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juniper's pov:

My body was numb, mouth dry. The room around me suddenly felt very small. I wasn't quite sure what to do. I've never been broken up with before. Is that what had just happened? Had Xavier just broken up with me? I didn't know anything. Should I cry? Scream? Break something? What do I do? My body decided to run, run out of the suffocating walls of my dorm, air thick with anger. Run down the stairs, past the fifth years snagging in the alcove, through the common room, past my friends studying on the couches, and barely noticing when I bumped into Teddy. I just kept running. Straight into the second floor girls' lavatory. It was always deserted, quiet enough since Myrtle trolled the perfects bathrooms in the morning for poor unsuspecting boys.

It was calmer there. I took deep gulps of air and sank to the cool tiles, head lolling back onto the stall door. That's when the emotions started to hit me. My eyes burned with tears. I hated crying. Like really hated it. The damp floor began to seep into my jumper and I realized I was still wearing Teddy's stuff from the night before. Then, as if I'd conjured him, I heard voices echoing outside.

"You sure she's in this one?" My brother's loud whisper reached my ears. The shuffle of feet cluing me into the fact that there were more of them.

"I really don't think we're supposed to be in here." Charlie's heavy footfalls squelched and squeaked in the puddles.

Leo was next, tone wary, "What if there's another girl in there?"

"Why is it so wet? Merlin's beard." Charlie again, sounding grossed out.

"Their sink has snakes on it! Cool." James exclaimed, and I nearly laughed.

"Junie?" Teddy. Oh Teddy.

I held my breath and shut my eyes tight, hoping if I didn't make a sound they'd give up and go away. Damn it! Stupid nosy protective Teddy. Always poking his nose in my damn business in a totally sweet and totally annoying way. I should've known he'd follow me after I ran into him, but did he have to bring the whole gang?! I scrubbed my face frantically with my sleeve, knowing it was bright red and puffy. The only thing I hated more than crying was crying in front of other people. Especially the guys. I'd learned early on that crying over something was not going to get me what I wanted. And more often than not resulted in the classic, "don't be such a girl" comments I loathed so much.

I heard a knock on the stall. "Potter?" Teddy asked, halting in front of me. Shit. "I know you're in there." Double shit.

He rapped on the door again, tapping his foot impatiently, "Potter don't make me climb over the fucking stall." I stayed silent, rolling my eyes as he said, "I'll do it."

"Junie open the door." Leo called, his pair of feet joining Teddy's, "Lupin's going to kill himself."

"That'll mess up your Quidditch line up for sure." Charlie reminded me. Using Quidditch as a weapon. How dare they?!

"Potter I swear to god I'll do it." Teddy repeated determinedly.

"I know you will." I said softly, opening the stall door. I cleared my throat, surveying their worried faces. Teddy was looking at me with those big, concerned puppy dog eyes that I wasn't used to yet. "I'm fine."

Teddy folded his arms, "No you're not."

"Yes I am." I swallowed the lump in my throat, forcing myself into a lighthearted expression. "Smiling, see?" I pointed to my face, trying desperately to hide the quiver in my lip. "I'm ok."

"You're only saying that so we'll leave." Teddy answered matter of factly. I hated that he knew me so well. "Tough luck Potter, you're stuck with us for life."

Damn Teddy. Damn all of them. Staring at me all pityingly, coming to find me, taking care of me. Those tears threatened to spill over. "Shut up." I whispered, voice breaking.

Before I could blink Teddy wrapped his arms around me, the rest following suit, and I broke. They were all so sweet. They were always there for me. I couldn't believe I'd chosen Xavier so many times. It was my fault. It was all my fault. I hated that I was still wasting tears over him. I hated that I missed him, but I was so so glad I didn't have to miss my best friends anymore.

"It's not a big deal." I protested, attempting to wriggle out of their grasp. Teddy only held me tighter. The tears were falling freely now and I felt like a bloody idiot. "It's stupid-" I choked out, "You guys didn't have to-"

"Hey." Teddy released me, taking me firmly by the shoulders and looking me dead in the eye. "It is a big deal."

"It's not stupid." James continued.

