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Juniper faded in and out of darkness, fighting for breath. Her body was shutting down, mind barely conscious, washed in a sea of low voices and arguments, screams and last thoughts. Snippets of conversation reached her ears, vision blurring when she began to black out again. She was cold. So cold.

"How could you let this happen, Harry?!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Sorry doesn't cut it! My daughter is lying in a hospital bed and she might never wake up!"

"Our daughter!"

"You're supposed to keep her safe!"

"You're supposed to be here!"

"I'm trying to keep everyone else fucking safe!"

"Clearly not everyone."

Angry voices, harsh and grating. Mixed with undertones of fright, voices shaking with more terror than fury. Scared voices, soft and on the verge of breaking.

"Don't do this to me, Potter."

"Hypothermic shock..."

"She'll be ok...right?"

"Please wake up."

"Please be ok."

"I need you."

Then warmth, sudden unexpected. Somewhere, a part of Juniper's drowning mind surfaced, touch sparking light in her body, a squeeze of a hand. Someone was there. She was not alone. And then everything went dark again.

The darkness was accompanied by dark images, cold images. She was trapped, pinned to the bottom of the lake all over again. Gasping wordlessly, screaming with no one to hear her, choking with no air to breathe.

Juniper coughed one, twice, three times, lungs flooding with air. She blinked her eyes wearily, adjusting to the light.

"Oh my god- James! James she's- get over here! Junie's-!" Rory leapt up from her place in the chair, rushing to the groggy girl's bedside. James followed her, rubbing sleep from his face.

"Mmm." Juniper croaked wearily, struggling to talk. Her eyelids threatened to close and confusion set in. Why did her whole body feel like it had been trampled on by a hippogriff? Jumbled pieces of information began to sort themselves out, clicking into place. The blurry faces peering over her coming into focus.

"Junie?" Rory ventured worriedly. She wrung her hands, "Oh god- James what if she doesn't remember us? Madam Pomfrey said she didn't know if there'd be any side effects when she woke up. I've read about this- memory loss can occur if-"

Juniper blinked again, slowly, "Ror, I'm-"

"Oh thank Merlin!" Rory attacked her with a giant bear hug.

"Fine," Juniper finished wryly, response muffled beneath Rory's arms. "Ow."

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry!" Rory cried, agitated, relating Juniper from her grasp. "Can I get you anything? Tea?"

"No, Ror I'm- "



I could go down to the Great Hall and-"

"Ror!" Juniper said, with as much emphasis as she could muster, hacking out a dry laugh. "I'm okay, really."

"Remember me, sis?" James gave her a quick smile, the worry that had been etched in his brow for so many days beginning to lift.

"Hmmmm, "Juniper tapped her chin, pretending to be having a hard time with it, "I- oh no- who- who are you? I can't-"

James cut her off with a bone crushing embrace. "Worst twin sister ever," He mumbled into her shoulder.

"I'm your only twin sister."

"Yeah, " James agreed, kissing the top of her head. "That's why you can't die on me." Her brother still had not relinquished his tight hold.

"Can't breathe-" Juniper wheezed, wriggling out of his arms, "Ribs collapsing-!"

"I'm serious, Junie."

Juniper smiled at her brother, heart warmed. Looked like someone had missed her after all. "Awwwww, " she cooed, pouting out her bottom lip, "were you worried about me, Jamesie?" She put a hand to her heart, "I'm touched, truly." Her and Rory shared a smirk.

James growled irritably, "I take it back. You're just the worst sister ever. You and Ness can share the title." Then he caught sight of Rory's teasing expression and gasped, "Betrayal!"

Juniper chuckled weakly, gingerly pulling herself into a more upright position on the bed. Her limbs ached, mouth dry as a desert, and head pounding as a wave of dizziness swept through her. "Where is everyone?"

"They popped outside for fresh air- wait one second I'll go get them," Rory, eager to help, sped out of the infirmary without another word.

