- T H E Y K N O W -

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I giggled, feeling the soft brush of Xavier's lips on my neck. I swatted him away teasingly, "Xavier! I'm trying to figure out these plays!" I returned to my Quidditch playbook, scribbling notes in the margins of my diagram. Xavier peered over me, resting his chin balefully on my shoulder.

"No peeking either!" I chastised, "We have a game against you guys next week."

"Well then maybe you should stop doing that and focus on me." Xavier tore me away from my notebook, leaning back against his desk and pulling me towards him for a kiss. His hands hooked around my waist as I reached my arms around his neck.

"Shouldn't you be working on plays too?" I murmured between kisses.

"Already finished." He grinned as I groaned.

"Of course you did." I rolled my eyes, "Far be it from me to assume Xavier Zabini be anything less than perfect."

"Mmmm, if I'm so perfect why you haven't told anyone about us?" He teased, but there was a kernel of truth behind it.

Xavier and I had been dating for a couple of weeks now, actually maybe more than a couple. We'd be coming up on a month soon. It had been going well. Really well.

Wow. I hadn't realized it had been that long. I guess he was my boyfriend, my first real boyfriend. He called me his girlfriend sometimes, but I'd never called him boyfriend. Not aloud anyways.

No one knew. Viv, Jade, and Rory knew very few details, and the boys knew nothing at all. I spent every free moment with him. Kissing him, talking to him, listening to him play the piano. Which was so unfathomably hot. He's amazing, of course.

"That reminds me," I said with a smile, disentangling myself from his grasp. "I have to get back. Any longer and they'll come looking." Granted, it would probably take them awhile, the last place they'd expect to me was in the Slytherin dungeon.

"Or you could tell them about me." Xavier wrapped his arms around my waist, preventing me from leaving.

"Xavier." I put my hands on his chest, shaking my head, "Trust me, the longer I can keep this from them the better. I'm only trying to protect you." I could already picture the boys pouncing on him the second they found out, let alone what Teddy would say. I shuddered at the thought. I hadn't even thought about telling my parents. I was very deliberately putting it off. It was bound to be an awkward conversation, and I'd just...rather not.

"As long as it's for me." Xavier sighed dramatically, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "Do you really have to go?"

I nodded, pecking him on the cheek. He pouted, "Can I see you later tonight then? After the headmaster induction?"

"I don't know." I bit my lip, "I'll be tied up with family stuff." I sighed, "We have to be up front with my dad the whole time." To tell you the truth I was not at all looking forward to the event tonight. It was just a silly portrait hanging. I didn't understand why he got one anyways, this was only temporary. At least I would get to see mum, and all my aunts and uncles too.

I shouldered my bag, making for the door again. Xavier grabbed my hand and drew me back to him, pressing a lingering kiss to my lips.

"Xavier!" I exclaimed, laughing, "I really have to go."

"One more kiss," he pleaded, batting his eyelashes.

"You already got one more kiss." I squeezed his hand a final time, finally walking out of the dungeons and back to the surface.

The clock chimed five times. Shit. I needed to get ready. Mum would have a cow if I was late, and I still had no idea what I was going to wear. What was the daughter of an interim headmaster supposed to wear anyways? I picked up my pace, briskly flying through the corridors. I always lost track of time when I was with Xavier. A goofy smile spread over my face, like it always did when I thought about him.

"Lodelapur," I said to the Fat Lady, swinging open the portrait hole. To my surprise I found no one in the common room but Teddy. "Where is everybody?"

"Changing," he shrugged, lounging lazily on the couch with his feet up. He was already in his dress robes. I hated how good he looked in them. "Where have you been?" Teddy raised his eyebrow suspiciously and I paled.

"Studying." My eyes darted nervously. I knew if I made eye contact with Teddy it would be all over.

"Uh huh." Teddy seemed to believe me, "You've got a weird look on your face."

"Thank you so much for pointing that out, Lupin." I glared at him, words dripping with sarcasm, "I'll be sure to fix that."

"So touchy these days," he smirked, putting his elbows behind his head. Something about his calm tone infuriated me.

"You-- I--," I spluttered, "ugh," I growled, huffing up to my dorm.

"Nice comeback Potter," he called cheekily as I headed up the stairs.

"Shut up, Lupin!" I replied, fuming.    Was it his life's mission to antagonize me? He's lucky we're best friends and I'm basically stuck with him for life.

I entered my dorm to find Vanessa perched on my bed, dressed in a forest green sheath. She pointed to an identical sheath on the dresser, only this dress was a shade of red, with different sleeves.

She rolled her eyes, "Mum thought we should coordinate."

"Fun." I responded, chuckling, "Does that mean James is wearing a dress too?"

"We can only hope." Vanessa grinned, tossing me a delicate hairbrush.

I looked at it with confusion, "I've already got a hairbrush?"

"No, duh," Vanessa deadpanned. "I hexed it. All you have to do is say Crinus Muto, and think of the way your hair wants to look."

I blinked, "Really?"

