- I M P O S S I B L E -

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The buzz surrounding Rita Skeeter's article slowly began to die down. Girls stopped accusing Juniper of withholding information regarding the bus, and most didn't ask her for any more "favors". There was still the occasional side glance she got when she walking with the four of them, a hushed gossiping between two eavesdroppers, but that was all. In truth, no one in fifth year could focus on much of anything but the upcoming O.W.L.S. And believe me, Juniper, James, Teddy, and Charlie tried. They had managed to turn blind eye for most of the first semester, but it was a much more difficult feat now that they were getting nearer. Especially with Leo, Rory, and Jade nagging them about it every chance they got. The workload was insane, everywhere Juniper looked people were studying, heads buried in books like there was no tomorrow.

The teachers weren't helping matters. In class they were given study guides and review sheets, every lesson was dedicated to preparing them for the exams. Juniper missed the days where she could just duel for the hell of it, not duel for a grade on a test she didn't want to take in the first place.

Juniper sighed, plopping her head down on the table after reading the same page over again for the hundredth time, "Ugh, she groaned, it doesn't matter how many times I read it. It doesn't do anything."

"I know." Vivian shook her head, she had given up on her studying long ago and was now devoted to scratching her full name into the table with a pencil, "I don't remember learning any of this crap."

"Right?" Juniper threw her hands up with exasperation, "I want to be an Auror, or... maybe a professional Quidditch player like Aunt Gin. I haven't decided yet."

"Fuck that do both." Viv said, blowing the wood carving to clear away the sawdust.

"See that's what I'm talking about, Juniper cried, why should I have to know the intricacies of ancient Vikagon government? They're extinct, that's useless information floating around my brain."

"I thought air was the only thing floating around your brain." Leo peered up from his book, smirking.

"Fuck off." Juniper glared at him, waving her quill at him threateningly. She returned to her studying, and could already feel headache starting to form. She grumbled lowly, tapping her foot impatiently beneath the table.

"Okay that's it!" Vivian snapped her book shut with a loud bang, "We're not doing this anymore."

"We're not?" Juniper lifted her gaze hopefully, wondering what her friend had in mind.

"Viv..." Rory tsked disapprovingly, "We should-"

"I know Ror!" Vivian retorted, "It's 9:00 in the evening, and we're studying. We're fucking studying. We're on holiday for Merlin's sake! We don't even have lessons tomorrow!"

"The only reason we don't have lessons for the rest of the week is because we're supposed to study for OWLS." Juniper pointed out glumly.

"Since when have you ever done what you were supposed to do?" Vivian cocked an eyebrow challengingly at Juniper, "We're going out. We're going out right now!"

Juniper cheered, stuffing her books in her bag, "Hell yeah we are."

"I don't know..." Jade looked torn, while Rory looked flat out appalled.

"Nope you're coming Jade, Vivian grabbed her hand, we're all coming. No exceptions, no excuses, that means you Ror." She stared Rory down with the intensity of a laser beam.

"C'mon Rory, Jade wheedled, all we've been doing is studying it'll be good for us to go. You know you want to."

"Well-" Rory hesitated, viewing their pleading faces.

"Yes!" Vivian pumped her fist, already chattering excitedly about a Muggle club she wanted to take them to.

"Did I hear you say you're going out?" James suddenly appeared from behind a bookshelf.

"For the record I do not endorse this plan." Rory reminded, still slightly unwilling to stop studying.

James directed his full attention at her, giving her that half cocky smirk, half puppy dog grin that all those girls loved so much. Except apparently, Rory was immune to charms of Juniper's brother. "You're going Wood?" He raised his eyebrows in surprise, tousling his already messy hair.

Will you stop that?


Messing with your hair! You look like an idiot.

Do not.

Do too.

Nice comeback.

You're a child.

I'm older than you!

By three minutes asshole.

You kiss your boyfriend with that mouth? Oh wait you don't have one.

That was a good one.

I know right.



