I'm broken, and thats that.

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To my Family: I'm sorry parents, I let you down, My face was always down to the ground. I always cried, that made you sad, I never said why, that made you cry. And my brother, I was always rude to you, only because I was lost in the dark, My soul was taken, I was falling apart.

To my love, Blaze: oh Blaze, you made me smile, we both laughed for a while, but then I realised that we live so far away, and we may not see each other. We called each other Prince and Princess, not King and queen, sometimes you made me cry, but happy tears, we've talked to each other for over a year. That makes me wonder, what if Blaze likes another girl? I knew you did, she's in the war, she has a boyfriend, but you may still have feeling for her.

To the gals: that's you Tabby, Lexi, Cedes, Kara, Audrey, Jenny, Jaiden, Adriana, and all the others, even Madi-One and Madi-Two. You all made me smile, we all love one of the pals, me and Jaiden love Ethan, but I love a different Ethan, Lexi loves Braden, Tabby loves Denis, Audrey loves Alex, Kara loves Sans, Cedes loves Alex, Jenny loves Sub, Adriana loves Dorl, and Taylor, my fellow potato loves Sketch. We all are sisters, we all know that, but maybe, my real name isn't Sprinkles, I won't say my real name, I just wanna keep it Sprinkles, I don't like it when people say they're eating me, it makes me feel like I'm a pet..

To the pals: Hey Denis, Braden, Sub, Alex, Sketch, Ethan, you always made me laugh, you always made me smile, you got me into Roblox, and I enjoy it a lot, I'm planning to make another account to test it on March the 18th with you, and see if this "John Doe" thing is real.  I hope it isn't, sometimes I may be sick, but that doesn't matter, Denis, When you got a Million subscribers, you should thank me, I got my whole class to subscribe to you, even my teacher. So thank me for making you reach you're mark and you're reward, I may do the same again this year so you get to 2 million,

To my favourite teacher, Panda Parker: Thank you Panda Parker, for helping me in maths, I wish you could help me in you're class again, you were a funny and amazing teacher, I used to draw you pictures of both of us, and I still do, you have a big wall in you're room of just my pictures that I drew for you. You've show them to you're new class, you were the first teacher I loved and knew as a Best friend, and you still are, you know what pain I go through, because you are a witness, you've said many fake funny stories, and you've put me in all of them, in one of them I had a ex boyfriend, that made everyone laugh, but somehow, it made me blush and cry, you didn't mean to make me cry, but I'm glad you made me, that made the whole class worry and come over and help me, I felt like I was loved and popular, you even helped me, and I'm glad you did. :3

And lastly, to myself: Hey Sprinkles, when you were born, you weren't crying, you're first memory was at some sort of zoo, you loved it, then the next was Christmas, you loved all the presents you got, and you're family was loving, then real life came, school was horrible, you changed from one school to one school, to one school and to the last school, next year you're a freshman, you won't be excited, you're parents divorced, every second weekend you go see you're dad, you're mom is getting married next year, and you're life will change, you may never see Blaze or Casey or Ethan, you may not become a writer or a artiste, next year you may never go on wattpad, you may found another writing app. and you may become a tomboy, you love demons and angels, you love creppypastas, you love evil songs, so maybe you were born as a demon, sigh..

this isn't a suicide note, its my depression...  ~Love Sprinkles...

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