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before we begin i just wanna say that this story will mainly focus on juniper potter, and will mostly be from a narrator's perspective

sometimes it will switch povs to diff characters and I will let yk when that happens, if you've read obscene by -babynaomi , then it's kind of like that, and if you haven't, go read it because it's awesome.

september, 2011

"Juniper! James!" Their mother called from downstairs, "Come down here now! I do not want to have to ask again! The train leaves in an hour and your father and I have work to do!"

"Coming mum!" James yelled back, still in his pyjamas.

"Mummy's boy!" Juniper teased as James stuck his tongue out at her. The dark haired girl looked for her favorite socks but couldn't find them. "Where are my socks? James have you seen them?"

Her brother snickered, sending a devious smile her way. She knew what that meant.

"James what did you do with my socks?!" she growled, scowling.

"I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about."

"The purple ones James! They were right here and now..." Her eyes traveled past the muddy paw prints that lead under her bed. She gasped, looking beneath to find her precious purple socks eaten beyond belief.

"MUM!" Juniper roared, storming down the stairs barefoot, "JAMES FED MY SOCKS TO HIS STUPID DOG!"

James ran after her, stumbling down the stairs as he tried to tie his shoe simultaneously, "I only did it because your stupid owl defecated in my underwear drawer on-"

Juniper stifled a laugh at the memory, silently thanking her beautiful snowy owl.

James pointed a finger at her accusingly, "SEE MUM SHE'S LAUGHING AT ME!"




"ENOUGH!" Miranda screeched, rubbing her head tiredly. "We don't have the time, and I don't have the energy for this today. Your baby sister had a bad dream last night and kept your father and I up all night, and we are out of coffee!" Their mother inhaled ferociously, "Here's what we are going to do. Junie, go get a a pair of new socks and contain your owl. James please refrain from feeding things to Fleamont. I will give you exactly one minute to get back down here, completely, and I do mean completely ready for the train. If you are not packed, I'm looking at you James, that is not my problem right now. Do you understand me?" She looked at her children sternly.

"Mummy!" A chubby bundle of brown curls flew into the room, hugging her mother's legs, Harry followed closely behind.

"Hello my sweet girl, where did you and Daddy go this morning?"

"An adventure!" Calista exclaimed proudly, "Daddy said it was an important mission!" Miranda smiled as Harry handed her a cup of coffee, kissing her on the cheek.

"That's right Cali girl, a very important mission." Harry winked at Miranda.

"Well Daddy was right about that." Miranda laughed as she mouthed thank you to Harry, who merely shrugged.

"I figured you'd need it," said her husband, wrapping a steadying arm around her waist.

Miranda sighed, "I love you so much."

"Are you talking to me or the coffee?" asked Harry wryly, raising a bemused eyebrow.

She blew him a kiss, "Can't it be both?"

"Mum!" A sudden, shrill cry broke Miranda's coffee induced calm. "I can't find my-"

"Your glasses are on the counter where you left them, Ness," replied Miranda, nodding her head at the blonde girl. "Are you ready to go?"

Vanessa nodded, strolling into the kitchen as she grabbed a piece of toast. "Where's Junie and James?"

"Good question," Miranda shared a conspiratorial look with her middle daughter, before planting a kiss on her head and telling her to take Calista to the bathroom before they go.

The rest of the Potter family came scurrying down, James and Juniper still arguing, begrudgingly posing for the family photo.

"Don't forget your glasses, Junebug," Harry handed her the violet frames.

"Yeah you're blind as bat without them sis." James goaded, nudging her with his elbow.

"Sod off!"

"No, you."

"No, you!"


"Oh my god, shut up!" Vanessa groaned, shoving them out of the way to get to the fireplace. Though only ten years old, sometimes it was as if she was already pushing thirty. It was just her way, it always had been. Harry often swore she came out of the womb reading War and Peace.

"Hey how come she gets to go first?!" James whined. "I'm the oldest!"

"By two minutes! We're twins, idiot!" They started to bicker once more.

Miranda almost laughed, heavily reminded of Mateo and her arguing over the exact same thing, "Juniper don't call your brother an idiot. James if you're the oldest then act like it, and Nessa gets to go first because despite being younger than the two of you she somehow managed to be ready and on time without any fuss."

The Potters finally managed to get out of the house without any further incidents, though there was quite a bit of pushing when they dropped out into the train station.

Hermione and Ron were already there with Charlie and Rose, however Mateo and Ginny had not arrived yet. James and Juniper instantly ran headfirst for Charlie, the three comparing wands and robes and pets.

"Charlie! Charlie!"

"I've got an owl, Charlie, look!"

"I've got a toad! Her name's Sally!" The little boy proudly showed off his toad, "Do you wanna hold her?"