"Yeah, I was just messing around one day in Charms and I figured it out."

"You and James are more alike than you think." I winked. It was true. James was always dreaming up new spells, using magical alchemy to combine hexes for pranks.

"Never say that again," Vanessa said in disgust.

"I'm flattered, Nessa." James entered the dorm, dressed in a very nice set of navy blue dress robes.

"How come he gets to be blue?" I asked.

"We have to represent all the houses." Vanessa explained, "Though frankly, I think it's an insult to Ravenclaw."

"Whatever." James tossed his hair dramatically, "It brings out my eyes and I look fantastic."

I slipped on a pair of pearl colored kitten heels, better safe than sorry. I didn't want to fall flat on my face in front of the entirety of Hogwarts. Nessa was wearing stilettos so it balanced out. My chosen hairstyle was light curls, half up, half down. I didn't have time for makeup, and was too lazy to do a glamour charm, so I was basically ready. I took one last look in the mirror and began to follow my siblings to the common room.

"Hey," James frowned over my shoulder, "what's that on your neck? Is that a bug or something? What-?"

My eyes widened. Quickly, I clapped a hand over it. Maybe a Glamour Charm would've been useful. Damn it. I was usually so careful. I could see Nessa out of the corner of my eye, arching a smug eyebrow.

I stammered out a response, "Must be ink...or something. I- erm- dozed off doing homework today?"

"Oh." James nodded, satisfied. "Well, you should probably get rid of it before Mum sees. I think the Prophet's going to be there."

"Yes, Junie," Vanessa smiled sweetly at me, words stilted. "You should get rid of that ink? Did you say? That sucks for you."

"Nessa," I growled under my breath warningly, willing her to shut up.

James, oblivious as usual, noticed nothing, "I'm gonna go find Cali. Meet you at the Headmaster's Tower?"

"Sure," we agreed, as we went out separate ways.

As soon as James was out of earshot Vanessa rounded on me. Just as I knew she would.

"Ink? Ink?" she cried, clutching her stomach in hilarity. "You are so lucky he bought that."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said primly, ignoring her insinuations.

"You're cute." She patted me on the head like a dog, scrunching her nose, "You realize I'm best friends with his younger sister? You think I haven't noticed you in the dungeons recently?"


"Don't worry." Vanessa laughed at the stunned expression on my face, "I'm not going to tell anyone."

"Thanks." I closed my eyes in relief. "So...how long have you--?"

"Since he passed you that note in the Great Hall," Vanessa told me, and my jaw dropped. Hell, I knew she was observant, but I didn't think- merlin.

"Seriously?!" I groaned, palming my forehead. We continued our trek up to the tower, passing several students in dress robes. "I'm assuming Ro knows too then?"

"Well, yeah..." Vanessa said sheepishly, twisting a blond curl around her finger, "But we're the smartest bitches in this circus ring we call a family, no one else has the slightest idea." She paused, "It's been nearly a month, you like him then?"

"Yeah." I blushed slightly, nudging my sister with my elbow, "I know I'm going to have to tell everyone sometime."

"There you are!" My mum exclaimed, dressed to the nines in a sophisticated black dress, her hair loose and natural, framing her multicolored eyes nicely. Again I was reminded how pretty mum was, Nessa was her spitting image. Honestly, how was I birthed by the beautiful woman in front of me? I couldn't believe Vanessa and I were siblings sometimes. 

She looked tired though, my mum. More tired than normal. My parents were barely twenty when they had me and James, they'd always been some of the youngest parents. When James and I went to primary school before Hogwarts, I can't tell you how many times I was asked if Mum was my older sister, or babysitter.

Only recently had they been showing signs of age, a sprinkling of grey in my dad's hair, things like that. However, mum hadn't looked old to me until this moment. They're thirty six, not dying, I reminded myself harshly. My brain was already heading into overdrive.

"Mum!" Vanessa and I embraced her, we hadn't seen her since the summer. I noticed a wide gash on her shoulder, red and scabbed over. It looked fresh.

"What's that?" I asked in concern.

Hastily, Mum adjusted her sleeves to cover the wound, waving her hands airily, "Just a little scratch Junebug. Nothing to worry about." I couldn't press the subject anymore because at that point James and Cali had arrived, immediately being fussed over by my mother. The whole family walked down to the portrait corridor together. The reception would be later in the Great Hall.

I spied Xavier in the crowd, and he made a heart with his hands. I tried not to smile, ducking my head as Dad begins to read his speech. To be honest, I wasn't really listening. I was a little too busy looking at Xavier, but it must've been good speech because Minnie was teary eyed by the end. I saw my mum take my dad's hand and my heart warmed. At least some things never changed.

With huge fanfare, his portrait was unveiled, residing right beside McGonagall's. Everyone clapped, whistles echoing through the crowd.

