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When you think of red, you think of anger. A Red's personality is like ticking time bomb that could go off at any second. They're easily angered and will lash out for the smallest things. But do they care? No. They have the most destructive power, fire. They're able to control flames, either creating them or removing them.

Oranges are smart but manipulative. They use their wits to get what they want, no matter what the cost. They don't care if they have to hurt others to get what they want. As long as they're okay, everything's fine. Their power is mind control. They can make people do things against their will. But there is a side effect. Every time they use their power, it drains their energy from anywhere to a few minutes to a couple of hours.

Yellows are friendly and optimistic people. They always look for the bright side even when there might not be one. Helping others and making them feel good, makes yellows feel happy themselves. But, yellows can be so focused on others' happiness that they forget to take care of themselves. Their power is electricity. They're able to control electricity and light, making it more or less powerful, turning it on and off, etc.

Greens are confident in themselves and don't doubt themselves for a second. They know what they want and think highly of themselves. They're quite flirtatious and sarcastic, thinking that they're kinda better then anyone else. Greens have the ability to heal themselves and others. But, when healing others, it gives themselves the person's pain so they usually don't like to help others anyway.

Blues are fairly laidback people and don't really care too much. They go with the flow, following anything that feels right. They're not leaders and don't really speak their opinions. If something big is happening they won't put themselves in the middle of it. Blues have the ability to control water. They can go from controlling the smallest drop to going full Percy Jackson.

If you're a purple, you come from a wealthy family. Your family most likely had a lot of power and so you feel like you do as well. You've never had to work for something because all you had to do was ask and you would receive. Purples are also very proud and creative, liking to show off their wealth. Purples have telekinetic abilities. They're able to move items with their minds if they concentrate hard enough.

Pinks are quite naive and are quick to trust anyone who seems friendly enough. They're also quick to fall in love which usually leads them to getting heartbroken even quicker. If you show them any affection they'll mostly likely develop a crush. Pinks have the ability to control plants, whether it's helping them grow or destroying them. The only side effect to their power is that if they cause a plant to snap, they'll feel pain.

Finally, the blacks. If you're a black, you keep to yourself and your walls are up. It takes a lot to get you to open up, if you do. The thing about blacks is that once they trust you, they'll be loyal to you and will always have your back. They mostly just stay with other blacks since they all know how each other feels so it's difficult for other colors to get close to them. When you think of black you think of shadows so a Black's power is controlling shadows. They can create shadows, make shapes with them, etc.

•Two Colors•
Some people end up with two colors on their wrist. When this happens they are given two powers and their personality is a mix of the two colors.

Red & Green
Like the Red, a person who gets these two colors is hotheaded and will fight. But, like their Green side, they think highly of themselves and still don't use their healing power to help others. Whoever has these two colors will have both fire and healing powers.
Yellow & Blue
Like the Yellow, a person with these two colors are friendly and positive but not as talkative or helpful. That's their Blue side coming out, just following, not leading. If you have these two colors you will be able to control electricity and water.
Black & Purple
Like the Black, if you have both of these colors you'll be secretive and won't trust easily. You do come from a wealthy family and you are creative. With these two colors you will have Shadow powers and telekinetic abilities.
Orange & Pink
Like the Orange, if someone has these two colors they're really smart and will still trick people. They're just more likely to feel guilty. With their Pink side, they're still quick to fall in love and get heartbroken even quicker. With these two colors you're still able to use mind control and control plants.
I will make roles page where you can claim the two colors. On the same page please comment on which color you will be choosing as well just so I can get a head count and keep track! Also, if you have any other color ideas, let me know and I might just add them in :)

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