- N O T L I K E T H I S -

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I was having a bad week. First of all, exams were approaching and no amount of procrastination could get my mind off of them. Especially with Rory nattering on about them every five seconds. Honestly, as soon as it turned November Ror got tunnel vision. And it was really bad this year because she was so stressed about Transfiguration. It seemed like she'd been in the library every day. Which was odd, because I'd gone looking for her yesterday and Madam Pince told me she hadn't been in at all.

Odder still, was that my brother cared about exams for the first time- ever. He was studying his arse off too. At least, I assumed so because he'd been gone so frequently after classes.

Most prominently, however, was the tension between me and Xavier since the...incident at the Zabini Ball. Maybe tension wasn't the best word to describe it. I was definitely feeling tension, but Xavier was another story. He'd been the perfect boyfriend lately, doting and affectionate. He'd even apologized to me after his blowup at Teddy.

But- something was off on my end. I wanted things to work so badly, and he was being really sweet. Something just...didn't feel right. He was also still wary of hanging around any of my friends, preferring to keep me close in his dorm or his common room. Where he could see me. I was so fucking over his stupid issues with Teddy.


Teddy was- Teddy. He argued with me, he teased me, and he got angry anytime I brought up Xavier's name. Speaking of Teddy...

"Hey Potter." He plopped down on the couch beside me, shaking the curls out of his face. "Whatcha doing?" Teddy peeked closely over my shoulder, where I was mindlessly doodling.

I swatted his head away, "I'm doing important work here."

He smirked, raising a skeptical eyebrow, "Looks like it."

"Will you fuck off?!" I shoved him off of me, glaring. The sun was sinking behind the mountains, and that early November frost was creeping up the glass paned windows to my right. "I've got an essay to write."

"Ouch." Teddy mock pouted, rubbing his shoulder. He tugged my ponytail, "Someone's on edge today. PMS?"

My mouth dropped open and I full on whacked him in the face with one of the throw pillows

"Relax Potter." Teddy laughed, "Only teasing. I know if you were actually on your period, you'd be asking for copious amounts of caffeine."

"Shut up!" I rolled my eyes. But something warm blossomed in my abdomen, a fluttery sort of thing. Of course he knew what I was like when I was on my period. Teddy always knew.

"Seriously Junie." He scooted near to me, "What's eating you? Trouble in paradise?" Teddy tilted his head innocently, batting his eyelashes.

"You don't have to sound so pleased." I grumbled, crossing my arms. He was sporting a very smug expression that made me want to punch him square between the eyes.

"Whatever are you talking about?" Teddy asked, affronted. The obvious glee in his voice, he was practically giddy. "I am so sorry to hear that Zabini and you are having issues." He smiled, and unsuccessfully tried to turn it into a sympathetic frown. "I mean, truly deeply, torn up-"

"I hate you."

"I know, Potter, I know." Teddy grinned, patting my leg. "Now tell me all about what a dick Zabini is."

"You're enjoying this far too much." I eyed him sourly, but gave in. He was like a dog with a bone when he wanted something. "Things have been... I don't know... he's-"

"A dick?"


"An arse?"


"A piece of shit?"

"No, I-"


"Teddy..." I chastised warningly.

"Sorry." The corner of his mouth lifted up mischievously, "Continue telling me about your wanker boyfriend."

"You're a horrible person." I shook my head. Teddy would do anything to get on my nerves.

"Isn't that a good thing?" He raised his eyebrows, "Judging by Zabini, I'd say you were attracted to horrible people." Teddy threw me a cocky smile, hazel eyes twinkling.

"I'm sorry." I folded my arms, lips pursed, "Are you implying that I'm attracted to you?"

"Aren't you?"


Teddy grinned, laying back nonchalantly against the couch, "Potter, come on."

"You self absorbed twat!"

"Ooh that one hurt." He clutched his chest dramatically, and I smiled in spite of myself. We sat like that for a moment, both smiling stupidly. That thing fluttered in my abdomen again.

"I think Xavier said he loved me." I blurted out, clutching my face in my hands. I groaned, mentally slapping myself. Why had I told Teddy that?! Stupid. Stupid. Stupid

"What?" Teddy's mouth went slack, eyes widening.

I plowed on, babbling faster than I could think. The words spilled out of my mouth in a jumble of nonsense. This was the real reason my life had been so shit recently. "Remember that night when he- when Xavier came looking for me on Halloween?"

