Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Avu : No it’s Just a meet not date

Anu : No it’s date

Avu : Accha whatever I agreed with you now happy?Now tell what I wear

Anu : Ok Iam suggesting you

Avu : Hmm

In sid side

Sid : what will I wear?Shirt yeah. This one will be great. No no that's like Similar shirt I wore in our first meeting then it was too boring So I think to not wear shirt yeah. Suit. No No. This one is cool. Let me wear this

In avu's side

Avu : How's Iam looking?

Anu : You are looking beautiful

Avu : Are you sure?

Anu : Yeah Avu relax

Avu : Hmm ok bye Iam going

Anu : Hmm

In sid side

Sid getting ready when vaish ans Abhi come to irritated him

Vaish : Wow you are getting ready

Abhi : You looking good. By the way where we are going?

Sid be like " What "

Vaish : No I think he is going alone

Abhi : Why alone?We all are ready. Let's Go now

Vaish : Yeah

Abhi : Where are you going?

Sid running from them

Abhi : At least listen to me

Vaish : Yeah tell na where are you going?

Abhi : Let me tell you where is he going I think he going Museum right?

Vaish : No No I think he going to meet Friends

Abhi : No No he is going Temple

Sid : Iam going to meet avu. Now happy?

Abhi : Secret date. Great

Vaish : I knew it

Sid : Really?  That's why you are pretending to guess wrong

Abhi : Of course

Sid : Now Don't tell anyone

Vaish : why

Sid : Actually avu's family didn’t want we meet that's why. We are doing Secret meeting. So please Don't tell to anyone

Abhi : Ok

Vaish : Yeah

Sid : So Iam Going now bye

Vaish : Hmm

Sid leftv

Abhi : He is learning From me all

Vaish : Really what a joke

Abhi gairing her. Vaish start laughing and abhi also start laughing

In sid side

Sid come in location. He is waiting for avu. Then avu come

Avu : Hi

Sid : Hello you looking Pretty

Avu : You are handsome too

Sid : Thanks. So shall we go

Avu : Hmm

Sid and avu walking when avu looking at roses.

Avu : By the way I really like roses

Sid : Really

Avu : Yess

Sid : Just give me a min

Sid go to shop

Sid : Here you go take this. Iam buying this all roses

Shopkeeper : Ok I tell you first na. But you didn’t understand

Sid : It’s first time that's why

Sid come to avu

Sid : This is for you 

Avu smile

Avu : I like roses but these are so many. You bought a full bunch

Sid : Because I want that You will Choice a beautiful one from this

Avu : All the roses are beautiful but the most beautiful one  is that particular one which gifted you

Sid and avu smille to look at each others

Sid Choice one roses and gifted avu. Avu smile and take this

Sid : One min

He go to shop and return roses to shopkeeper. Shopkeeper returning money too

Sid : No need take this and thank you

Shopkeeper become happy and sid come avu

Sid : By the way that day you ride a bike so nicely. I really impressed

Avu : Iam also impressed by you.

Sid : so we will do race again one day

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