and braided my Blue and Pink Hair. When I was done, I put the hoodie on and started walking to the park, when I got there, Adri, Lexi, nor Tabs was there, only a sad and poor little kitten. "Aww, you must be lonely too. And very hungry. Here you go Girl." I said. I have cat food in my pocket and I gave half to the poor little kitten. When the kitten was finished eating, she came up on my lap, layed down and started to fall asleep, I stroked it and it was just purring. It was the cutest thing! Then Lexi came. "Aww, look at the poor thing! Where did you find it Sprinkles?" Lexi said. "I found it just sitting here with no food and water and no heat. I gave it some food and water, and I guess my pants are warm." I said. "Aww, I reckon you should keep the poor thing! You are a cat as well!" Lexi said. "I'm a Neko and a Meif'wa, not a Cat." I said. "Ok!" Lexi said. Then Adriana and Tabs came and looked at the cat.
~One hour Later~
Sprinkles's View: "it's getting late. I better get going and feed Sprankles and I." I said. "You named the cat Sprankles?" Lexi said. "It's a great name for a cat!" I said. (I know this isn't part of the story but 10/10 on the cat naming, would name cat Sprankles again!)
"Bye girls!" I said. "Bye bye Sprinkles and Sprankles!" Lexi, Adri and Tabs shouted. I walked back home and when We got back, there was blood all on the walls.. "MEOW!" Sprankles said. "It's ok.. It's ok.. Blaze will answer this, BLAZE, THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE!" I said/shouted. "I kept petting the cat. Blaze came downstairs. "WHAT THE-" Blaze said. "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?" Blaze shouted/asked. "I don't know.. Sprankles and I just came home.." I said. Then I saw the white head.. "HIDE AND DONT LOOK AT HIM!!" I shouted, we ran up the stairs and hid in Blaze's room. "WHAT IS IT?!?" Blaze shouted. "SLENDERMAN!" I shouted. Then suddenly Sprankles started talking. "Oh no, the static.. Slender-man is up here with us." Sprankles said. "Which means.." I said. We all looked behind us and saw slender-man. Them we all screamed.
~Static screen.. Sprinkles, Sprankles and Blaze died by slender-man..~

and that was the end of that story, I woke up at 3:00 straight crying. The. I looked around and saw my room normal and my cats sleeping with me, My 4 year old cat and my 2 year old kitty. Simba and Koko, anyways, I'ma go watch Denis and Corl and Alex and Ethan now,

~BooBah my Bootiful Potatoes!

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