Teddy paused, jaw clenching "Oh you mean when your aggressive, slimy rodent of a boyfriend made a fool out of himself? When I wanted to slam his bloody head into a wall?"

"Guessing you remember then." I exhaled slowly.


"Fantastic." I ground my teeth together, debating whether to tell him what happened...after. After he'd calmed down a bit. After he'd stormed off and danced with Lola for the rest of the night. After the apologies, when we'd climbed into bed and he'd stroked my hair and said he was sorry. Sorry, but- was actually what he said. It was never just sorry with Xavier.

There was always a but.

"Later that night... " I started, recalling the memory. Xavier's bed was huge, in fact his entire room was huge. Bathroom of marble and gold fixtures hanging everywhere. I had been exhausted, back aching from the corset and feet blistered. Xavier curled up right next to me, arms encircling my body. "When we went to bed-"

"You slept together?" Teddy grimaced, gaze dark and infuriated.

"Don't." I gave him a stern look. "I dunno. Maybe he thought I was sleeping, and maybe I was. Maybe it was all a dream. He might not have even- I heard him say...at least I think I did... 'I love you'.."

Something crossed Teddy's face. Hurt? Horror? Anger? I couldn't place it. I saw him grip the side the couch a tad bit tighter

"And..." He prodded, swallowing hard.

"And what?" I said, confused.

"What did you say Junie?" Teddy held his breath, waiting for my response.

"Nothing." I confessed, "I pretended I was asleep." I winced at the memory.

"Oh." Teddy sighed, looking almost...relieved?

"Shouldn't I love him though?" I cried. This was the thought that had been plaguing my mind all week. "Shouldn't I? He loves me so shouldn't I know?"


"J!" Vivian called from the staircase, "Shower's free."

"Er- I should- go." I muttered, gathering up my book and heading to my dorm.

God. Why was I having boy issues? Me. Juniper Potter. Queen of single living, was having boy problems. I'd laugh if it wasn't actually happening. I thought Xavier was everything I wanted. He seemed like the perfect boyfriend, but the more time we spent together, I wondered how right he was for me. His life was just so different from my own. Could we really work?

The lukewarm water did nothing to ease the knots in my shoulders, as my mind continued to spin around and around.

This shouldn't be such a big deal. He was only my first boyfriend for Chrissakes, we were still in school. Who ends up with their first boyfriend? Who even knows what they want, who they love when they're sixteen?

My parents. My parents knew. Ah fuck. Screw my parents and the hopelessly unrealistic expectations about love they'd given me. They're the exception, not the rule. And when you live around a bunch of people who are the exception, you tend to forget.

I suddenly really missed Alex. I should write to him. He'd know what to do. He was easy to read, always laidback and carefree. Uncomplicated. It was what I'd liked about him. No drama.

I switched off the shower and tousled my hair dry with a towel, hopping into some more comfortable clothes. I joined Viv on her bed with a heavy sigh.

"You ok Junie?" She poked my arm, and I rolled to my stomach, feet dangling off the edge of the four poster bed.

"Mmmph." I mumbled grumpily into the comforter.

"J I love you but if you drool on my bed I'll Avada your arse." Vivian warned pulling me upright, "Why the long face? And your hair is dripping everywhere!"

"Move to Rory's bed?" I offered.

Vivian giggled, "Precisely what I was thinking." We bounded over to Ror's bed, currently unoccupied because according to her she was busy "studying", but not in the library I guess. "So?" She said, looking at me expectantly.

"It's Xavier." I massaged my temple tiredly. "I don't think- we- just aren't meant to be. You know?"

"Meant to be?" Viv snorted, "Honey you're sixteen, it's ok to have fun."

I groaned, "I know, I know. But, sometimes- I get the feeling he doesn't- or that he has this idea of me in his head that's not really- that he doesn't see me." I wasn't really making sense, and I could tell by Vivian's expression that she didn't understand.

"Like what?"

"I dunno. Like that disastrous ball." I'd told the girls all about it when I came back. They all agreed Francine sounded like a horrid creature. "I told Xavier I was uncomfortable and wanted to pop outside for a second and-"

"Hold up." Vivian put up a hand to stop me, "Did you really tell him? Or did you do that thing where you say it's not a big deal?"

