Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

When they all come  out from home

Jai : Are you all ok?

Abhi : Yeah yeah We are ok

Jai : I called Fireforce . They will come soon

Avu's dad : Ok but where is Avneet

Anu : Yeah There is no avu

Sid : What

Jai : Check properly. Avu avu are where are you

Avu's dad : I think She is in Inside

Avu's Mom : What My daugher. Please save her

Avu's Aunt : Don't Cry Nothing Will happen to my daughter

Avu's dad : I have to go to save my daughter

Jai : No need you go then something will happen to you then? You don’t go Iam going

They are talking when sid Just run to house

Abhi : Sid (Shouted)

Vaish : Sid (Shouted)

Ri : Ohh No. Sid gone

Reja : Iam really scared if something happen to them

Vaish : Shut up reja. Don't say like that nothing will happen to them

In Avu's side

Avu in inside of house. She is searching something when sid come

Sid : Come let Go Where you are doing here. Come fast fire are increasing come fast

Avu : I Don't want to go
Sid : What?

Avu : Sid wait Iam searching

Sid : What

When Avu find that she is searching

Avu : I got it. Thanks a lot

Sid : Ring?

Avu : Yeah That Ring I brought for You for our engagement when fire start this ring fall from my hand. I was not able to make it wear. Now I got this. Iam so happy. Now I will make it wear to you

Sid just smile to hears this. Then they coming from house

When sid and avu coming from house when suddenly they saw fire increased so much. When time there Door start fall in Avu

Sid : Avu (Screamed)

When Sid go and pushed avu. But this fire door fall in sid

Avu : Sid (Screamed)

Abhi : Sid (Screamed)

All scared. Abhi, jai and sid's dad and his uncle, Avu's dad run to him and when time fireforce also come. But it too late

In Hospital

They take sid to the hospital

All worried and Avu is crying. She is crashing herself because of sid's this condition

Avu : Because of me It's happen. Because of me. I go to search Sid's Ring but I got ring but that Ring for that person who is in this condition then what will I do with this Ring

Avu said while crying. She is crying badly. Her family consoled her. Sid's Mom is really crying and vaish is trying to consoled her but what will she do when she is not able to consoled herself. She is not able to saw her baby boy like this. She also crying. Abhi is so much worried he is not able to his baby in this condition. All family's in bad condition

Jai : Don't worry. Sid is so much strong Nothing will happen to him. Please Don't cry 

Avu's dad : Yeah But Iam thinking Something how this fire start. How It's run

Jai : Yeah dad But Don't Worry I called to our Security They Will send me CCTV Footage in sometime then We will get to know who do this.

Avu's Dad : Hmm

Doctor come

All Rush to doctor

Avu : Doctor How is sid?

Abhi : Doctor tell me please how is my brother?

Sid's Mom : Doctor How is my son please tell me please

Doctor : Actually.....

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