"And we wanted to." Leo finished, squeezing my arm comfortingly.

"They took all the words, thanks a lot guys by the way, but we'll always be here for you Junie." Charlie as always, joked to ease the tension.

I shook my head, a ghost of a smile appearing on my lips.

"Nice one Weasley, that was almost a smile." Leo applauded, winking at me.

"A real one this time." Teddy added, nudging my shoulder.

James chortled, "Yeah your fake smile needs some work Junie, it looked like a deranged clown."

I elbowed my brother the ribs, "You guys are idiots."

"She's coming back to us now." Charlie grinned, teasing.

"So now you can tell us what happened." My brother gave me a stern look.

I paled at the thought. They'd kill Xavier. I couldn't tell them. There was no way. They were over protective when I even so much as talked to a guy, now I had been broken up with. I could already picture how each would react. It wasn't pretty. "I don't want to." I grimaced.

"Why...?" Teddy asked warningly. I saw his shoulders tense. I knew what he suspected, and he had the worst temper of any of us. James was cooler, calmer. He didn't go looking for fights, in fact, he hated violence. He was like dad that way. But he was also like Dad in that he flew off the handle if someone disrespected his family.

"Xavier broke up with me okay?" I said in a small voice, feeling the tears start to form. "Or I broke up with him- I don't really know but-"

"HE WHAT?!" Teddy roared, murder in his eyes. His hands curled into fists, "I'll kill him. I'll beat-"

"I'll smack his face so-"

"He'll never see the light of day again-"

"No one hurts my family and gets away with-"

"No! No! No!" I cried out, wringing my hands, angry tears splashing onto the puddles below, "This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you! Trust me, no one wants to punch Xavier more than I do, but it'll only make things worse. What's done is done." I inhaled and exhaled shakily, "Can you guys please go or just get Ror, Viv, and Jade?" I pleaded, sinking back down to the floor. "No offense but they're slightly better equipped to deal with this, and also I cried in front of you and I'm still really hungover and this has been a really really crappy day-" I put my head in my hands, hiding my anguish, "Please."

"Okay." Leo said kindly, "We'll go find them Junie."

"But only because I'm afraid Myrtle's going to show up." James eyed the lavatory suspiciously.

"I'm not leaving you here alone." Teddy refused obstinately, planting himself right beside me on the ground.

"Teddy-" I started.

"No." He replied, "They'll bring back the girls and I will stay here and make sure you don't drown in the puddles." He wrinkled his nose and flung a bit of water off of his foot, "Seriously where is it all coming from?"

Once Charlie, James, and Leo had disappeared out the door, Teddy turned to me, "What happened?"

"No way." I shook my head, "You'll charge out of here and-"

"I swear I won't fight him." Teddy promised, holding a hand up in oath, "Just tell me Junie. I have to know how much more I should hate him."

"You're impossible." I bit back a smile.

"So are you." He smirked, then placed his hand over mine. "Zabini never deserved you. He's an idiot for letting you go."

I bit my lip as hard as I could. Stupid, wonderful Teddy was going to make me cry. "I know." I breathed, voice cracking as I dug my nails into the palms of my hand, "That helps, but it still stings, I guess. I think I knew it had to happen, but it doesn't make it any less painful. It's a lot more real- than I-" I trailed off, staring at the tiles so that I wouldn't completely fall apart.

Teddy reached out a hand and lightly wiped a tear off my cheek, leaving his thumb there for a second longer than necessary. "I hate seeing you hurt almost as much as I hate the people who hurt you."

"Teddy, I already cried in front of you once." I sniffed, another tear rolling down my face, "Please don't make me do it again."

"How did it happen?" Teddy questioned, lacing his fingers through mine. A pleasant electric shock shot up my arm, a warm tingly feeling I hadn't had in a long time. Why was he holding my hand? I could never figure him out.

"He said I had to stop seeing you or stop seeing him." I answered, remembering in harsh clarity how solemnly Xavier had shut the door to my dorm, defeated. "But what he didn't understand- or did- was that I couldn't leave my best friends. That what he wanted me to do, and I tried-"

"He gave you an ultimatum." Teddy growled, "Dick move. I would've broken up with him too-"

"I chose you, Teddy." I whispered.

