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Clouds gathered thickly over the tops of the London skyscrapers, a thick fog settling amid the reflective buildings. A woman walked through the streets, boot heels clicking on the cobblestones. Her sleek, black ponytail swished behind her, head held high with a certain confidence. A gold chain glinted around her neck, as she adjusted the collar of her leather jacket.

A phone buzzed in the back pocket of her dark blue jeans. "Crap," she said, answering it. "Hello?"

"Are you almost here?"

"James I don't have time for this," Juniper upped her brisk pace, checking the ornate watch encircling her wrist.

"You know what I don't have time for?" Her brother retorted, "My very pregnant wife hurling various heavy and sharp, objects at me if you are not on time."

"Relax," Juniper rolled her eyes. "I will be there on time."

"With the ice cream?"

"Yes," Juniper said tiredly, "with the ice cream."

"Because you know that we were supposed to have it and then we found out it was expired which was somehow my fault and now—"

"The ice cream is covered, James." Juniper reassured him, bell ringing as she stepped into Fortescue's.  He still had zero faith in her capabilities to perform any task, however simple.

Despite the fact that they'd been an Auror team for nearly twenty years. You'd think she'd gain some trust, at least to pick up a pint of ice cream to go with the pie he'd made. But no. Instead she was being accosted with midday phone calls.

"And you're sure Teddy has no idea?"


It was Teddy's fortieth birthday today, and although he'd said he hadn't wanted to make a big fuss, Juniper had ignored him. Completely and totally.

Rory and James were hosting a huge surprise party at their place tonight. Everything was going to plan, that is, except for the freak out over the ice cream.

Her brother and sister in law both got exceedingly more stressed when with child. Juniper remembered the first time around all too vividly.

Let's just say there were lots of broken vases at their house for a period of nine months. Juniper and Teddy had assumed, hoped that fifteen years later their heads would be in a slightly cooler place. Alas, it was not to be.

Actually, Juniper thought it might even be worse this time than it was before. If that was possible.

James was still on the line.

"Was there something else?" Juniper drummed her fingers impatiently, picking out a few flavors that everyone would be pleased with.

There was a pause. She could hear her brother breathing. Then, "I think Kenzie has a boyfriend."

Juniper nearly laughed out loud, "Of course Kenzie has a boyfriend. She's fifteen and cute, James. Don't be a dork."

"You know what, this is hard for me, okay?" James huffed indignantly. "To me, she's still dragging me out of bed at six in the morning to go on a gnome hunt in the garden, and having tea parties with her stuffed animals. I never thought she'd—" He broke off, unable to say the word.

It was funny, really. Her brother had spoiled that little girl rotten from the second she was born. In fact, she had both Teddy and James wrapped around her finger. Dressing up as princesses and fairies, reading her just one more story, slipping her sweets and then having to face the wrath of Rory, who had expressly forbade it. It came as no surprise that he was having difficulty coming to terms with his daughter's growing up. He'd practically had an aneurysm when she turned thirteen.

"What?" Juniper snorted. "Like boys?"

"Well— yeah! She used to think they all had cooties!" James exclaimed. "I liked that mindset. I encouraged it. How do I get back there?"

"You can't," Juniper replied simply, waving goodbye to Farah Fortescue as she waltzed out the door. She could almost see the vein throbbing in her brother's forehead.

"And you know she hasn't breathed a word about any of this to me or Wood," James was ranting now. Juniper was only half listening. It had become easier and easier to tune him out over the years.

"No shit," Juniper couldn't believe how thick he was being. "Do you even remember what it was like at her age? You don't want to talk to your parents about anything. Especially stuff like relationships."

"Don't you think she's a little too young for dating?"

"Says the man who found his wife at eleven."

"Point taken," James conceded. "But still."

"Still nothing, James." In a flash, Juniper was transported to Ladybird Lane, the crickets chirping as late afternoon turned to dusk. "Now, let me in."


Juniper extended her index finger and rang the bell, balancing the bags from the ice cream shoppe in her arms. "I'm here dumbarse." And with that, she hung up the phone. She moved to ring the bell again, but the door swung open of its own accord.