Juniper watched her go, shaking her head at her friend's frantic and incessant need to fuss over everyone. She raised a questioning eyebrow at her brother, watching Rory as well. A moony eyed expression on his face like always. "So...the two of you seem pretty close lately."

A smile tugged at the corner of James's mouth, threatening to break into a full bodied grin of elation, "Yeah- erm- she's been- she's been a big help these past couple days."

Juniper resisted the urge to tease her brother shamelessly for the look on his face right then. "Has she now?"

"She really has, " James nodded, more to himself than Juniper, grinning.

The doors to the infirmary burst open, a barrage of people hurrying in. Her father, sisters, uncles and aunts, cousins, Leo, Charlie, Professor McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey, and was that-

"Mum?" Juniper's jaw dropped open in surprise, her mother cradling her in her arms.

"Thank god you're okay," Miranda whispered.

Harry hugged his daughter from the opposite side, Juniper smushed between her two parents like a human sandwich. It reminded her of when she was little and her and James would crawl in between their parents on the couch, even if there was no room. James always fell asleep in Miranda's lap, and Miranda never dared wake him, even if it meant she cuddled with him on the couch all night. No wonder he turned out to be such a massive mummy's boy. Meanwhile, Juniper loved staying up as late as she could, begging Harry to tell her just one more story, before finally succumbing to sleep. Those were the days. When her mother was there and her father didn't look worried all the time. When Harry's face would light up as he regaled Juniper with a tale about a Quidditch game, and Miranda would hush him not to wake up James.

"Are you crying, love?" Harry threw a lopsided smile his teary eyed wife's way.

"Shut up, Harry." Miranda swatted him across the arm.

"You and the hitting, Mandy." And for a moment, Juniper saw a glimpse of the teenagers they once were. The glimpse was fleeting, however, James and Cali piling on the bed as well.

"Hey! We want in."

Vanessa stood on the fringe, rolling her eyes at the sappiness. She crossed her arms over her chest protectively, as if to say hell no I'm not doing this.

James smirked, "No way you're getting out of this Ness." He yanked the miniature blond girl into the cramped hospital bed, squishing her between everyone with much brute force. The Potter family was finally whole again.

After more tearful reunions, a begrudging pat on the head from Vanessa, and insistence from both James and Miranda that they were not crying, Madam Pomfrey shooed most everyone out so Juniper could get some rest. Juniper hated being trapped in the bed, and she really wanted coffee. Of course, Madam Pomfrey staunchly refused.

"Fluids and rest, dearie. That is all."

Soon, only Juniper, James, Leo, Rory, and Charlie remained. And Juniper finally noticed the one face missing from the group, heart sinking in her chest. Why wasn't he here? Even though they'd fought, she thought he'd at least- maybe she was wrong.

"How long was I out for?" Juniper asked, Rory currently in the space beside her on the cot.

"Nearly a week?" Charlie sighed, running a hand through his ginger hair.

Juniper shuddered, thinking of that all that time she'd been in limbo, teetering between life and death. "Shit, really?" Had Teddy even cared? Did he even know? Did he want to know? Maybe he was glad she was gone. Now he could be with Selene like he wanted, without his pesky best friend following him around like a lovesick puppy. She felt like an idiot, especially because in those rare moments when she had some level of consciousness, she'd thought she'd heard his voice, felt his touch. She'd thought- well apparently she'd been less conscious than she thought.

She cleared her throat, attempting to sound nonchalant, "So- er- Teddy? Is he- erm..."

"Could've sworn he was just here." James furrowed his brow, looking around the room in confusion. Like he had just noticed his best friend's absence. "He probably went for a walk or something, stretch his legs."

"Oh- right, " Juniper bit her lip, hoping her tone was breezy. "Of course, that's totally fine. It's not a big deal. Er- I was just wondering..." Rory squeezed her shoulder comfortingly.

"Trust me, he needed it. He was here every single day. Like from the second you got hurt, he wouldn't leave your side," Charlie said honestly. "He wouldn't eat or sleep or anything."

