Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Abhi : Uncle see cap in avu's head

Uncle : So what happen?

Vaish : Yes

Abhi : Ara this is our sid's cap look properly

Vaish : Yes It's that cap you (Abhi)gifted sid

Ri : Yes

Uncle : But how this cap come to Avu?

Abhi : It’s sid's cap so sid will give na?

Vaish : Yes

Reja : Yes sid gived

All smiling and saying Hmmmm

Sid staring avu when avu saw sid is here. She stop dancing

Ri : I don’t know but why Iam feeling that it’s not a arrange marriage It's goona be love marriage

Vaish : Yes

Abhi : Yes

Uncle: We can also sense it

Reja : Yes mee too

Then Avu come to sid

Avu : Hi!

Sid : Hi! You danced really well. Yes seriously. We win completion because of you

Vaish : what is he saying?

Abhi : Yes

Then suddenly the camel run and they all run behind to camel

Avu : I didn’t believe you are taking like a Normal boy. Haaa jii naa jii not at all. Iam surprised

In others side

Abhi, vaish, uncle, Ri and Raja hide to another camle and hearing

Avu : But we win completion Because of you Siddharth ji

Sid : Now Don't be formal avu now Don't Again jii ji

They laughing

Avu : Now tell me the true yesterday you changed the CD

Sid : Yes

Avu :  I see if I not able to dance on that song then and Made my fool myself?

Sid : Why?  Iam there na for sure

Sid said with smiling and avu Just looking him

Avu : Do you know?  On that day After saw your heirs and your thought I feel that you are a so boring person

Sid : My reaction also same after see you

Avu : Really?

Sid : Yes and Who talked like Jii Ji?My dadi also didn’t talk like this way. How much spoon of sugar jiii?

Avu : Two Spoon Jii. You know Virat Kohli jii?

Sid : Do you know deepika Padukone jii

They start laughing

Avu : Mom is waiting for me. I will take left now bye

Sid : Bye Avu that cap you wear

Avu : Yes It's not It's good. Do you want this? Accept this as gifted by Avu

Avu Smile and left sid also smiling

The sid's family

Sid's Uncle : Attack

Abhi : Yes

They run to sid

Uncle : Someone is wearing cap today

Vaish : And songs is changing

Abhi : what's Going this?

Vaish : You were staring her

Uncle : Yes Just like a birds stare a moon

Abhi : Uncle not birds say only a bird. I know now Don't tell you will say now Don't think about gender think about feelings

Vaish : Now say why are you staring her

Abhi : Yes

Sid : I wasn’t staring

Vaish : Really?

Reja : He wasn’t staring he Just looking

Ri : Yes

Uncle : Accha left this poor boy and say now you start like her?

Sid : How Will I tell so early

Abhi : Hmm

Vaish : Hmmm you are right

In jai's side

Jai taking with someone

Jai : We will here with us then happiness will get MORE Reem

Reem : Yes We will be together Very soon now tell me this Avu's Alliance fixed? Dad asking

Jai : It’s difficult to say but After yesterday's dance all have hope

Reem : Really? Wow good

Jai : You know they looking so good. They give a amazing dance

Goals isn’t complete but Still I posted but today also Iam giving goals but want this to be complete

Goals : 20 vote and 20 comment

Goals complete nahi huha tho main chapter nahi dughi.

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