Part 3

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It's the morning, Saggi and Ragini decided to have breakfast with their parents today.

They both and their parents were eating and talking happily when suddenly Shekhar remembered something.

"I don't know who is the owner of this company, but because of him we lost our position!" Shekhar says angrily

Everyone looks at him confused.

"Which company are you talking about?" Mishti asks.

"That new company, in such a short time, the company achieved so much! That TBS company!" Shekhar replies angrily.

Saggi who was drinking juice spits it out while Ragini who was eating chokes.

Their parents looked at them weirdly.

"Why are you getting angry on them? Your company...I mean our company is also on good rank." Ragini asks nervously.

"But we lost our rank because of them!" Shekhar replies angrily.

"Uhm, I finished my breakfast, I'll go now!" Ragini says nervously.

She gets up, takes her bag and signals Saggi to do the same.

"I also finished so I'll also go." Saggi says.

She also gets up and takes her bag. She holds her twin's arm and drags her outside while their parents looked at them weirdly.

The both goes out, follows their routine and arrives at the park.

They both saw Twinkle and Naina. They hugs each other and sits on the bench.

"Breaking news! You know the secret we are trying to keep is going to be revealed to chotu Hitler! And..." Saggi gets interrupted.

"Shut up! Just.Shut.Up! I'll tell you, when we were having breakfast, papa got angry on a company because of whom he lost his company's rank. You all know which one it is!" Ragini says angrily.

Twinkle and Naina looks confused. Suddenly they widen their eyes.

"TBS company!" They both shouts.

"We are not deaf! We could have hear if you said it slowly also." Ragini adds angrily.

"But how they came to know it's our company?" Twinkle asks.

Ragini slaps her forehead.

"If he would have know it's our company, we wouldn't have been sitting there with you!" Ragini replies angrily.

"Till when should we keep it as a secret? I am fed up of lying and seeing papa fighting with chote papa!" Naina says.

"I think the matter is getting more serious, we don't even know why they fought 15 years back. We used to be a happy family." Saggi adds.

"We have to find out the reason!" Ragini says.

Twinkle rolls her eyes.

"CID madam, if it was simple we would have known the reason till now! And you must have a plan na, right? " She says the last line sarcastically. 

Ragini glares her but then she fakes a smile.

"Who knows the reason of their fight?" She asks.

"Papa and chote papa, and you know that!" Twinkle replies with a fake smile.

"And?" Ragini continues.

"And?" Twinkle says confused.

"Maa and choti maa!" Naina shouts getting her point.

"Right! Maa and Badi maa! So we have to ask them as it's more easy to talk with them than papa and bade papa." Ragini adds.

The remaining three nods.

"And, by the way, what we will do for the mansions? We have to change them as soon as possible!" Saggi says

"Twinkle already said that we just have to ask them to buy new mansions by saying that our mansions are old so let's buy new one." Naina replies.

"Yes! And let's say also that the other Batra's are also changing, they'll not say no then." Twinkle adds laughing.

Naina and Ragini glares her.

"Yes, why not? It's not like we haven't seen their ego! Do you want them to do something stupid also out of ego?" Naina says angrily.

"Nothing will happen, I'll take the guaranty if something happens. You just chill." Twinkle replies rolling her eyes.

They all goes to the mall early. They changed and came back in their cars. They rushed inside their mansions, making the mysterious persons curious.

Saggi Ragini and on the other side Twinkle Naina saw their mother's working in the kitchen. They went towards them.

"Maa, those girls are getting on my nerves!" Saggi and Twinkle says.

"Which girls?" Their mothers ask.

"Arey, those Batra sisters, every time I see them, I feel like I'll just punch her..I mean them!" Twinkle and Saggi says while looking at their twins angrily and asking sorry in their mind for saying that.

"What they said to you?" Their mothers asks angrily.

"They said nothing but I don't like them!" Twinkle and Saggi continues.

Their mothers twist their ears while glaring them.

"They said nothing, so stop it! One person in our family is enough to fight! You don't need to think about that, you're kids so stay like kids! It's elder's matter! If next time I hear you saying some thing like that then you'll see my worst side!" Leela and Mishti says angrily.

Saggi and Twinkle winces in pain while their twins muffle their laugh seeing their tricks failing. Their mothers left their ears and continue their work angrily.

Twinkle and Saggi signs their twins to continue while rubbing their ears with a hurt expression. Naina and Ragini somehow controls themselves from bursting into a laugh.

"Maa, you like them?" Naina and Ragini asks.