"Really?" Juniper felt a flutter in her abdomen. Maybe her intuition had been right after all.

"He never let go of your hand, " Rory murmured to her.

Until he did. Juniper thought silently to herself. If he cared about her that much, where was he now? Why wasn't he here?

"You know what. " Leo rose to standing, "I'll go find him and tell him you're awake. He'll be pissed we didn't get him sooner."

"I think I saw him in the corridor by the Charms classroom." Rory called out after him, and Juniper sensed that there was more behind that comment. A note of bitterness.

Selene. That was why he wasn't here with her. Of course. Because he was with Selene. Her attempted murderer. Did Teddy know? No he couldn't. But what if he did? Would he still choose Selene.


She knew he would. Juniper could never be chosen over someone like Selene. She should stop hoping, stop thinking there was a chance. She was only setting herself up for hurt, again. Teddy would never feel how she felt for him.

Juniper leaned her head on Rory's shoulder, that stupid butterfly of hope forcing her gaze to flick towards the double doors every so often. Minutes passed, and Leo returned, alone.

An hour, two, three.

Two days passed.


Juniper was sick of being bedridden, sick of Teddy not showing up, sick of missing Quidditch practice and sleeping in the infirmary. She was even starting to miss going to class. She longed to go outside, to run around, to eat something other than soup and plain pasta.

"Please tell me I'm getting out of here today, Poppy!" She begged the matronly witch beseechingly, clasping her hands together. She swung her legs out of the bed, walking around with ease, "Look I'm fine! Better than fine. I'm fantastic."

"Mmmm," Madam Pomfrey clucked her tongue, "We'll see, poppet. I don't want you wearing yourself out."

"But-" Juniper started to protest, frustrated.

"Listen to Madam Pomfrey, missy." Miranda waltzed into the room, wagging her finger sternly.

Juniper scowled, sticking at her tongue, "Yes, mum." Then she noticed what her mother was wearing. "Why are you in your- " Her expression drooped in realization, and Miranda pursed her lips.

"I'm sorry Junebug, if I could stay-"

"You would." Juniper intoned dejectedly. Mood immediately dampening, gray clouds covered the sunlight. Like the weather knew how she was feeling and was commiserating. "I know, Mum." Juniper hunched over, heaving a heavy sigh. She sucked in her cheeks, remarking with sour sarcasm, "I guess I'll see you whenever I have another near death experience."

Her mother recoiled, hurt. "Juniper-"

Juniper closed her eyes, "No- I'm sorry Mum. I just- we'll miss you, here. Goodbye.. guess."

"Bye Junebug."

Madam Pomfrey patted her comfortingly on the leg once her mother had gone, "Maybe you are ready to head out today, after all."

Juniper nearly fell over in excitement, "Really?!" She catapulted off her cot, wrapping her arms around Madam Pomfrey's waist, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Ohhh," Madam Pomfrey blushed, pleased at the girl's reaction.

Juniper skipped out of the infirmary, not abiding any of Madam Pomfrey's parting cautions to not "strain herself". She headed straight for the common room. What if Teddy was in there? Did she want him to be in there? She wasn't sure. Why had he been avoiding her all this time? He hadn't visited her once.

Even worse, what if Selene was in there? Juniper had told her father and Professor McGonagall everything about the incident, but they weren't sure how much they could do, given that the curses she used were powerful and practically untraceable. Plus, it was her word against Juniper's, and she wasn't technically a Hogwarts student.

"Hello?" She stepped into the common room warily, surprised to find it empty. That was odd. It was 2:00 in the afternoon on a Saturday. Usually the common room would be filled to the brim with people, especially so close to the end of the year. People studying, goofing off, hanging out. But there were only a few fifth years, noses buried in textbooks, and some tiny first and second years playing gobstones in a corner. No one she knew offhand. Where was everyone?

Where was- no. She wasn't supposed to ask that anymore. She couldn't ask that anymore.

To be honest, this was not how she pictured her triumphant return. Maybe Ror was in their dorm, or the library, studying for exams next week. Typical of her.