I twisted my hands guilty. I'd done exactly that. So maybe I was a little at fault. But still. "Well..."

"Junie!" Viv tutted, clucking her tongue like a disapproving mother hen. "You know if you'd told him it was important he would've done it in a second."

"Yeah but Teddy didn't even need to be-"

"Teddy?" Vivian interrupted, eyeing me suspiciously, "Excuse me? Why are we talking about Teddy? Juniper..." She stared me down harshly, "Don't tell me you like Teddy again! I thought you were over this!"

"I am!" I insisted. "I am! It's just- he knows me. Really knows me, and-"

"Juniper!" Vivian snapped her fingers in front of my face, "We've moved past this. Remember? No good can come of-"

"I know but-"

Vivian shook her head adamantly. "No! No buts. And no backsliding. You've grown. You've made progress. I don't want you falling back into to your old routine. It wasn't healthy."

"I know." And I did know. Vivian was right of course. It would always be one sided with Teddy. If I opened that door again, the one that had a massive crush on Teddy, I might never be able to close it. It was difficult enough the first time. No that door was firmly sealed, locked and bolted shut. And I was throwing away the key. "You're right."

"Do I need to ring Victoire?" Vivian said, "Have her talk some sense into you?"

"No." I replied, "I promise I'm not backsliding."

"Ok." Vivian gave me a hug, "I'm only looking out for you J. I don't want you ruining things with Xavier because of Teddy."

"Hey guys." Rory said, swinging open the door. She had a slightly dreamy expression on her face, cheeks bright.

"And where have you been?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes.

"Oh you know." She waved her hands airily. "Studying."

"Mmmmm." Vivian and I shared a look of suspicion. She was awfully cheery, and half her books were still in our dorm. Very peculiar. "Where?"


"Where were you studying?" I repeated, "You weren't in the library."

"Oh- I- erm-" Rory stammered, looking flustered. Then she caught sight of us sitting on her bed, my hair creating a huge damp spot on her pillow, and swiftly changed the subject. "You bitches!" She gasped, hopping onto the bed and swatting us with one of my pillows, "That's the pillow I sleep on."

"Oops." I giggled, dodging a swipe of the pillow and ducking for cover. We jumped up and across the beds for ages, feathers flying everywhere. Jade joined us at some point, until we all collapsed on our backs, tired and out of breath.

I lay my head on Rory's shoulder, Vivian and Jade sprawled out on the bed opposite us.

"Oi." Rory nudged me, "You're still damp."

"Sorry babe." I stuck out my tongue at her, and snuggled deeper into her shoulder, "I'm too tired to care. Thank god it's the weekend."

"Oh!" Rory exclaimed, "That reminds me! There's a party tomorrow." Well that was news to me. I was so out of the loop when it came to anything my friends were planning nowadays.

"Excellent." Jade yawned, "But if Weasley's in charge of music this time I'm leaving."

Rory, Jade, and Vivian laughed, humming an upbeat tune I didn't recognize, and then burst into chorus.

"We get it, he cannot stop the feeling." Jade joked.

"What are you guys talking about?" I said, biting my lip. It wasn't often I felt left out. But right now I did. I hadn't even know there was a party recently. Or maybe I did. Xavier probably hadn't wanted to go.

"Oh right!" Rory nodded, "You weren't there. Viv got Charlie obsessed with some Muggle popstar who wears a variety of hats."

"I take full responsibility." Vivian said solemnly. "I should've known Timberlake was too much for him."

They laughed again.

"You're coming tomorrow though right?" Jade asked hopefully.

"I mean..."

"Junie you have to!" Vivian protested, "You haven't been to a party in ages."

"Plus, I heard Henry's bringing a karaoke machine and Leo lost a bet so he has to sing." Rory added.

"Heard from who exactly?" I teased, "Could it be a certain twin brother of mine? Around six feet? Blue eyes? Annoying?"

Rory blushed, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure babe." I patted her comfortingly, turning off the bedside lamp and pulling the covers around me, "Sure you don't."

"Hate you."

"Love you."

I smiled into the darkness, listening to Rory's even breathing . I had a sneaking suspicion that "studying" was code for spending time with James. He'd been so irritatingly happy lately, and it probably had to do with Ror's newfound attitude about him. I really did want to come to the party tomorrow. Usually I was so involved in these things. Helping Teddy swindle Rosmerta into giving us free booze, dreaming up larger scale noise canceling spells with Leo. I even missed James's horrible tasting drinks. It was all part of the fun.