Dad smiled at all of them, looking out at the crowd, "Thank you. I never dreamed- that scrawny eleven year old boy who lived under the stairs never thought in million years that he would make it out. But here I am, and I didn't do it by myself. And that's why I thank you. All of you. I owe so much to the Wizarding world. Thank you to Rubeus Hagrid, for giving me my first birthday cake. Thank you to Minerva McGonagall, who always believed in me. Thank you to the Weasleys, for being my family when I didn't have one. Thank you to all of those who could not be with us today, my parents, James and Lily Potter, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Percy Weasley, Cho Chang, the Creevey brothers, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Cedric Diggory, and the countless others who sacrificed everything. Thank you to Mateo and Ginny McGonagall. Thank you to Ron Weasley, I'm so glad you sat down next to me on the train that day, and equally glad Hermione Granger came in to let you know you had dirt on your nose. Most of all, thank you to my beautiful wife, the love of my life, Miranda. I love you so much."

"Harry," I heard my mother whisper, eyes misty, "I love you too."

"I would not be anywhere without any of these amazing people. So, I say thank you. Thank you." There was a resounding round of applause.

My dad laughed, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose, "Now let's have some fun. Refreshments are in the Great Hall everyone."

I joined the crush of students making their way to the Great Hall, searching for my friends. I'd lost James somewhere in a gaggle of Hufflepuffs, and where James went, Teddy, Charlie, and Leo were sure to follow. I thought I spotted a flash of his messy dark hair, but before I could investigate my hand was grabbed and I was yanked into a deserted classroom.

"Hi," Xavier mumbled against my lips, thumb on my cheek.

"Xavier!" I shook my head, taking in the beauty that was Xavier in dress robes. He screamed old money, finely cut robes tailored to perfection.

"I missed you," he said in defense, bending to give me another kiss.

"It's been like two hours," I teased, sighing contentedly as he trailed a line of love bites along my neck.

He raised his eyebrows, dark eyes daring, "You don't seem too irritated."

"It's very hard to resist you when you look like that," I grumbled, planting a kiss on his jaw.

He tapped the side of his head thoughtfully, "Wear dress robes. Got it." Then he grinned, mouth returning to mine. His tongue swiped my lower lip and before I knew it we were making out. Like, grasping, hands in the hair, clothes tugging, full on making out. Who needed air? Not me.

"Junie are you in here? You have to- oh fuck--" Teddy swung open the door, the glow of the candles outside flooding the classroom with light. He stared, frozen and unblinking, mouth agape.

I broke apart from Xavier with a start, both of us breathless. My hair was mussed, clothes rumpled. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

"Teddy did you find-- what the fuck is going on in here?" James burst into the room, crying out in horror. In fact, it was very similar to the horrified expression I  was currently sporting.  "GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" James roared, clenching his fists. "I WILL KICK YOUR ARSE! DO YOU HEAR ME? I WILL KICK YOUR ARSE!"

This could not get any worse. This could not get any worse. Help. Dear Godric please let this be in my imagination. But it could get worse. And it did, it got so so much worse.

"What's going--" Charlie and Leo joined the melee, eyes murderous when they spotted Xavier. I could feel their rage. "IS THAT A GUY?!"

My cheeks burned, scrambling for an explanation. What was I supposed to say? How did I explain away the purpling bruise on my neck? Xavier's loose tie? "I-"

"Guy? What guy?" To my horror, the next person come to gawk at the trainwreck of my life was none other than my father.

His face contorted into an expression I had never seen before, furious, he charged forward, "Get your paws off my daughter now!"

"Dad!" I cried, eyes wide. Poor Xavier. He was like a deer in headlights.

"There's a guy in there with Juniper?!" I heard the enraged bellow from outside, and I wanted to die as Uncle Ron and Uncle Mateo marched in, flanked by their respective sons. Seven. There were seven of them now.

"Oh my god." I clapped a hand to my mouth. It was my worst nightmare. My absolute worst nightmare. It was coming true. I'd never been so humiliated. This was so bad.

"Harry James Potter!" Oh thank you. Oh thank you Merlin. Mum. Mum was here. "All of you get out of here now!" She demanded, hands on her hips. She was not playing. "Do not make me ask you twice!" Mum thundered, fixing them all with laser eyes.

"But- but he-" they protested, red in the face.

"Enough!" My mum strong armed my dad, forcing each of them out of the door and slamming it shut. She barricaded the entrance, standing in front of it. Then in a calmer voice, "I think you better use the other exit out of here...?" She looked expectantly between the two of us.

"Xavier," he gulped by way of introduction. He straightened up slightly, attempting to fix his tie.

"Right. Xavier." Mum smiled, "I'm so sorry for my husband's overreaction, it's very nice to meet you. I'll give you two a minute to...ahem- freshen up." She nodded at me, and closed the door behind her, sealing it with a Colluportus charm. I'll have to remember that one, it would've been really fucking useful two minutes ago. I could hear the muffled voices of my family's shouts from outside, cringing.

"I'm so sorry," I groaned, head in my hands.

Xavier flashed me a sheepish smile, rubbing his jaw, "Well I'm pretty sure they know about me now..."

fun chapter, hope you liked it

discussion ————————>



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