"Thank god you're here!" Juniper was crushed in surprisingly powerful hug for such a small person. Unfortunately, James's height genes had not been passed down to his daughter. She was pretty much the spitting image of Rory, chocolate eyes, honey brown hair, cupid's bow mouth, rosy cheeks and freckles. She had pixie like features, and long long lashes. "Mum and Dad are being absolute tyrants!" She said that last part extra loud.

"Tyrants, eh?" Juniper laughed, as she was dragged into the foyer. Her niece was currently sporting a huge black hoodie, fuzzy socks, and a purple beanie. "Cute look, Kenz."

"Mackenzie Miranda get upstairs and change your clothes this instant!" Rory's voice shouted from the living room.

"Hey, Ror!" Juniper greeted, shrugging her coat off.

"Is that your aunt?"


"JAMES I TOLD YOU A THOUSAND TIMES, YES!" Juniper handed some of her load to her niece, and headed for the kitchen. As she suspected, James was feverishly working in the kitchen, pots and pans strewn across the stovetop, bubbling and boiling. There was something baking in the oven, and about a dozen timers going off at once. "Your father never trusts me with anything," she muttered lowly to Mackenzie.

"Me neither," Mackenzie crossed her arms in solidarity. "I'm not a baby anymore, dad."

"Kenzie, your mum and I just need some more information about this— this boy, we need to know—"

"Oh my god, Da—ad!" Mackenzie groaned. "Stop! This is so embarrassing!"


"Just leave me alone!" The girl spun on her heel and tore out of the kitchen. They could hear her storming up the stairs.

"Mackenzie Miranda this conversation is not over!" James yelled. He was met with the slam of a door that rattled the entire house. "I hope you are going up there to change because the guests will be here soon!" Loud music began streaming from her room, bass thumping through the ceiling. Juniper bit back a smile, and her brother sighed, "She's not even listening is she?"

Juniper shook her head, "Not a chance."

Rory waddled into the kitchen then, belly swollen to twice its size. She was about three quarters of the way through her second trimester, and hormones were surging. She kissed Juniper on the cheek, "Hi, sweetie. Thank you for bringing the ice cream."

"No problem," Juniper smiled. "How are you feeling, Ror?"

Before the woman could answer, there was a knock on the door. Rory and Juniper left James to go answer it. It was nearly six, so everyone should be here or almost here. If you weren't on time for a Rory Potter party you didn't get invited back.

"Hey!" Juniper exclaimed happily, when she opened the door. Alex and Leah had arrived, children in tow. Diego was 16 or maybe 17, Juniper couldn't remember. She could barely keep track of Kenzie's age. And Gabriella was the same year as Mackenzie. Although they'd had their kids around the same time as Rory and James, Alex and Leah hadn't gotten married until a couple years ago.

"Mackenzie Miranda!" Rory bellowed up the staircase. "Get your arse downstairs, Diego and Gabby are here!"

In a few moments, the girl came clattering down the stairs. She'd evidently chosen not to poke the bear, and listen to her hormonal mother, because she was wearing a cute, red gingham dress and the beanie had vanished.

Mackenzie flew to Gabriella immediately, they were best friends. Had been since they were babies, and stayed as much even when they were sorted into different houses. "Let's go to my room," Mackenzie said, grabbing the girl's hand.

"Hey— er — hi, Kenzie," Diego waved awkwardly, running a hand through his dark curls.

"Oh- hey, Diego," Mackenzie replied carelessly, barely glancing at him.

Diego cleared his throat, "So, are you—?" But the girls were already gone. The poor boy blinked rapidly, closing his mouth as he gazed forlornly up at the winding staircase.

Juniper and Rory exchanged a look, and Juniper mouthed, "Still?" at Alex.

Alex patted his son on the shoulder consolingly, flashing a wry smile at the other adults, "Still."

"Da-ad!" Diego groaned, wriggling out of his father's grasp, his cheeks burning a bright red.

"Any girl would be lucky to have you, darling," Leah mulled, pinching her son's cheek.


Diego had had a huge, hopeless crush on Kenzie as long as Juniper could remember. Kenzie was none the wiser, and clearly not interested. He was just Gabriella's dorky older brother to her, Juniper assumed. Which made sense. He was sweet, though, which is why they all felt bad. And Juniper had always harbored a soft spot for him.

"Aw it's alright mate," James said encouragingly. "You know Wood and I'd much rather she date you, Diggy ." Then he added darkly, "Speaking of, who is the little punk?" All eyes turned towards Diego.