There was a heavy moment of silence. Teddy's hazel eyes locked with my green ones, his mouth parted. It looked as though he wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words. Something stirred in my heart, awakening.

"Where is she?" The silence broke, a flurry of movement entering the lavatory. Vivian, Jade, and Rory rushed to my side, all clucking like doting mother hens. I was smothered in hugs.

"Guys." I struggled for air, "I can't breathe."

"We've got it from here Lupin." Rory instructed Teddy, guiding him towards the door, "C'mon Junie, let's get you back to the dorms."

"Thank you guys." I let Viv help me off the floor, and winced when I found my arse was completely soaked with water. Gross. This day just kept getting worse and worse. "Dibs on the shower?" I offered weakly, laying my head on Jade's shoulder, who was on my right.

"Definitely." Viv gingerly rubbed some of the mascara off my face, and I had to commend her for her ability to remain undisguised. I knew what I must look like. Only true friends braved toilet water to help you out of a hard situation. They hadn't asked any questions...yet. Which I was grateful for. Though I knew that the moment I'd cleaned myself up Viv would pull out that speaker and put on her "sad playlist", Jade would make tea, and Rory would coax me into talking. She had an uncanny way of getting people to do exactly what she wanted while making them think they'd happened upon the idea all on their own. James used to call her the Puppetmaster back in third year. That is...until she threw her History of Magic textbook at his head. Thankfully she missed, but they both ended up in the infirmary. Rory for a strained wrist and James for a bruised shoulder.

Teddy and the guys, stubborn as ever, did not leave, but flanked us as we headed out of the lavatory.

"Can we get rid of them?" Rory muttered, shaking her head at James, who merely grinned in response.

"I've been trying for sixteen years." I smiled in spite of myself, sharing a brief look with Teddy. "Pretty sure they're never leaving."

"Damn right." Teddy echoed proudly, and they all puffed out their chests. And for the first time that day, I felt the slightest bit happier.

We walked down the corridor, and I held my head a little higher. I felt infinitely lucky that my friends had stuck by me, even after all that had happened.

A hushed conversation disrupted my thoughts.

"It was only a matter of time you know?" I heard a pompous voice say, scoffing derisively. "Can't believe I let it go on so long."

"We thought you were mad for it." Another voice, low and judgmental.

"Oh come on you guys." A third, girlish and chastising.

I recognized all three. I turned the corner, blood boiling. I knew what I would see. Xavier, Brian, and Lola, casually gossiping by a soldier. About me. They were talking about me.

My hurt turned to anger in an instant, rage consuming my heart. How dare he? How dare he? He had to be the slimiest creature ever to roam the earth. He had given me an ultimatum. He had not dumped me like trash. He gave me a choice. What a coward. Xavier's back was to me, but Lola and Brian's faces turned white when they saw us entering the corridor, jaws dropping in horror. Xavier, however, was still talking up a fucking storm.

"Much too childish for someone of my standard." Xavier continued languidly, "Mumsie was right all along. She was-" He stopped, noticing hid friends' expressions, "What? Why are you-" Slowly, he swiveled around, taking in the scene before him with a gulp.

"She was what, exactly, Xavier?" I pursed my lips, words dripping with fury. "By all means, finish what you were going to say. I'm very interested as to what the end of that sentence was going to be." I snarled, eyebrows arching. I hated him. I hated him. I hated him. He made me cry and now he was sitting here bashing me with his stupid friends who never liked me anyway. Who I hung out with because I was going to be a good girlfriend if it killed me. Screw him. Screw Xavier Zabini and his family ring and his money.

"Juniper." He nodded cordially, mouth tightening into a thin line. He spotted Teddy behind me, and sneered, "Should've known you'd go crawling back to him." Xavier spat, "Slut."

Someone gasped. Something white hot shot through my body, all I could see was red. Without thinking, I slapped Xavier clean across the face. Everything after that was a blur. Teddy charged at Xavier, fists flying. I tried to hold him back but I was too slow. James lunged for Xavier too, swinging a punch and hitting him in the jaw, hard. Brian attempted to join the fight, advancing on James, but Rory put a stop to it.

