Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Sid : But

Sid's Uncle : No nothing now. Do Whatever we said

Sid's Dad : Yeah

In Avu's side

Avu's Mom : Listen if YOUR Future Mother -in-laws ask which is Your favourite movie then tell some good movie name

Avu : what is that?

Anu : Just say na  you Just watch " Jai Santoshi Ma "

Avu : but I didn’t watch it na

Avu's Mom : I wil make you watch

Anu : Yeah

Avu's Mom : We wil watch it together

Anu : Aunt. If they ask avu to sing a song?

Anu's Mom : Dear Apu. Listen listen then sing a nice hymn Not " London Thumka " Did you get it?

Avu's Mom : Yeah not that one

Avu : Dad look at this. First of all Iam Not able to walk properly in sari and they are asking me show off. How wil I pretend that Iam Not?

Avu's Dad Mr Mittal go to Anu's Mom means His sis and sat with her

Avu's Dad : Di Isn't is too much?

Anu's Mom : Shut up. You didn’t know anything. You didn’t observed any rituals befor YOUR marriage. Iam her Aunt Mittal. I wil not wish bad for her

One old man come

Old man : Sir Mr Bahardwaj come. Let's go I wil introduced you

Avu's dad : Let's go It’s exam time

Avu's mom : come on Avu Let's go

Then The best moment come for all people . There meeting time. Sid's family and Avu's family meet with each others and greeting each others

Old Man : God Blessed me with fortune that to good families introduce to each others. I hope that family wil  finial this Alliance.

Ri ( wishpers)  : Bro I think she looks better in photo. She looks different here

Rija (wishpers) : Hey! that beacuse she wore sari. Do you know that all looks old in sari

Ri : No It's not like that. Actress looks amazing in saris.

Anu ( Whispers) :  Look at him Avu. If you don't look at him then how wil you judge him?yoy regret later

Vaish (whispers) : Why are you being shy?Baby bro . Look at her properly Don't say later that we got  you marriage a with to a girl with crooked noses

Sid (whispers) : Her nose Isn't crooked

Vaish : Ohh Really?

Vaish : You Have seen her photo properly

Sid's Prov

Why is she dressed up like this or in this Her true Style. I think she is like this

Avu's prov

His suit is so boring and his hairs. So oily. Neither he Have style or attitude. I don’t think he know anything expected business.

There provs end and Avu taking blessing  from sid's family and sid taking blessing from Avu's  family

Old Man : Sir come. Let's sat and start talk. Come Over here. Now sid and Avu should talk to each others. Practices change by times

Sid's dad : Yeah you are right

Avu's Dad : Yeah. Let's them sent them there

Sid"s dad : Yeah

Sid : Ok

Sid's Dad : Yeah yeah go and talk because after that you guys have to taka final call

Sid : Hmm

Avu's dad : Go dear ask Whatever you want to ask. Till then we should go for boating. Let's us enjoy. Am I right?

Sid's : Yeah. Nice  Let's go.

All going when Avu's Aunt

Avu's Aunt : I hope you remember what I told you?

Avu : Yess Ji Yess Jii

Avu's Aunt : Yes that's like my child. Whatever he ask you something always say " Ji Ji "

Avu : Hmm

Sid's side

Sid's Aunt : Iam telling You. Don't forgot to see how she talks and walk

Sid : Hmmm

Now that's come all waiting. Sid and Avu together sitting but didn’t Start talk yet

Sid's prov

She Isn't even looking at me. How should I Start conversation?

Avu's prov

Iam Not goona to Start talk. You have to start conversation

Sid : What is Your name Jii?

Avu :  Jii Iam Avneet. Avneet Khurana. What about Yours jii?

Sid : Jii Siddharth. Siddharth Singhania. Are you done with Your graduation jii?

Avu : Haa  jii. So do you work with Your father jii?

Sid: Haa Jii. Would you like to have some tea jii?

Avu : Nahi Jii. I don’t like tea jii. Would you like to have some tea jii?

Sid : Haa Jii

Avu : Ok jii. Iam serving you wait jii.

Sid : Haa jii

Avu : Suger jii?

Sid : 2 spoons jii

Avu : Ok jii. Here Your tea

Sid : Thank you jii

Avu's prov

What a bore person
As Plain as he looks

In others side

There family doing booting

Sid's Aunt : They looks really good with each Others

Avu's Aunt : Yeah. They are match made in Heaven

Sid's Aunt : So can Avu cook well?

Avu's Aunt : Yeah she know how to cook.she is a really Great cook. She makes great " Allo and puri ". When It’s' come to singing and cooking. Avu is unbeatable

Sid's Aunt : Even I like songs so much. We wil Cartently hears her song

Avu's Aunt : Sure

Sid's Aunt : Even sid sings well

Sid's Aunt and Avu's Aunt saying all lie. On that time Abhi, vaish, Ri and Reja looking at each others. Like What

Sid's Aunt : He is the one who sing a hymns everyday

Avu's Aunt : Oh

Sid" s Aunt : Yeah. He likes a sing devotional songs and he likes riding bikes.Iam telling you. He win bike race in his collage

Avu's Aunt : My Avu also win so much Prize in collage in singing 

Sid's Aunt : Our sid is so good. You know he playes guitar very well.He can play any hymns with guitar.Am I right? Vaish

Vaish : Yeah Yeah Aunt

Sidneet side

Avu's prov

Where  have  I landed

Sid's prov

I have asked her everything. What else there to ask. Ask about her hobbies. Which movies she like. Yeah that's good idea

Sid : Any hobbies of Yours? Do you watch movie jii?

Avu : Nahi Jii. But I watch devotional movies

Avu's prov

Stop lying!  You have never missed any action movie yet?

Avu : what about you jii?

Sid : Nahi jii. I didn’t watch movie. Iam always busy in work

Sid's Prov

Oh Really sid. You are busy with your work or else Your Bike . Didn’t you go Goa last month for intranational filam festival?

Sid : But I want with my friends to watch Deepika film jii

Avu : Deepika Jii? Who is that?

Sid : I think her name is Deepika Padukone

Sid's prov

Will you marry her sid? Who didn’t know Deepika?

Avu : I hope you watch cricket jii. What do you think about Virat Kohli jii?

Sid : Virat Kohli jii?who"s that jii?

Avu's prov

Will you marry this idiot? Who didn’t know Virat Kohli?

Avu : He is a great cricketer. My brother really prise him jii

Sid : Accha jii

Sid : what you like to watch in TV?

Sid's prov

Hymns or else devotional songs

Avu's prov

Should I tell him  Bikes races. Then he wil leave you

Avu : I oftan watch cooking shows jii. What About you?

Sid's prov

Tell her what you like then for sure she wil leave you ones .

Sid : Only News jii

Sid's prov

What wil I talk that girl. She didn’t know anything expect cooking and Hymns

Avu's prov

He didn’t know anything expect Money. So what can he talk about?When this meeting will be over. Someone please save me

Avu : Shall we leave Siddharth jii

Sid : Jii Sure Avneet Jii

Sid's prov

Finally something did good

Then there meeting there family come

Sid's dad : We wil discussed about that then we wil tell you

Avu's Dad : Yeah yeah sure. We also Have to do discussed

Then all going there place

Give me comment and vote. Or else Iam saying I wil delated this book for sure if I didn’t got good response

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