But you don't have a girlfriend either so you can't really talk.

Facts. Why are we both single again?

No clue, we're awesome.

More facts.

They must be too intimidated by our awesomeness.

That's definitely the reason.

Glad we agree on something.

"More like being forced against my will." Rory answered haughtily, sticking her tongue out at Vivian.

"We're in." James beckoned Teddy, Charlie and Leo over, "Do you hear that boys? We're going out on the town tonight. Him and Charlie whooped loudly, earning them a harsh hushing from Madam Prince.

"We didn't technically invite you but ok." Rory rolled her eyes.

"You basically did Wood." James smiled broadly as they walked up to their dorms to change.

"Never did I- I-, Rory turned to Juniper, he's not listening to a word I say is he?"

"Nope, Juniper snickered, I'm convinced as soon as he sees you his brain goes into overdrive and it makes him stupider than usual."

"Obviously." Rory sighed.

"He just loves you so much." Juniper teased, nudging Rory while she pulled out some street clothes.

"Shut up." Rory swatted her with a sock.

Vivian bustled through the dorm, trying on a million different outfits before deciding on a simple long sleeve cling dress, but beacuse nothing about Viv is simple, it was paired with a cropped, abnormally puffy, faux fur jacket. Rory was wearing a pretty wrap dress and a coat, and Jade was in a turtleneck under a slip dress. Juniper had actually tried, channeling Victoire best she could in her maroon skirt, silky top, and her new favorite accessory, the leather jacket. Once Vivian deemed them all acceptable to go out, and changed her hair ten times, they met the boys at the bus station just outside of Hogsmeade.

They boarded the bus, James attempting to pay the bus driver in galleons. Vivian flicked the side of his head as they took their seats in the far back, trying to avoid any other suspicion from the Muggles on the bus, "Aren't you in Muggle Studies you big prat?"

"Ouch, James rubbed his head reproachfully, it was an honest mistake."

"Besides, Teddy grinned mischievously, we all know the real reason James is taking Muggle studies." All eyes turned towards Rory, who sank down in her seat, cheeks a furious red.

"I will have you know I'm learning a lot in that class." James huffed, flipping off Teddy.

"Like what?" Leo leaned in, faking interest, "How not to take a hint?" His eyes twinkled with mirth, poking fun at a sulky James, "Or was that last semester, now it's Getting Rory Wood to Say No 101."

James growled, lunging for Leo, "YOU TOSSER!" He was about to draw his wand to throw a harmless jinx Leo's way, but Vivian eyed him harshly.

"We are supposed to be not drawing attention to ourselves." Vivian whispered, "We can't very well obliviate the whole bloody bus!"

Finally, they arrived at their stop, hopping out of the bus to stand before a small brick building. Juniper could already hear the bass thumping from inside.

"Wait." Vivian held up a hand to stop them from entering, "There are rules."

"Rules?" Juniper repeated with incredulity, "Who are you?"

"I'm the only Muggleborn in this whole blasted lot last I checked, which means there are certain things you need to be aware of." Vivian replied, pulling something out of her purse. "First of all, this place usually doesn't card but there's a first time for everything, and this is when being a witch comes in handy." Vivian handed them each an I.D.

"Cool!" James exclaimed excitedly, examining his. Then he frowned, reading hr name on the card. Edward Johnson. "Why can't I have a cool Muggle name Viv? Like Darth Vader? Or Luke Skywalker? Ooh! Han Solo! Make mine say Han Solo!"

Vivian blinked, "You don't actually think- you just- you just named Star Wars characters. That's not-"

"If he gets to be Han Solo can I be Yoda?" Charlie asked, "Dave Henderson sounds like a middle aged dad."

"Nobody is changing names!" Vivian shouted with exasperation, "You guys would not survive one day in the Muggle world. Can I continue please?" She didn't wait for an answer before moving on, "When we get inside, you will not draw your wands, you will not try to pay for things using Wizarding money James, you will not talk about anything relating to the Wizarding world better yet don't talk to any Muggles, and the most important rule, nobody mentions studying, OWLS, or anything related to this two topics." She looked pointedly at Leo and Rory, "I'm talking to you two nerds over there."