So Juniper hustled up the stone steps, swinging open the door to their dorm. Oh her bed! Oh how she had missed her bed. "Ror?" Juniper surveyed the room, searching for the familiar sight of the brunette immersed deep within her notes.

"Not Rory, " Vivian stepped out of the bathroom, "She's- er- not here. Sorry."

"S'ok," Juniper stared at the floor awkwardly, her and Viv hadn't been on the best terms lately.

Vivian tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "Pomfrey let you out then?" Juniper nodded. "That's good- I mean- I'm glad you're okay."

"Thanks," Juniper smiled slightly.

"I'm sorry I didn't visit or- I just- I don't know..." Vivian shuffled her feet nervously, biting at her fingernails. Juniper barely recognized the girl in front of her, subdued and pale.

"It's okay."

"And- erm- I'm sorry about the whole Selene thing. If I'd known- anyway- she's a shit person...and I'm sorry." Vivian reached out and gave Juniper a hug.

"Okay," Juniper hugged her back, not sure if she'd forgiven her quite yet, but at least the tension was gone. She hated fighting with Vivian. Vivian had always been her ride or die. And now...well whatever was going to happen would happen. They'd made up, that was a start. "If you ever want to talk or anything- I'm always..."

Vivian withdrew, swallowing, "Sure. Right. Thank you." There was a beat of silence, "If you're looking for everyone...they're out on the pitch. Since we didn't make it to the championships and all, James and Charlie just wanted to play for the hell of it."

Juniper didn't ask if Teddy was with them. She didn't want to know.

"Oh-! Also- I got your stuff after what...happened at the game and- this was in with your gear," Vivian handed her a cream envelope with her name on it. Recognition flashed across Juniper's face. The letter. Alex's letter. She'd forgotten all about it. It seemed like ages ago she'd tucked that letter into her jumper pocket.

"Thank you!" Juniper exclaimed, taking the letter gratefully.

"No problem." Vivian smiled, "So- er- I'm- I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," Juniper waved goodbye to her friend, carefully breaking the seal of the envelope. She pulled the letter out, eyes scanning the slanted writing on the page she knew by heart now.

Dear Juniper,

HEY! That was aggressive, sorry. Hi. That was better...I think? Hiiiii? Nope don't like that either. And just when I thought I was getting better at this whole writing letters thing. So, remember a few letters back when I mentioned internships? Well I graduate in like two weeks, which is a whole new brand of terrifying. But I've finally decided what path I want to take. Trust me, as shocking to you as it is to me. I wanna study to be a Healer, and the best internships for that...are in the U.K. Now I didn't tell you this, (don't be mad) because it was a long shot...but I applied for this super prestigious internship at St Mungo's. Yes that St. Mungo's. And I sort of...got it? Which means I'll be moving here by the end of July. Which is crazy scary, but also exciting, especially because I have a friend to show me around. wink wink. You got that right? You got it. Right? You did. Now to the point of why I'm writing, (besides wanting to talk to you of course) I have a preliminary meeting at St Mungo's on May 5, so I'll be in town. And I was thinking...unless your very busy social schedule is too full, that maybe you'd like to go out with me? Not like go out with me go out with me. Not like a date...unless..you want it to be a date. Maybe? Possibly? But it's not a date...but it could be. I know Xavier's out of the picture so...you know. Just keep it in my mind, remember we're friends who can make out sometimes. Either way is fine with me. It's really not a date. I swear. Unless you- maybe- maybe- you know I'm just gonna stop because this is getting progressively shittier.




I'll be in that Hogsmeade place at 9:00, so if I see you, I see you. Still totally not asking you out on a date...promise...mostly

Juniper giggled at his awkward completely relaxed way of writing. She still found it adorable that he wrote and talked the exact same way. It was a nice break from the drama, his laidback attitude. Cracking jokes like always. She missed it. She missed him. It would be fun to see him. Date or not.