"Come on, Diego, I know you know," James pressed. "Just tell me his name."

Diego fidgeted nervously, evidently uncomfortable. He seemed to wrestling with his loyalty to Kenzie and his obvious hatred of whoever she was dating. "Well— erm..."

Rory clucked her tongue, "Potter, don't corner the boy."

Thankfully, Diego was saved by the ring of the doorbell.

"Hey all!" The beaming, and as much as they hated to admit it, wrinkled, faces of Sirius Black, Evelyn Nott, and Harry Potter appeared in the foyer.


"Hey Junebug," Harry returned his daughter's embrace. "James, my boy." He turned to Rory, "How are you, dear?"

"Just fine, thank you, Harry," Rory told him, pressing a hand to her stomach.

"My son's not bothering you too much?"

Rory smiled, glancing at her husband, "Not anymore than usual." Juniper snickered.


There was a flurry of taking cloaks, and saying hellos, and lots of hugs. When everything had settled, Harry folded his arms, running a hand through his ever messy salt and pepper hair, "So what is this nonsense I hear about my favorite granddaughter having a boyfriend?"

"Grandpa!" Mackenzie groaned good-naturedly, flopping down on the sofa with Gabby. "I'm your only granddaughter!"

"Exactly," Harry wagged his finger. "Which is why I need to be in the know about these things." He peered at the teenage girl, eyes narrowing. A look that Juniper knew all too well. She almost felt like she was fifteen again, dying of embarrassment in the middle of Flourish and Blotts while her father discussed her pathetic love life. "Don't tell me it's that little Slytherin shit I see you running off with all the time, Kenz."

Mackenzie's eyes bulged so wide, Juniper was afraid they'd burst, as her niece hissed, "Grandpa!"

"What?" James snapped to attention, poking his head in from the kitchen. "What Slytherin boy? Who? Dad, tell me everything." Mackenzie looked from her father to her grandfather anxiously, hands clasped together pleadingly. Juniper knew exactly where her dad's loyalties lay. They were the same as her own, after all.

Harry waved his son off, making a 'psh' sound, "I'm not telling you squat, kid." He winked conspiratorially at his granddaughter, and Mackenzie breathed out a sigh of relief.

"I'm thirty-nine, Dad!"

"I wouldn't advertise that, Jamesie," Juniper pinched his cheek as she passed by, the doorbell had rung again.


Juniper shook her head, opening the door. James's cries echoing through the house all the while. "WHEN WILL THE TORMENT END?!"

"Thanks for the welcome, drama queen."

"Hey, Ness," Juniper grinned, slapping her younger sister a high five. "Didn't think you could make it."

"Oh, you know I'd move mountains for Goldilocks," Vanessa answered wryly, tossing her perfectly curled hair over her shoulder with a flourish.

Rose, following behind her,, "And by that, she means I dragged her here against her will."

Vanessa lifted a shoulder airily, "Tomato, tomahto."

"You dragged her here?" Leo hung his coat on the hook, brushing his pants off. Apparently, it had started to rain. "I'd like to think it was a team effort."

"Are you attempting to imply my brother contributed?" Rose raised an eyebrow.

"Oi," Charlie growled, flicking his sister's head. "I'd like to think my numerous threats helped a bit!"

"Please," Vanessa snorted, "like I've ever in my life been afraid of you." Her and Rose cackled, "Pretty sure it's always been the other way around, Charles."

"Robin didn't come?" Juniper's brow furrowed, directing her question at Rose.

"It's Axel's night," Rose explained. "And he's in a phase right now." Rose's son was the biggest troublemaker Juniper had ever seen, and she wasn't sure if it was Axel's influence or Rose's. To be honest, it was probably both.

Juniper merely shook her head in amusement, slinging an arm around Leo as they traipsed into the house to greet everyone else, "Where's Patrick?"

"Business trip," Leo informed her. "Also, he says James is quote, 'too much' for him right now," he added lowly, with an evil glint in his eyes.

"And you?" Juniper nodded at Charlie. "Where's your twelve year old of the month?"

Charlie gave her a look, "Don't call them— they're not that young! And— Rory said I couldn't bring a date...."

"Aw so then that one you brought by for Mum's birthday can't babysit for me?" Rose pouted. "What a shame."

"Jenny was 26!" Charlie retorted defiantly. "26!"