"I wouldn't mess with her." Juniper warned jokingly.

"Fine." Leo and Rory agreed, "But when you fail your O-

"Ah!" Vivian silenced.


"Ah!" Vivian stopped them again, "That's two strikes."

"What's a strike?" Teddy whispered in Juniper's ear. Juniper actually knew this one, her mom had a weird obsession with Muggle baseball. She was a big Dodgers fan.

"Wait, Teddy's face brightened, it's in that Muggle sport! Football right?" He nodded with self assurance, "And I don't even take Muggle studies, suck it James. I'm totally going to have some Muggle girls impressed tonight."

"I'd lead with your football knowledge." Juniper encouraged, biting back a laugh as they entered the dimly lit club.

"That was mean." Vivian sidled up beside her, giggling.

"Maybe." Juniper shrugged, "But think how funny it'll be when he goes up to a girl and starts talking about football." Her and Viv shared secret smile.

"Evil genius." Vivian high fived her, leading Juniper to the center of the crowded dance floor.

"I try my best." Juniper flipped her hair dramatically, letting the music take over her body.

A few hours, and several songs later, Juniper' s voice hurt from all that singing. Her feet were killing her too. They had screamed as loud as they could on that dance floor. All the stress had floated away for a moment, even Rory was enjoying herself. She was doing one of her favorite things after all, saying no to James. Juniper headed to the bar for a glass of water, her throat felt dry and she was overheated from the dancing. She took off her jacket, placing it on the seat beside her, and fanned herself while she waited.

"Is this seat taken?" A handsome Muggle boy stood in front of her, caramel skin perspiring in the humid atmosphere of the club. Juniper could tell by his flirtatious expression that he was a little drunk. He licked his lips, looking Juniper up and down, but not in a predatory way. More like a, I'm drunk and my inhibited are low and I find you attractive, kind of way.

"Do you normally check out strangers?" Juniper asked, smiling lightly.

"I may be a bit drunk." The guy grinned, his leg grazing hers, "I'm not usually this forward I promise."

"You think?" Juniper laughed.

"So, the guy questioned, eyes bright, is this seat taken?"

"Yes." Before Juniper could answer, Teddy swooped in from out of nowhere, arms folded. He stared the Muggle boy down aggressively.

"Do you know this angry bloke?"

"Unfortunately I do." Juniper glared at Teddy ferociously.

"Look mate, the boy said, I don't want any trouble, but I was just asking if the seat was taken. YOu're just one guy, if it comes down to it I can-"

"Can what now?" Charlie appeared by the Muggle's left shoulder.

"I think your counting skills need a little refreshing." Leo stepped beside Teddy, mimicking his stance.

"Okay what the-" the Muggle boy started, bewildered.

"Because I count, Teddy interrupted, one of you, and one, two, three-"

"Four, James chimed in, of us." He advanced forward, placing a firm hand on the boys shoulder and leaning in uncomfortably close to his face, "Now kindly get the fuck away from my sister."

"Yeah ok." The Muggle boy gulped, obviously deciding it wasn't worth it to get the crap kicked out of him by these odd boys. He walked away, disappearing into the crush of people.

"Are. You. SERIOUS?!" Juniper yelled, punching all of them, "He was harmless!"

"He was drunk." Teddy stated simply, as if that explained everything.

"Don't you think I knew that?" Juniper scowled, annoyed, "I can take care of myself thank you very much."

"You should be glad I didn't punch him in the face, looking at you like that." James clenched his fists angrily, "Perv."

"Impossible. You four are impossible."

aww fun lil filler chapter
school is kicking my ass i'm sorry i haven't posting chapters will be better and longer i promise

things to look forward to:
juniper's first kiss
summer trip with the potters
world cup
and something that i'm going to keep a surprise ;)

love you all,


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