Tomorrow I'd go over to Xavier's and convince him to go. We didn't have plans as far as I knew. Quidditch was on hiatus til after holiday, and he was always ahead on homework. Yes. Tomorrow was a new day. Tomorrow I was going to have fun with my boyfriend and my best friends and not worry about true love or any of that fairytale bullshit. Tomorrow was a fresh start.

The next day...

"Hey sweetie, what's up?" Xavier pulled me into a hug, kissing me softly on the lips.

I planted a second kiss on his jaw, settling down on the velvet settee. He began to kiss my neck and I almost forgot why I'd come. He was a damn good kisser. "I've got something to talk to you about."

"Great." He said, opening his curtains. "Do you want to stay in today? Or maybe go to Hogsmeade?"

"That's actually what I was going to talk about." I took a deep breath, sending a silent prayer to Merlin that he was in an understanding mood. "There's a party in Gryffindor tower tonight."

"Oh." He remarked monotonously. Xavier's face dimmed slightly, but I plowed ahead.

"And I was thinking it's been a while since I've been to a party."

"We went to a party last week." Xavier interjected crossly.

"A Gryffindor party." I corrected, trying my best to keep my voice light. Xavier had tendency to get defensive when he thought I didn't like spending time with his friends. I mean, I got it, like they were all going to part ways soon. He was nostalgic. But I had friends too.

"You want to go?"

"Yes." I said.

"Are you sure?" Xavier wheedled, brow furrowing, "I was thinking we'd meet up with Lo and Brian tonight. Have some dinner, do some studying."

"Studying?" I frowned, "On a Saturday night?"

"Exams are soon." He folded his arms defiantly.

"In a month, Xavier." I rolled my eyes. "A month."

"Unlike some people I take my studies seriously." HIs mouth drew together primly, tone clipped and final.

"By some people do you mean me and my friends?" I stood up, eyeing him dangerously. Xavier could be so stuck up sometimes. I knew he thought our antic were childish. He also hated pranks, which translated to my friends that he hated fun of any sort.


"This is important to me Xavier." I was being as clear as possible, taking Viv's advice. "I want you to come."

Xavier looked away, "I can't just bail on Brian and Lo."

I scoffed sourly, "So you're not going?"

"No." He paused, searchingly, "Are you?"

"Yeah." I said firmly, my nails digging into my palms. "I am."



I spun on my heel and stalked out of his room without another word, fury buzzing all around me. I asked him to do one simple thing. One simple thing. For me. His girlfriend. Who he supposedly loved. He loved the version of me in his head. All I asked was that he accompany me to a party and have the courtesy to act like he was having fun. Like I'd been doing for months. He couldn't even do that.

Angrily, I dressed for the party, crying out in frustration when my tights ripped. "FUCK!"

My friends watched warily from a corner of the dorm. Jade whispered, "Should we- try to help her?"

"I think it's best not to poke the bear." Vivian whispered back

Rory tiptoed forward, carrying fresh pair of tights, "Junie?" She ventured, placing a calming hand on my shoulder, "You ok?"

"Fucking fantastic Ror." I said loudly, gritting my teeth. "Just fucking fantastic."

"I'm not gonna lie J." Vivian noted, "You're scaring the shit out of me right now."

"I've never seen her smile so wide" Jade's eyes were wide with concern.

"Xavier's not coming, is he?" Rory mulled quietly.

"No." I swallowed the huge lump building in my throat, busying myself with my shoes. "Apparently he has better things to do."

"Babe I'm so-" Rory began to comfort.

"You know what?" I fluffed my hair, making my way over to the mirror. "It's fucking fine. Great even. I look hot, you look hot, we all look hot." I clasped Rory's hand so we stood side by side in the mirror. Her dressed in a v neck jumper with a pleated mini skirt, gorgeous hair in a messy top knot. And I in a tight black dress, cut out panels at my ribcage, dark hair loose around my shoulders. I looked fucking awesome. Xavier was missing out. "Screw Xavier. Screw all men."

"Now that's more like it." Vivian cheered, whooping us out the door, "Let's have some fun tonight babes."