"No, there is nothing like that!" Their mothers reply nervously, which their daughters ignored.

"Acha, leave all that! Why do we even fight with them?" Naina and Ragini asks innocently.

Their mothers stops working and gets tears in their eyes.

"Business" They replies sadly.

"Business?" The four girls ask confused.

"Hmm, that business is the reason! If your father and his brother were not so bent in grabbing that deal, everything would have been fine!" They replies sadly.

"Which deal?" Ragini and Naina asks.

"The deal which Bakshi wanted. He created misunderstandings between both your father and uncle, so that they separated. And the saddest thing is he succeeded." They replies.

The girls were shocked.

"Are you talking about that Farhan Bakshi?" Ragini and Naina asks.

"Hmm, he is the reason."

The girls were more shocked knowing that person.

"You love them, that's why you were crying, right?" Ragini and Naina asks.

"No, not at all! It's just that I don't like your father fighting with anyone, I don't care about those Batra!" They said nervously again.

The girls runs to their respective rooms. They locks the door and takes out their laptops. They calls each other.

"I know the reason!" They all shouted.

"It's because of that Farhan Bakshi!" Saggi says.

"That bas..."

"Ragini! Language!" Naina angrily interrupts Ragini.

"I thought I couldn't hate him more than I already did. But I was wrong, I just want to kill him!" Twinkle says angrily.

"So now, we have to collect proofs against him so that we all reunite." Ragini says.

"Hmm, let's start it from now on. We'll meet tomorrow at the park with the proofs we collected." Naina says.

They all nods and disconnects the call.

Those mysterious people were listening to whatever the four girls were saying. They were standing outside their rooms near the windows.

The girls starts looking for proofs against Bakshi. Twinkle search on internet about Bakshi with Naina, Saggi calls the businessmen she knew while Ragini takes a backpack and jumps out from her room's window which was noticed by the person who hides himself before she could see him. She goes out, takes an auto rickshaw and goes away followed by the person who was noticing her each move.


The auto stops near a huge mansion which was surrounded by trees and bushes on the left, right and back side. Ragini pays the driver and goes out. The mysterious person stops his car far from her and looks at her.

Ragini looks at the mansion and saw many security guards near the gate. She walks near them and goes to the left side of the mansion followed by the mysterious person.

She looks around and saw a security guard. She quickly hides behind a tree before he could see her while the person was still staring her.

She will be moving silently behind the trees when suddenly her phones rings.

The mysterious person looks at her shocked while the security guard got alerted.

She takes out her phone and puts it on silent mode. The security guard moves towards the tree.

He was standing in front of the tree while Ragini was standing behind. The security guard silently comes from the left while Ragini moves to her left silently.

She goes and rapidly climbs on a big tree and sits on a branch. The mysterious person looks at her smiling while the security guard goes back finding no one.

Ragini takes out her phone and saw few missed calls from Naina. She calls her while Naina replies.

"Ragini are you okay? Why didn't you replied? Are you fine? Why aren't replying?" Naina asks continuously.

"If you let me speak, then I'll reply. I am near Bakshi's mansion." Ragini whispers.

"What? How can you go there alone?" Naina shouts making Twinkle alert.

She puts the phone on speaker so that both Twinkle and she herself can hear.

"I am fine okay. I just have to find a way to enter inside his mansion then I'll find something against him." Ragini whispers.

"Whose mansion?" Twinkle asks.

"Bakshi's mansion." Naina adds angrily.

"What? Are you mad? Do you think you're really a CID officer?" Twinkle says angrily.

"Please stop it! Why are you both overreacting?" Ragini says irritated.

"Where are you now?" Naina asks angrily.

"On a tree." Ragini says.

She then bites her tongue expecting her sisters reaction.

"On.A.Tree!" Naina and Twinkle shouts.

"You wait there, don't move, we'll come with Saggi!" Naina adds.

She cuts the call and calls Saggi. She explains her the situation. She and Twinkle jumps out of her room, while the two mans who were standing outside hides rapidly. Saggi did the same while the man outside her room also hides. The three girls rushes out. Saggi takes a car while the other two also takes one. They drives it rapidly while the three mysterious people follows them in a car also.

On the other side, Ragini thought to enter inside the mansion. She looks towards the security guard and saw him going away.

She slowly gets down and tries to climb the long wall. She tries to climb but slips at the end. She closes her eyes scared to fall but she didn't felt any pain. She opens her eyes slowly and gets shocked to see herself in a man's arm.


How was the part?

How was Ragini?

In whose arms do you think Ragini fell?

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