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Chapter 50

Yeyyy Half Century

Sid : But How can you tell this? We didn't even complete our Engagement too

Avu : Oh Don't Worry. Today I will complate all

She said then first sid's tears

Avu : See this ring. For this all happen and our Engagement also didn't complete. I couldn't Able to make you main but you make me by make me wear your ring. But now my turn.

Avu said and put Ring in sid's finger. Kissed his forbade

Avu : We complete our engagement too. Now you are only mine. So don't dare to say anything

From Hospital Room door all looking them and smiling how avu with sid. She accept him. How much she love him. She proved him

Avu"s Aunt : Iam Feeling guilty. I didn't able to understand avu's love for me. But I understand now and Iam so happy

Avu's dad : It's Ok di. But Iam so much feeling proud of my daughter

Avu's Mom : Mee too

Sid's dad : We also proud on avu. Thank a lot to give us avu like daughter-in-law

Sid's mom : Yeah Thank you so much

Avu's dad : Don't say like this you all. We are really gald that avu got a great family. Thank you so much

All is so much happy

Abhi : What Will Do The Wedding Mall That we booked?

Sid's dad : Ohh Yeah Cancel it

Avu's Dad : Why No need to cancle it

Abhi : Why?

Avu's Dad : Becuase I think now my daughter can't able to live without sid in this condition of sid. She wants to be always with him. So It's better then na we will make them married that date we finished

Abhi : But sid's condition

Avu"s dad : We will ask doctor na and after marriage avu can take care him fully so problem will be. That's why Iam saying

Sid's dad : You also Right

Sid's Uncle : But I think First we Should ask doctor

Vaish : Yeah

They come to doctor. They tell everything to doctor

Doctor : Sid's condition still not ok but he is not in observation and as weeding in aftee 2-3 days. So I think for 2-3 hours you can do but You have to be carefull in his health

After that all give sweet to doctors too

In Hospital Room

Avu sit with sid while holding his hand. When Nurse come

Nurse : I have to treat his wounds you may leave now

Said to avneet. Who agreed and left hospital room

After 2 days

They start wedding preparation. All is so happy. All is really waited for this day. Yeah they are enjoying but Sometimes they feel hurt also too see sid in this condition. But still tried there best to Control. That's like way Sid And Avu's Wedding Complete. Yess There wedding done. All is happy and then Avu leaving her family with tears in her eyes. Some memories come in her eyes. That's making her emotional. She hugged his dad start crying badly. She loves her dad most and her dad too. After crying Session avu left her House and come to Sid's home.
Avu come in sid's house then sid's Room. She come sid's Room with sid looking sid's Room and smiling because she Wait for this day to much. She is so happy. She looking at sid. When time sid's Nurse come for giving his medicines and Cream in his burnt spot. But Avu take Medicines and Cream from Nurse

Avu : Now I have Right you to give this

Nurse smile on them and left from here Because she understand what do mean in her word.

Avu come close to sid and take of his showl. Sid just Closed his eyes. He can't able to his burnt body. Tears falling from his eyes and avu wiped his tears and Start giving medicines to Sid. Avu control herself to much for not broke because he will broke then who will take care of sid now. She have to be strong. After cream and medicines. She Dressed sid's bangdes then avu make sid slept and she is staring him. Kissed forbade and Caressing his Hears

Avu : You did to Much for me. Now My turn to do something for you. You Protect me from all danger now I will Protect you. I will take care you. I love you sid. I love you so Much. You proved your love now It's time for me to prove my love. Love you my love

She spend her whole night by looking at sid. She don't want anything much. She always want this moment. She want some time with sid. She got today. She enjoying her first Night in her own way by taking care of her husband And staring him. She can't express how much she happy with him. She always want to be with him. She always want to take sid care like this way. Like this lovely. She always want to love sid like this way. She always want to love sid. By this Iam ending this story

I hope you guys like my book. Iam not so much happy I did happy ending. Thank you so much guys for giving me so much love.


Guys Please Give me some review how much you guys like this book. Please tell me in your comment. Please guys do comment. It's last chapter. Please Give Comment from your Heart . That's It

Thank you so Much Guys. Hope You guys Will Support me Future too. Iam coming soon With New book.

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