Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Avu : What happen aunt?

Avu's Aunt : Thief

Avu : No I think It's cat

Avu's Aunt : I see infront of me. It’s human for sure

When jai come

Jai :  What happen?

Avu's Aunt : Thief in our home

Jai : Yeah I also think so I told you na avu. But you said It's cat

Avu's Aunt : Yeah

When Avu's Mom and dad come

Avu's dad : What happen?

Jai: Thief come in home

Avu's Mom : What?

Jai : Yeah

Avu's dad : So search fast and call police

Jai : Ok

They Start search thief when avu with anu

Avu's prov

If he is here. Then where is he

Then avu saw sid in behind of sofa.

Avu's dad : Where is this thief

Jai : Yeah

Avu : I think he escaped

Avu's Mom : But how can he escaped all locked

Avu's Dad : Yeah

Then they all start search again

Sid's prov

If they Caught me then What will they think of me. 

When time avu sent her family to search garden and take sid with her. Make him out from house

Avu : Why need to do this

Sid : For give you gift

Avu : You can't give me tomorrow

Sid : My mind told to give now. So I come here. You know na how much Iam crazy

Avu gairing him

Sid : Ok ok I take to much to give you gift now take this and wore this please bye

Then sid left and avu come home

Sid come home and thinking about Avu

Sid : I want to see avu in that dress

When time he saw avu give her video call

He come and saw avu in his dress. Sid just Staring Her

Sid : Avu you are looking beautiful

Avu smiling

In Next day

Avu thinking about sid and his family. So she thought to call vaish.

In call

Avu : Hello Bhabhi

Vaish : Hi avu how are you

Avu : Iam fine Bhabhi how are you

Vaish : Iam also fine that's really good avu you called me. Iam going call you

Avu : Why

Vaish : To tell you. Your soon to be husband is not eating food. You know Iam giving his lunch everyday but he is not eating. So he Will not goona to listen us so if you tell him he will surely listen you

Avu : Ok bhabhi I will talk

Avu : Don't worry

Then call cut

Then sid in office when avu come

Sid : Avu you are here

Avu : Yeah I have to come Because I got so much complaints in that's day. You are not eating lunch because of work why

Avu gairing him

Sid : First tell who complained to you?

Avu : None of your business

Sid : Ok then I will eat or not eat it’s not also your business. Iam  going

Avu : Hey wait Iam telling you nicely you eat or else I will not goona spare you so easily

Sid  laughed

Sid : Ok Iam scared

Avu : Hmm now sit and eat

Avu served food to sid

Sid : It’s Smells good. You maked

Avu : No Dad maked

Sid : Oh For making me happy you can't able to tell me lie that you maked

Avu : How will I say lie to you. You are going to be soon husband of me and I can't make good food like dad

Sid : Whatever you will make  I will eat nicely

Avu smiling to hears that

Sid : Accha ok you didn’t cook in your hand but feed in Your hand

Avu smile and feel him. Then sid feel avu too

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