"Potter don't!" Rory grabbed his arm, holding him back.

James lightly fought against her, careful not to actually harm Rory, "Let me at him Wood! You heard what he called her!"

"I know. He's an arse, but James you're going to get injured. It'll only make things worse." Rory said adamantly, "Leo get over here and help me!"

"But-" Leo protested, looking from Rory to Xavier in distress.

"Now Leo!" Rory commanded, struggling to keep James in check.

Vivian and Jade were already restraining Charlie to the best of their abilities. I watched helplessly as Xavier and Teddy continued to pummel each other. There was so much blood. Teddy was stronger and angrier, but Xavier was getting his fair share of hits in too. Teddy pounded him over and over and over again. He drove a knee into Xavier's stomach, pinning him down. "Fuck you Zabini. Don't you ever hurt her! You don't get to look at her! You piece of human filth-"

"Teddy!" I screamed, "Teddy get off of him!" A crowd was beginning to gather in the corridor, Peeves egging the whole thing on. The professors would be arriving soon. Xavier landed a fierce punch to Teddy's nose, and I heard a sickening crack as Xavier's head hit the stone floors. I could barely stand it anymore. "Xavier stop it! Teddy, please! Teddy!" I shouted what must've been a thousand times. Why wouldn't they stop fighting?!

"Mr Lupin! Mr Zabini!" Professor McGonagall thundered. Oh thank godric. "Cease this at once! Impedimenta!" Her spell sent the two boys flying to opposite ends of the room, Xavier clutching his face in pain.

Professor Parkinson pulled a still struggling Teddy to his feet, while McGonagall hauled Xavier up by his (very bloody) shirt collar. A bruise was blossoming by Teddy's right eye, purple and yellow, and his nose was dripping blood. Xavier looked far worse, split lip and bruises all over his face, a bleeding gash just above his eyebrow.

Professor McGonagall eyed all of us with blatant disapproval, the crowd scattering. "Come along then." She motioned to us tightly, briskly walking froward, robes swishing around her ankles.

Silently, we followed her. The boys and I still bristling with anger. She led us to the headmaster's tower and dread flooded my senses. Of course. The fucking cherry on top of this nightmare. The last person I wanted to see right now was dad. Perfect. This was just perfect.

"Wait here." She ordered, stopping us in the front study. "Mr Lupin and Mr Zabini, please follow Professor Parkinson in the upper tower. I've alerted your families, the headmaster is already there."

"As for you seven." McGonagall gaze narrowed, her expression as severe as the bun she always wore. "Never have I been so disappointed in my house. Encouraging physical violence? In the corridor no less. Gryffindor is no place for that, now I understand that none of you participated in the fight. Though some students say they saw Mr. Potter punch Mr Zabini, but I'm willing to-"

"No." James growled stubbornly, stepping forward, "I punched him-"

"Potter!" Rory groaned, pulling him back in line, "Don't-"

"Punched him and proud of it." James took no heed to Rory's advice. "I'll take my punishment now Professor."

"Idiot." Rory rolled her eyes, but I saw a hint of a smile creep up her lips.

"There's no need to be so dramatic Mr. Potter." Professor McGonagall tutted sternly, turning to the girls, "Miss Wood, Miss Finnegan-Thomas, and Miss Knox."

"Yes, Professor?" They chorused in unison, heads bowed.

"Seeing as you did not partake in the violence nor encourage it, I will let you off with a warning and five points will be taken from Gryffindor each. An additional five will be added for your appropriate behavior." She nodded to them, "You may go."

"Yes ma'am." They scurried gratefully out of the study, waving goodbye to me as they went. I heard faint sounds of distress upstairs, someone was yelling.

"Now onto you, Mr. and Miss Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Mr. McGonagall." Professor McGonagall said, "I am told the violence was provoked in some way, however this does not justify what you did. It is never okay to harm another student. Detention, all next week and your Hogsmeade privileges will be revoked as well. Twenty points from Gryffindor. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Professor." We agreed. It could've been worse I suppose. Twenty points was an awful lot though, and we were already behind Ravenclaw. Detention would suck too, but oh well. I wondered what Teddy and Xavier had been sentenced with. Dad wouldn't do anything to severe. Especially not to Teddy, although maybe that would be considered favoritism. Sirius and Auntie Evelyn were probably proud of Teddy though.