"Her name was Jane," Vanessa bit her lip to keep from laughing.

"Like you can talk, Ness," Juniper elbowed her sister. Vanessa had been living a single life since graduating, and was showing no signs of settling down. Her and Charlie had become famous for the amount of strangers they brought round for holidays and special events, that were now memorialized in several family photos. In fact, at Rose's wedding, she'd banned them both from having plus ones.

"Just because I don't want to be tied down!" Vanessa insisted. "Marriage is not the only path in this world, people!"

"Ness, you called that one girl Megan for the entire dinner."


"Her name was Maureen!"

"Maureen is the name of a senile woman who makes tea cozies," Vanessa said, "I was doing her a favor!"

"Just what I need, more bullies!" James threw his hands up in the air when they entered, huffing loudly. As was his trademark.

"Hi, James," Vanessa waved at him, smiling evilly.

James brandished a wooden spoon at her, "And their reigning queen. Wood, I told you not to invite her!"

"She's your sister!"

"She's the devil!"

Vanessa put a hand to her heart, "Aww, thank you."

Mackenzie danced into the kitchen, grabbing a handful of crackers off the counter, "Dad stop scowling at Aunt Ness, you'll get wrinkles." She paused, "On the other hand, it might be too late for that..."

James's mouth dropped open, and Vanessa sighed happily, "I love her."


"Drama queen," Mackenzie rolled her eyes. She looked exactly like her mother, and Juniper laughed out loud at the sheer similarity of it all.

She wasn't the only one, the entire party was in tears at this point. James made a big show out of it, sulking like a child. Juniper knew he loved being the center of attention. Almost as much as he loved when Rory relented and comforted him.

The guests continued to arrive at a steady stream for the next half hour or so. Cali, her husband, and their three boys. The Lovegood-Longbottom sisters, Scarlett, Jade, Victoire and her girlfriend. Evie, Ethan and Landon. Hermione and Ron, Mateo and Ginny, and too many Weasleys to count. There were several kids underfoot, most of which Juniper knew, though not always by name.

James and Rory bustled to and fro, the perfect hosts. At one point, James tried to get Rory to sit down...it did not end well.

"I'm hungry," Mackenzie announced, draping herself on kitchen chair. "Is Uncle Teddy getting here soon?"

"When has your uncle ever been on time for anything?" Juniper said with mischievous twist of her lips.

"Talking about me behind my back, Potter?" A deep, mocking voice that Juniper recognized in an instant came from behind them. "What kind of an example are you setting for my niece?"

Juniper whirled around, ready to fire back as she usually did, "Oh, shut up Lupin, you massive—" Juniper gasped, hand flying to her mouth, "Oh my god— oh my god, Teddy!"

"Oh no, do go on," Teddy encouraged, grinning like a madman. "What name is it this time?"

"Teddy!" Juniper exclaimed again, in disbelief. She was supposed to be surprising him. Not the other way around.

"Hi, trouble," he smirked at her, evidently quite pleased with himself.

"Teddy?!" A clamor of confusion arose from the rets of the party. "Teddy's here? Teddy?!"

"What are you doing here?" Juniper swatted him across the chest. "You are not supposed to be here!"

"I wasn't invited?" Teddy tilted his head. "To my own party? Now that's just hurtful, Junie, that is."

"You know what I mean, you prick!" Juniper frowned at her asshole husband. "It was supposed to be surprise!"

Teddy smiled, "You're not very good at those, trouble."

"I hate you."

"I know," Teddy chuckled, tucking a stray curl behind her ear. "So are you done being mad yet? Because you look very pretty, and I'd like to kiss you now, if that's alright."

"I'm not mad!" Juniper turned her chin up haughtily, trying in vain not to let her mouth turn up at the edges.

"I can tell."

"Just shut up and kiss me already."

The moment was brief, ended forcibly with the many cries of priest from the crowd. James and Harry were particularly loud. Juniper had been married for over fifteen years and they still soured at the lightest hint of affection between her and Teddy. Idiots, the both of them, really.

"You know," Teddy muttered, sitting down for the dinner James had made, "I distinctly remember telling you I didn't want to do anything for my birthday this year."

"You thought I was going to listen?" Juniper simpered, squeezing his hand, "that's cute, princess."

