Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Then sid call avu

Sid : Hi

Avu : Hello

Sid : Actually you forget your Earring is my car

Avu : Oh thanks a lot you got earing. You know that one my favourite earing. I was searching earing. But thank you so much

Sid : You most welcome

Avu : Now tell when you are returning my earing?

Sid : If you will meet me tomorrow I can return earing

Avu : Ok

Then they cut call

Anu : You really drop earing or else you did this for meet jiju

Avu : What you are saying?

Avu gairng anu

Anu : Ok Ok I understand

Avu : Hmm

Anu : I understand that you did this for meet sid hahaaaahaa

Anu run After said this.

In Next day

Sid is home. When abhi come from his room

Abhi : Oi Where are you? You keep earing safely or not?

Sid : Earing is safe. Don't worry

Abhi : Hmm and this time he will meet secretly or infrom her family

Sid : She will inform today

Abhi : Ok so what are you doing? Go to her. Don't make her wait

Sid : Byee

Sid left

Sid and avu in cafe

When sid give earing to avu

Avu: These are not main

Sid : They are not beautiful that's why you saying right

Avu : No It's really beautiful

Sid : So take na

Avu : Gift?

Sid : Yeah this is for you

Avu : Very nice . Thanks

Sid : And this is that earing you fall in car

Avu : Thanks bye the way I also come a gift with me for you. A good news. You know prist said we have right time now for do engagement

Sid : Really

When time she saw a man Making Sketch when sid and avu go to him

Sid : You will make sketch for us?

Man : Yeah sure but I will cost 200 Rupes or else you can give 150

Sid : Why 150. If sketch will be good then I will give you 500

Man : Ok

Sid : Shall we

Avu : Me? I thought you wanted to do sketch

Sid : Is it?  I though you wanted to make your Sketch

Avu : No you get it done

Sid : No you get it done

Man : You guys make sketch together you Couple right

Sid : Yeah

Avu looking him on that time

Sid : I mean we are going to couple soon

Man : So I will make couple sketch

Sid : Ok

Man : Please come here. Please strick a post. What is this. Please come closer yeah please come closer. Yeah now give hand on shoulder. Yeah that's good.

Avu : But why that's old post

Sid : Yeah we can make our post

Avu : Yeah

Then they give there Unique post.

Man start sketching. Avu and sid staring each others

Then after making sketch they are gone there home sweet home. There engagements dates they are finaling

In next day

Avu in shopping Mall when Sid come to her

Sid : Hi

Avu : You

Sid : Yeah what happen

Avu : why you come here

Sid : Mean

Avu : You come to meet me right

Sid : No

Avu : Tell truly

Sid : Ok Anu called me

Avu : ohh

Avu garing sid and sid start laughing then
Avu start laughing

Then Sid come cafe for a meeting. Now sid doing focused on Office. First time he did one deal. He is really happy when he meet avu's dad

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