"Just don't let me get too pissed." Jade reminded us, pulling a face, "If Potter pours me too many shots I'll start thinking hooking up with Charlie's a good idea."

"Don't fight it baby!" Charlie's deep voice echoed from the common room.

"Fuck you Weasley!"

"I wish you would!"

I threw my head back and laughed with my friends. Viv was right. We were going to have fun. Without Xavier. Who cared about Xavier? Not me. The party was in full swing when we made it downstairs.

Leo handed me a drink, "Look who's here."

"I heard you're gong to be singing karaoke tonight." I grinned into the plastic cup.

"I hate my happy boyfriend." Leo grumbled, already dreading his performance.

"Don't worry darling, I've already got a song picked out." Henry loped over, eyes glassy from alcohol as he wrapped an arm around Leo's waist.

"I'm going to kill you, you stupidly hot devil from hell."

"Only if you kiss me first."

Leo and Henry disappeared into the crowd. Now there was the kind of relationship I wanted. Xavier didn't take jokes sometimes. Whenever I tried to tease him he either got offended or he didn't know I was being sarcastic so it went over his head completely. But I wasn't supposed to be thinking about Xavier so I immersed myself in the party.

I did shots with Vivian, danced on the table with Ror. I laughed and goaded Leo when he sang California Girls, choreography and everything. Rolled my eyes when James and Teddy started twerking, and shouted the lyrics to the Weird Sisters song with Jade. I was having fun. It was fun. I'd forgotten how much fun it could be. I suddenly realized how much Xavier had been keeping me from, how much he was missing.

Then I felt bad. Maybe I could convince him to come. Maybe if he saw how much- wait was that- was that who I thought it was? A flash of shimmery hold and blunt bangs caught my eye. Was that-

"Lola?" I said in surprise, tapping the twirling girl's arm.

"Hey Juniper!" She shouted over the music, "Is Xavier here?"

"What?" A pit formed in my stomach. "No. He said he had plans with you."

"News to me." She shrugged, spinning away.

That guilt was replaced by hurt. And anger. I was mad and sad all at once. That's how much he didn't want to come. He lied to me. Lied. I snatched a drink off the the nearest table and downed it in one gulp, relishing the burn in my throat. I wasn't planning on getting plastered tonight, but fuck that. Xavier had lied to me. Left me alone. I was getting drunk.

"Oi!" James bellowed from across the room, "Seven minutes in heaven!"

I plopped down in the circle forming between Teddy and Charlie, another drink in hand. James uncapped the Veritaserum. Where he'd gotten it I had no idea. We played this game a little differently than Muggles. Same principle, but you had to go int the closet and kiss or do something embarrassing. (It was different every time) And we knew if you kissed or not because of the Veritaserum.

"Don't you think you should slow down?" Teddy gave me a look, coaxing the drink out of my hand.

"Hey!" I reached for the drink, but my legs were wobbly so I ended up in Teddy's lap instead.

"Yes that was a very convincing argument." He smirked, shaking his head and helping me up. "Jesus Junie, how drunk are you?"

"How drunk are you?" I fired back, words slurring.

"Not as drunk as you."

"Not as drunk as you." I mimicked, giggling, And Teddy looked at me with amusement.

"Oi hush up!" James reprimanded, wagging his finger. "We're starting." He winked at Rory, "You playing Wood?"

"No, Potter." She rolled her eyes, "Definitely not."

"And miss out on snogging me?" James teased.


"Your loss Wood." James handed the fire whiskey bottle to Charlie and stepped out of the circle. My brother, the damned prince. He wouldn't dream of snogging someone else with Wood in the room.

Charlie spun the bottle and to Jade's horror (and delight), it landed on her. When they returned from the broom closet Charlie was grinning like a fool, mouth red from Jade's lipstick, and Jade's hair was all mussed. We all cheered, clapping as Charlie bowed theatrically.

Teddy spun next. Round and round the bottle went, until it finally stopped.

On me.

The glass cap pointing at me like a sword. I gulped. There was no denying it was me. Everyone whistled, and Teddy's face went white. Well that was a bit rude, we'd just have to get it over with. It's not the end of the world.

Begrudgingly. I rose from my seat and entered the broom closet, Teddy trudging dejectedly behind. He didn't have to be so upset about it. It was quite offensive actually.

"So..." I shuffled awkwardly, once the door had closed.