Rory across the table, finally sitting, mind you, "Come on, it's a milestone. It's important." She patted Teddy's hand, "You're getting up there Gramps, we've got to celebrate that while you still can."

Teddy sucked in his cheeks, "Lovely as always, Wood."

"Happy Forty, Lupin," Rory congratulated brightly, tone sugary sweet.

"Don't say that."

"How's it feel to be forty, Teddy?" She asked, leaning in. "Do tell."

"Stop saying that," Teddy ordered through gritted teeth, "James control your woman."

The entire table burst out laughing. "You're funny," James clapped his best friend on the back, "Good to see you mate, glad it's you and not me."

Teddy exhaled, "Thanks mate."

"It's alright, Uncle Teddy," Mackenzie reassured him. "Dad's started dying his hair because there was too much gray." James's face paled in horror, and Rory stifled a giggle.

"Not true!" James said, panic plain on his features. "Lies!"

"She is just a delight!" Vanessa clapped her hands, giddy. "You're raising a wonderful daughter, Rory."

"Right," Teddy agreed, "hey Kenzie, how old am I?" He looked at his niece expectantly, eager to hear her say what he'd ingrained in her since she could talk.

"Hmmmm," Mackenzie tapped her chin, "I want to say... well, looking at you, you couldn't be more than— forty seven...?

"Well done, darling," Rory cheered.

Teddy looked as though he'd quite like to stab Rory with the nearest butter knife, "You grow more and more like your mother with each passing day."

The rest of Teddy's birthday dinner continued in this merry fashion. Everyone joking, laughing, poking fun at one another. One of the highlights of the evening was when Rory brought out the gorgeous cake James had made, and she'd somehow managed to cram forty candles on it. Teddy near about had a fit, and Juniper laughed so hard she almost peed.

As the night waned on, those with kids slowly dispersed, and the older guests followed. Mackenzie and Gabrielle had disappeared up the stairs long ago, after begging their parents for an hour straight for a sleepover. Soon, there were only six of them left, reminiscing over their glasses of wine. Rory had tea, of course.

"...oh, I remember it now!" Leo was saying. "The one with the horrid yellow wallpaper."

"Ugh, yes," Rory concurred, raising her cup, "it was awful."

James budged his wife, "You told me you liked it!"

She merely shrugged in response, leaning her head on her husband's shoulder, "I lied."

"Your first flat, god that was forever ago," Juniper breathed, propping an elbow up against the sofa cushion. She turned to Teddy, a devilish glint in her eye, "Do you remember we used to sneak in and...?"

Teddy licked his lips, "Oh yeah."

James sat straight up, "No!"

"Yes," Juniper nodded, twining her hand with Teddy's. "More than once."

"Junie!" Rory moaned, "There was only one bed in that flat!"

"Oh my god, the one with the lavender sheets!" Charlie's eyes lit up in recognition.

"Not you too!" Rory and James cried out.

"I brought girls there from time to time, made for a quick exit when they saw your stuff Wood, thought I was married," Charlie smiled at the memory.

"Oh god!" Rory wrung her hands, lips pursed.

"I always meant to ask you where you got your sheets from," he mulled to himself. "They were nice."

"They were comfortable," Leo said in agreement

Rory glared at him, "Don't tell me, not— you didn't—"

He laughed, "Just the once, Ror. You lot were out of town, and Patrick's flat was being fumigated so..."

James held up a finger, still processing, "Sorry— you mean to tell me you've all had relations in our old flat?"

"Relations?" Juniper wrinkled her nose, "You sound old and married."

Her brother blinked at her, "I am old and married." James gestured to Teddy, "So are you."

"I'm not!" Charlie crowed proudly.

"Some things never change," Juniper sighed contentedly.

And as Juniper poured herself another glass of wine, nestling back into her husband's lap, surrounded by those she loved most in the world, she realized something. Something important. Something she'd wished she'd realized twenty years ago. It didn't matter how old they got, how much time passed, how many things changed. It didn't matter.

Because, as long as they were together, it was still their universe.

the long awaited epilogue

that none of you knew was coming

i'm evil i know

so yeah...

that's all

it is officially over now

and no i will not be writing a fic about kenzie

i do love her tho

then again i also said i wouldn't write an epilogue and here we are...


i will not be writing more hp stuff

most likely...

idk we'll see


it might happen again im ngl






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