Character Answer.

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Will add more questions in as people comment them.



*How close are you with Smackle?

~Me and Smackle are friends, not to best friends yet but good friends.


*How much do u love being with Emily because you guys are cute together?

~Emily is like my world, I love being with her and I wouldn't change anything.

*If Emily's mom shows up u expectedly, what would you do?

~Honestly, I'd probably would ask her to leave. She doesn't deserve to see the great girl Emily is today.


*How close are you with Emily?

~I see Emily as like one of my best friends, probably my best girl-friend (non-romantic).


*What would you do if Emily's dad came back?

~I'd make sure he'd never see her. She's like a sister to me, I'd never want to see her hurt and I want to protect her.


*Do like that Emily and Maya are practically sisters?

~Yeah, I think that they are really cool as sisters.


*Are you the oldest out of you and Emily? And how is it having her as a sister?

~Yes, I'm older than her by four months. And it's wonderful having her as a sister. I've always wanted one, and now I have one.


*How much do u like Smackle?

~I really like Smackle, a lot. Some people misjudge her but she's really cool and nice once you get to know her.


*Do you like Emily as a sister?

~Yes! She's awesome, like another big sister.


*Do you like Emily and Farkle as a couple?

~Yes, I think that the two are an adorable couple.

Em's dad-

*What made you treat Emily the way you treated her?

~She was the reason her mother left.

Em's Bio Mom-

*Why did you leave Emily and left her with your abusive husband? Don't love Emily?

~I didn't leave Emily, I was leaving her father.


*What's it like having Emily as a daughter?

~I love having Emily as a daughter. She's an amazing girl. she didn't deserve what happened and I'm happy I can give her a different life away from her bio parents.


*What would you do if Emily's dad came back?

~I'm not sure exactly. I just know I would never let him near her again.


Will add more when I get more questions. If I missed yours please tell me.


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