"No." Teddy shook his head, "No. No."

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The chants echoed outside of the closet, my head was pounding like a drum.

"Teddy they're not gonna let us out until we kiss."

"How will they know?" Teddy tried to pace back and forth, but in a space as small as this one it was a difficult feat. He wouldn't meet my eye. Was he really that disgusted by the idea of kissing me? Well that stung a bit, not gonna lie.

"We have Veritaserum, Teddy let's just get it over with." My vision was beginning to blur, maybe I'd had more to drink than I thought.

"No!" He said so forcefully that my heart twinged. "We're not giving in to them."

"What does it matter? It's one kiss. Both of us have snogged people before." I held on to the nearby shelf, I didn't have the energy to deal with his stubbornness right now.

"Not each other."

"No shit Teddy." I was starting to get annoyed, "Can you just kiss me so we can get out of here?"

"No I'm not- we- no I-"

"What is the damn problem Lupin?"

"You're drunk."

"So are you! It's a stupid game, it doesn't mean anything. I have a boyfriend for merlin's sake, and you've got- girls."


"Just kiss me Teddy." I moved towards him, "Kiss me. Lupin! Just do it. Kiss me."

"Not like this!" He blurted, red in the face. He finally met my gaze, looking simultaneously defiant and regretful.

There was a long moment of silence. What did he say? Not like this? I didn't understand. I was much too pissed for this. Was he- I didn't- oh god my stomach was really not doing well.

"I- I mean-" He stammered, eyes darting nervously.

"What did you mean Teddy?" I asked, and then felt bile rise in the back of my throat. Fuck. I suppressed a gag, clasping a hand over my mouth and clutching my stomach with the other.

"Shit," Teddy caught me, sliding his arm around my waist to steady me, "are you about to-"

I nodded tightly, feeling faint. The room was spinning round and round. I was dizzy. So, so dizzy. My stomach was swirling, churning and sending waves of nausea all over my body. In one quick move, Teddy scooped me up, cradling me gently as I wrapped my arms around his neck for support. If I didn't get out of here fast I was going to hurl.

"James!" He pounded on the door aggressively, "James! Let us out right now!"

"Have you snogged yet?" James's joking voice sang from outside.

"JAMES! I'm serious! Your sister's about to hurl! We need out!" Teddy banged on the door harder, as if it might break down if he was aggressive enough.

"Fine, it's not my fault Junie can't hold her liquor." James opened the door and Teddy dashed out of the room and up to the girls dorm.

He set me down on the tiled floor just in time. I gripped the sides of the toilet and vomited. I felt awful. I made a mental note to never drink again, but I doubted I would remember that tomorrow. Damn it, my hair was going to fall in the toilet, or worse get vomit in it. If only I had a hair tie. I leaned over the toilet to vomit again, and realized Teddy was holding my hair back for me. Well that was unexpected. Oh god here it comes. My stomach screwed in pain and I threw up again. How was there anything left in me?

I felt a hand on my back. Teddy was rubbing my back soothingly in small circles. It actually felt really nice. I swallowed, throat burning as I collapsed against the wall.

"Here." Teddy handed me a damp cloth, "For your makeup." He gestured to my face at the mascara I knew without a doubt was streaked all over my eyes.

"Thanks." I coughed hoarsely, slumping.

"Do you need water?" Teddy put a hand on my knee comfortingly, he looked genuinely concerned.

"I think I'm- oh no-" I nearly missed the toilet as I gagged again, emptying more of my stomach because Godric hates me.

"It's ok, it's ok." Teddy murmured soothingly, resuming rubbing my back. I keeled over the toilet again, barely noticing the door to the bathroom swing open.

There was a muffled voice coming from outside the bathroom, "Juniper? Juniper can we talk? I feel awful about- are you in here? Oh-" I recognized Xavier's voice, but couldn't look up because I was currently retching.

"Are you drunk? Why are you-" He turned his attention to Teddy. More importantly what Teddy was doing. "What is Lupin doing in here?" His words were barbed with blatant jealousy.

"What does it look like Zabini?" Teddy snapped.

"It looks like you got my girlfriend drunk. Seriously Juniper what is going on? Why is he here? Did he get you drunk?"