"You may go."

We journeyed out of the study, but just as I was about to go out the door, McGonagall stopped me.

"Juniper?" She whispered, close to my ear. What could this be about? "Did you make sure it was a nice, hard slap?"

Startled, I answered, "Er- yeah I s'pose. It left a mark."

My great aunt grinned, pinching my cheek lightly, "Good girl. Thirty points to Gryffindor I'd say."

I smiled the whole way back to the Gryffindor tower. I swung open the portrait hole to find my friends gathered at the various couches. I spied Rory and James sitting very closely on a small armchair, Rory fussing over his bruised knuckles and James grinning like a fool.

"Ow!" James cried out, pouting.

"Oh don't be such a baby, Potter." Rory teased, cleaning the scrape.

The portrait hole swung open again, and a bloodied Teddy Lupin entered the room, limping slightly. "I'm fine. I'm fine." He said, waving us off, wincing as he lowered himself to the couch beside me. I proceeded to ignore him and got a damp cloth to clean his wounds. I was used to it after so many full moons.

"If you weren't already hurt I'd punch you." I told him, dabbing at his nose.

"I know, Junie."

"You promised!" I reminded him, resisting the urge to swat his chest.

"I know, Junie." He repeated, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. He waited a beat, "I'm sorry."

"I know, Teddy." I sighed, leaning on his shoulder.

"But technically...you started it." Teddy smirked, raising a mischievous eyebrow.

"You- I- ugh!" I huffed. I hated when Teddy was right. And god had it felt good to hit Xavier. I usually don't condone violence, but even the thought of Xavier's face made me want to throw something at a wall.

"So what'd they give you?" Charlie called from his seat on the opposite couch, "We got detention and no Hogsmeade."

Teddy's face fell, "I've got detention for weeks. And- I'm suspended."

"From school?!" Rory's hand flew to her mouth, aghast.

"Worse." Teddy said darkly, "Quidditch."

"WHAT?!" Charlie, James, Viv, and I burst out, eyes wide.

"They can't do that!" Charlie exclaimed. "There's no way."

"For how long?" I asked frantically, How in the world were we supposed to win the Cup now? I needed my Beater duo of Viv and Teddy.

"The rest of the season." Teddy replied, looking grim. "I can't play all year."

"Dad wouldn't do this to you." James blustered, "It makes no sense. What did the pig get?"

"He's got detention forever too." Teddy grumbled angrily, "But he's only suspended from Quidditch until February and he retains his captain/head boy status."

"That's not fair!" I yelled, infuriated. Why would dad do that?! "He was just as much at fault as you were. I'll go talk to dad, sort this-"

"It wouldn't be any use." Teddy put a calming hand on my arm, scowling. "It's not Harry's fault, his hands are tied. The pig's parents made the claim that I'm disturbed and endangered the whole school because I'm a 'dark creature'. They threatened to take us to Wizenmagot, have me expelled. It seems the Zabinis have very deep pockets."

Of course. I should have known that dreaded woman would be behind all this. She was pure evil. How dare she call Teddy creature?! He was much more human than she was. He was kind and compassionate and actually cared about other people. Her son was the one who was a royal arsehole.

"Besides, " Teddy continued dejectedly, "they've already confiscated my broom."

"Teddy you never should've- this is all my-" I felt horrible. I'd dragged Teddy into this whole mess. He was only protecting me. He shouldn't be punished for that.

"It was worth it." Teddy cut me off, "I'd do it again. No one calls you- and gets away with it. No one." He said fiercely, making direct eye contact with me.

"Hey Teddy?" I murmured, as everyone else returned to their own conversations. "Thank you."

i'm so sorry it took sooo long to update i feel horrible
super swamped rn with work and school
i rlly hope you like this chapter, this one was fun for me to write :)))

ranting ———————————>

don't forget to comment and vote!



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