Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

After Wedding.

Sid sitting when Vaish come to him and sat beside him

Vaish  : Accha now tell. You like avu or not?

Sid : Iam still not sure Bhabi. I need some more time

Vaish : Hmm

In Avu side

Anu  and avu sitting together

Anu : At least tell now. You like sid or not?

Avu : I don’t know. Iam still so confused

In sid's Family side

They are talking about sid and avu. When sid Coming then sid's dad said

Sid's dad : Iam saying that tomorrow we are going back to our home. So before leaving we Have to tell Mr Khurana. We have to tell we are interested in This alliance. So what do we tell them?

In Avu's family side

Avu's dad : Now we have to tell Mr Baharadwaj. We can take More time now. We Have to leave soon

In sid's side

Sid's dad : Being my son he need time. I can't believe

In avu's Side

Avu's Aunt : We have to tell beacuse they will hope or else. So It’s better then we will tell them avu Isn't agreed for wedding

In sid's side

Sid's Aunt : So It’s better then we will refused them

Sid's dad : Yeah

In avu's side

Avu's dad : I will go and tell him

Avu's dad left

In sid's side

Sid's dad : Iam going to tell him

Sid's dad also left

Sid and avu still confused

Jai: Avu now you forget sid. Don't worry about him. Now do whatever you want to do. So be happy. Am I right Aunt?

Aunt : Yeah

In sid's side

Sid's Uncle : Are you happy now? Now nobody will bother you.

Sid : But why so hurry

Sid's Uncle : It’s daughter proposal. Allience come from many places. So It’s need.

When time sid's dad and avu's dad come downstairs then meet each others

Sid's dad : Oh you come here. Iam also Coming to meet you

Avu's Dad : Yes Iam too. I have to tell something

When time sid and avu also come. Then sid's dad and avu's dad see them.

Sid's dad : This alliance for our kids so we need to considered there choice

Avu's dad : Yeah Iam also agree

When avu call her dad

Avu : Dad I want to talk something

Dad : Yea wait we will talk after sometimes

Avu : dad It's important please

Sid also talking with his dad

Sid : Dad please come I also have some important things

Sid's dad : It’s important More then everything. I have to tell everything. You didn’t like avu right

Avu's dad : Yeah avu also Don't like him. So Don't worry we Will search a good boy for you

Sid's dad : Yeah I also can't do anything for this alliance

Suddenly sid said " I accept "

Sid : Yes dad I like avu

Avu's dad : But our's avu Don't like sid

Avu said " I do "

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