"No it looks like I'm doing your job, Teddy cut him off angrily, it looks like I'm taking care of your girlfriend while you stand there and argue with me. It looks like Junie is sick and all you care about is asserting your dominance over me. And no I did not get her drunk Zabini. That's what it looks like."

Xavier was cowed, "Juniper are you ok?"

I wanted to answer. I wanted to. But I was otherwise occupied. I could barely lift my head high enough to see what was going on. I wish they would stop fighting. I wish I could stop throwing up.

"Too fucking late Zabini." Teddy growled, softly patting my forehead with the cloth. "Get out."

"What?" Xavier scowled, "You can't just- she's my-"

"I wasn't fucking asking." I felt Teddy tense behind me, and although I couldn't see it, I knew his hands were curled tightly in fists. He was speaking in that possessive don't mess with me tone he used when he was about to bash someone's head in.

Calm down. I wanted to say. It's ok. I wanted to say. Please don't argue. I was fighting consciousness, about to pass out. I could feel my body starting to shut down.

"Get out before I make you."

"Juniper?" Xavier directed his question towards me, and that was the last thing I heard before I went unconscious.

teddy's pov:

"Mmm no, Juniper mumbled incoherently as I lifted her up, floor good."

I laughed to myself. She was kinda cute when she was drunk, Zabini didn't know what he was missing. That guy made my blood boil. If I had Juniper I would never- nope we're not gonna go there, because we stopped thinking about that right Theodore? But look how adorable she is, she deserves better, she deserves- NO. Godric I'm so stupid. Why in the world did I say that when we were in the broom closet? Why didn't I just man up and kiss her? I know why...but I'm not supposed to be thinking about that. So instead, I focused on getting Juniper in bed.

I placed her on the pillows lightly, about to pull the blanket over her when she put up a hand to stop me.

"No, need, need-" She attempted to stand up, and stumbled.

I caught her, "Whoa Junie, get back in bed."

"Need this off first" She tugged at her dress, starting to take it off.

Oh Jesus. I clapped a hand over my eyes and turn around. Then I realized that she doesn't actually have any clothes to change into. Frantically, and still not turning around, I grabbed her a pair of pajamas from the dresser. I clamped my palm firmly over my eyes, "Take these Junie, tell me when you're done changing." I waited patiently, trying not to think about how Juniper was undressing mere feet away from me.

"Done." She murmured, and I help her back into bed. I didn't want to let go of her hand, and she wasn't letting go either.

She smiled dreamily at me, obviously still out of it, "You're so pretty."

I bit back a laugh, "Thank you Junie." I brushed her hair out of her face, "Are you doing okay now?"

"I don't know, she laughed, and then turned to face me, can you come over here?"

I blinked in surprise. She wanted me to get closer? Usually she moved father away from me. I guess this was the drunk side talking, part of me wondered if she would remember any of this in the morning. Did I even want her to remember any of this in the morning?

"Sure Junie." I edged nearer to her, stunned when she wrapped her arms around me and nestled her head into my chest. She was actually cuddling with me. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her too, drawing her closer.

She sighed with drunken content, "Will you stay here with me?" She giggled tipsily, "You used to say that to me when we still did sleepovers, when I decided not to sleepover anymore. You would always try and convince me to stay. It almost worked too. You're very hard to say no to, you know that?" She poked my cheek, giggling again, "It's because you're so pretty." She was just babbling now, on the verge of sleep, "But I had to say no. I had to say no. I had to stop those sleepovers because-"

Was I finally going to get my answer? I leaned forward eagerly. Maybe drunk Junie was exactly what I need to clarify things.

"Because?" I pressed, waiting for her to finish.

She gasped, "Uh oh", she hiccuped, "Xavier won't like it if we have a sleepover. He doesn't like when I spend too much time with you."

"Good thing I kicked Xavier out then."

She sobered up for a moment, "He doesn't mean any harm. He just gets- jealous easily."

"Really?" I replied sarcastically,"I had no idea."

"You're so warm." Juniper snuggled deeper into me, and I listened as her breathing became more even. She was asleep. I tucked my head over hers and closed my eyes. Might as well enjoy this while it lasted.

remember way back when we were still in the summer chapters and i said fasten your seatbelts?

well it's been a slow ride to get there, but we've arrived.

hold on lovelies, it's about to get real messy

ranting, as always, is allowed, encouraged even———————————>

don't forget to comment and vote!



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