James made a squeamish face, shaking his head, while Juniper nodded eagerly, reaching out her hands.

"Mum hates her," Charlie explained, "but dad wouldn't let me get a rat so I thought this was the next best thing."

"Are we showing our pets?" A soft voice asked, a small girl with big brown eyes shuffling towards them. A miniature calico kitten sat on her trunk. "This is Mila. I'm-"

"Jade!" Two men called from the other side of the platform.

"Oh, I have to go, those are my dads, but maybe I'll see you later?" Jade walked away just as the McGonagalls arrived.

"Hey, guys!" Leo bounded to meet them, hefting his trunk behind him. "Aren't you so excited to go to Hogwarts?"

"Oh Merlin yes," James exclaimed, lost in thought. "Quidditch, ghosts, magic, and sweets!"

"I was thinking more along the lines of learning, but okay." Leo laughed, giving Juniper a hug.

"Learning at school? Preposterous." The final member of their group, Teddy Lupin, smiled broadly, him and James pretending to sword fight with their wands.

"Hey Junie," Teddy turned to her, ruffling her hair. Juniper blushed, ducking her head.

"We're gonna rule the school!" James boasted, standing in a superhero position.

"As first years?" Vanessa snorted derisively, her and Rose giggling at their older siblings.

"Whatever, you're not even going to Hogwarts this year so HAH!" James retorted.

"Everyone's staring at us..." Evelyn whispered to her brother, Ethan.

And everyone was in fact staring at them, for obvious reasons. However, the kids only knew the basics of their parent's crusades.

The five children boarded the train, waving merrily goodbye to their tearful parents (and godparents in Teddy's case). James and Charlie making very obnoxious expressions as they pressed their faces up against the glass.

Juniper followed her brother and the rest of the boys into a compartment but James banished her, sliding the door shut, "No girls allowed Junie!"

"JAMES!" Juniper was upset, who was she supposed to sit with now? Leo gave her an apologetic wave.

Juniper sighed, lugging her trunk down the hall, almost every compartment was full. There was one at the very back of the train, with a sharp eyed girl Juniper didn't recognize.

She knocked on the wall, "May I sit here?"

"Fine by me." The girl smiled invitingly, displaying her expertly painted nails.

"Wow!" Juniper's eyes grew wide, "What spell is that? Your nails look so cool."

The girl threw back her head and laughed, "It's not a spell, it's nail polish."


"I'm Muggleborn, it's a thing where I come from, I'm Vivian, Vivian Knox. Viv for short, and I can teach you if you want." She gestured to her nails.

"Juniper, she replies, it's nice to meet you"

"Erm- hello," Jade peeked out from the entry way, "is this compartment full? I don't really have anywhere to sit and-"

"Come in, come in!" Vivian welcomed her graciously, "I'm Vivian Knox, and you are?"

"Jade Finnegan Thomas."

"That's why your name sounded so familiar!" Juniper palms her forehead, "My parents were at school with yours, I'm Juniper Potter."

"Potter!" Jade gasped simulataneously with Vivian.

"But- but- your dad is like famous."

"I suppose a bit," Juniper shrugged nonchalantly. "It's not that big of a deal though." They heard a bell ring. "Ooh that's the trolley, do you lot want anything? My parents gave me some money!"

"None for me, but I'll join you." Jade said, rising from her seat,

"I'm not gonna say no to free food." Vivian grinned, "I'll come with you too."

The three girls traveled down the train, getting all they carry from the cart.

"Are you sure you don't want anything, Jade?"

"I don't really like sweets."

Juniper and Vivian's jaws dropped, "Did you just say what I think you just said?"

"I know it's weird." The girl giggled.

"It's not that weird, another voice entered the conversation, I don't have big sweet tooth either, but the one thing I do love is chocolate." A brown haired girl with hazel eyes waved hello. "I'm Rory Wood." She extended a hand.

Juniper went to shake it, but from out of nowhere her brother swooped in and grabbed Rory's hand, planting a big kiss on the back gallantly while all the boys whistled and clapped behind him. "I'm James Potter." He flashed a cocky smile and winked, "It's nice to meet you."

"Well it is not nice to meet you!" Rory wrenched her hand away in disgust.

"James! Who does that to a stranger?!" Juniper scolded, punching her bother in the arm as hard as she could.

"Only an idiot," Rory rolled her eyes, sniffing, and Juniper snickered. She had a feeling she was going to like this girl.

"I'm so sorry about my brother," Juniper guided Rory away from the boys, who stuck her tongue out at James as she walked away.

"I think she likes me," James nodded with assurance.

"If you say so mate," Leo patted him on the back.

James, Juniper, Leo, Charlie, and Teddy are all sorted into Gryffindor. And much to Juniper's delight, so are Vivian, Jade, and Rory.

Little do they know, this is only the beginning.



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