Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Sid standing infront of avu's Room and Avu standing infront of Sid's Room. When time Sid's dad and uncle saw Avu and Avu's Mom and dad saw Sid

Sid's side

Avu's dad : Excused me

Sid scared

In Avu's side

Sid's dad : Excused me

Avu also got Really scared

Sid's Dad : Who are you? What are you doing here?

Sid's side

Sid : Actually Iam simply

Avu's Dad : First turn Around and show me who are you?

Avu's side

Sid's dad : Why you covering your face?Take it off

Sid's dad : Who are you?

Sid's side

Sid remove his mask

Avu's mom : You are....

Sid's Dad : You are Sid Right?

Avu's side

Sid's Uncle : Avu?

Sid's dad : Dear you are here? What are you doing like this?

Avu : Actually

Sid's side

Sid : Actually Iam not able to find lavanya's Room

Avu's side

Avu : Actually I was looking lavanya's Room

Sid's dad : But they are in North floor wing right?

Sid's uncle : Yeah there over . The way

Avu: Thank youSid's dad : Listen to me.Who were you hiding from?

Sid's side

Sid : Actually there was Cockroaches. Iam really sacred from cockroaches

Avu's dad : They have cockroaches in such a nice hotel?

Sid : I don’t know

Avu's side

Avu : Actually I saw cockroaches. Afraid that I may let out a Scream. I covered my face. Goodbye uncle

Sid's dad : Ok goodbye dear. But sid also scarred from cockroaches

Avu : Ok

Avu said and go from there

In sid's side

Sid : So Goodbye uncle

Avu's dad : Ok take care

Then sid gone

Avu's Mom : Such a boy. Really good. He is scared from cockroaches so cute

Avu's dad : Yeah. He is scared from cockroaches and my daughter loved to play with Cockroaches . They are really opposite. There Jodi is perfect.

Avu's mom : Yeah

In avu's side

Avu's prov

Which types of boy is he?He is scared of cockroaches. He is sacredly boy think so. I People scared from cockroaches. Don't know which types of boy he.My life partner should be like me loved to play with cockroaches. cockroaches is like a my best friend. Aww today Because of cockroaches Iam saved yeyyyy. Love you cockroaches. What a lie I said. Proud of Avu. Hehe

Avu's prov end

Iam the one who loved to play with cockroaches hehe.  Cockroachs is like my best friend . I though I used this in story so I put it.

In Next day

Lavanya's Haldi ceremony going on. On other side they making sid and Avu ready to meet each others.

Anu : She is wearing sari for first time. Please let in be on her shoulder

Anu's Mom : silence

Avu : I wear a nice suit today. Alright?

Avu's Mom : No

Avu : why

Anu's mom : Because my child It'snot regular day and you going to meet them today so sari Good

Avu's Mom : You looking so beautiful in sari. Just a minute. See now you looking more beautiful

Jai come

Jai : Yeah mom. Let me take a look. She looks like a Pari

Avu's dad come

Avu's dad : Wow My daughter looking so beautiful

My 500 words chapter is best Because You guys didn’t deserve 2000 words chapter .

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