This could be the chance they never got way back in summer. He was moving here. He was going to be here permanently. It could actually work. And she loved Alex, so much. It was an opportunity, a promise of a new beginning. She could start over. Forget about...him.

May 5th

Juniper peered at the calendar on the wall, wait was that- it was today. Today was May 5th. Well- there was no time like the present for a fresh start. Looks like she had a date to get ready for....


Teddy plodded down to the Quidditch field, lost in his own thoughts. He'd been avoiding Juniper. He knew she was awake- but he just couldn't. Not after everything.

He had to protect her. From Selene. But mainly from: himself. He didn't deserve her. He shouldn't feel the way he does about her. He doesn't know how to talk to her anymore, now that he knows how he feels about her. What was he supposed to do now? He's never experienced this before. Never. How is he supposed to- what is he supposed to do-

He's no good for her. She deserves someone better. Not a monster.

But he loves her. He loves her so much he can barely see straight anymore. He needed time. Space to think. It didn't help. He was still so so confused. And so so in love with her. With no no idea what to do. And he's screwed it all up, and it's too late and he's in agony.

"Wood?" Teddy said, tilting his head when he spotted the girl in the bleachers.

"Oh!" Rory looked as though she'd been caught cheating on a test, picking up her book that had been discarded on the bench behind her hastily. "Teddy- er I was just..."

"Whatcha doing down here?" Teddy's gaze followed Rory's eyes up to the sky where James was flying on his broom and he suppressed a smug smile.

Rory gestured aimlessly, flustered, "You know- Quidditch- Junie's always trying to get me to learn more- I thought I'd- it's a nice day outside. Fresh air is good for studying? Er..."

Teddy snickered, "And you say I'm a bad liar."

Rory groaned, throwing her head back in anguish, "Oh shut up! I know! I know! Ugh I'm so stupid!"

"It's okay if you fancy James, Ror." Teddy patted her lightly on the knee, "It's not stupid at all."

"But it is! It is, because I always said I'd never- and now..." Rory groaned again, burying her rapidly reddening face in her hands. "He's just so- and so- ugh! Don't you dare laugh at me!"

Teddy grinned, "Wouldn't dream of it, Wood." Godric be damned, Teddy mulled to himself. After all this time.

"What a pair we are, eh?" Rory said wryly, nudging him with her elbow. "Those Potters. Bloody unbelievable."

Teddy blanched, gulping hard. Was Rory getting at what he thought she was getting at? "I- er- I'm not sure what you're talking-"

"Save it Lupin," Rory snorted, rolling her eyes. "I see the way you look at her. Hell, I saw how you looked at her before you knew why you were looking at her."

"You always were too damn perceptive for your own good," Teddy murmured, shaking his head. He leaned back on his elbows, "Those bloody Potters..."

"I was always rooting for you, you know?" Rory told him, shielding her eyes from the bright sun. "Even when she was happy with Xavier. Even when she said she was- even through Selene- I held out hope." She paused, "You should tell her."

"I don't even know how- or if she-"

"She does, " Rory interrupted firmly. "I know she does. You have to tell her, Teddy. Or you never will."

"I could say the same thing to you, Little Miss Stalker," Teddy goaded, and Rory shoved him.

"Give me some more time on that one, will you?" Rory crossed her arms, gnawing on the inside of her cheek, "I'm perfectly content to admire from a distance for now." Above them, James dipped on his broom.

"I can see that."

Rory chucked a book at his head, "I'm serious, Teddy! I'll kill you if you breathe a word of this to James or Junie! Also, I'm serious abut telling her how you feel. You have to tell her, Teddy. You just have to. You can't wait any longer, or it'll be too late."



"I'm gonna tell her," Teddy said, heart pounding wildly in his chest. "I have to tell her." He began the journey back up to the castle, determined. He was really doing this, "Oh and-" he turned around to Rory before leaving, "James does too- just so you know. He does."

Rory blushed, pumping her fist in the air as she cheered, "Go get your girl, Lupin!"

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