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Juniper had spent most of the ride to the Lopez house listening to her mother and and Isabel regale the car with tales of their childhood. That and carefully avoiding the crystal blue gaze of the boy in the drivers seat. From what Juniper could glean off the ramblings of her mum, Isabel and Miranda had been close friends at Ilvermorny. Apparently, their families had been close too, dating back to when Juniper's great grandmother, Isabel Castillo and Isabel's grandmother, Athena Diaz, had immigrated here from Mexico. Isabel Castillo had then married William Nott and moved to the U.K. with him. They mentioned Juniper's grandmother, and another woman also called Isabel who Juniper assumed must the current Isabel's mother. The other name thrown around a lot was Henry, the aforementioned ex-husband, though it sounded like he'd gone to school with them back in the day as well.

Juniper had never seen her mother so cheery, so joyful. Her mum's smile hadn't dimmed since they left the airport. She had learned more about her mother in the past hour than she had in her entire near sixteen years of living. Juniper could tell her dad was getting new information as well, a surprised look on his face whenever a new detail was unearthed about Miranda at Ilvermorny.

She turned her attention back to Alex, trying to observe him without being too obvious. He was quiet, that much she could tell. Or maybe it was just that her own family and friends were so loud she thought he was quiet. He drove steadily, with assurance, in fact in the past hour she hadn't seen him look anything other than relaxed. Sometimes he would say something lowly to his mother in soft Spanish, a teasing smile on his face. Juniper spotted a glint of something on his wrist, and leaned forward for a closer look.

Alex met her eye in the mirror, mouth quirking up ever so slightly. Damn it. She had been caught. Juniper flushed, flicking her eyes back down to the floor of the vehicle. However, the only reason he had caught her was because he was looking at the mirror, meaning he had been staring at her too. The thought sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach, and then an unfamiliar twinge of guilt. Guilt? Before Juniper could dwell too much on it, Alex brought the car to a stop in front of a Spanish style ranch house with adobe walls and red roofing. An array of succulents decorated the gravel driveway, and Juniper's breath was taken away from the ocean view in front of her. She hadn't even realized how far up the winding mountain road they'd gone.

Her mother hopped out of the door and took a deep inhale, "I've missed this, she gave a short laugh, gesturing at the plants, the drought tolerant landscaping is how I know I'm back." She shakes her head, "Oh California."

"We'll beat the British accent out of you by the time you head back." Isabel promised solemnly, pressing a hand to her heart.

Juniper felt a pleasant sea breeze ruffle her hair, the smell of salt hitting her nose with a welcome reception. It was cooler up here than it had been by the airport, which Juniper guessed was because of the height and proximity to the ocean. The weather was unnaturally perfect, Juniper imagined this was what summer was actually supposed to be like. She was so used to thick heat and gray skies coupled with humid rains and little to no sun.

"Wow." She whispered, amazed that this type of weather actually existed, and wasn't just a fairytale shown in teen movies.

"Welcome to Malibu." Alex said from behind her, a broad grin on his face as he handed her her suitcase.

"Oh- er you didn't have to do that." Juniper took the trunk gratefully, still in awe over the view. "Is this real life?"

Alex laughed, coming up beside her, "Europeans' reactions to Malibu never get old."

"You really get to live here?" Juniper asked incredulously.


"My life is a cosmic joke." Juniper sighed, picturing dreary old London.

"C'mon you're living every dark academia kid's dream, you get to wake up every day in Europe. I'm sure it's a pretty great lifestyle." He replied, and Juniper could tell he was being honest.

She couldn't believe he thought living in Europe was better than all this, she was incredulous, "Are you serious? Look at the sky, look at that ocean, look at the sun. I've never seen the sun out for this long."

"Yeah I guess, Alex conceded, the beach thing is definitely a big plus, but I'd like to live in a place that actually has seasons. Plus, he murmured close to her ear, the constant greeting of what's up bro gets a little old."

"Like you aren't a total surfer dude." Juniper joked, while Alex looked comically offended by the insinuation.

"I go to school in Massachusetts!" He retorted indignantly, Juniper knew he was trying not to smile.

"Classic case of prep school boy turned beach rat."

"I'd watch that movie."

Juniper felt a laugh bubble up in her throat. He was funny. Was this- were they flirting? It was harder to tell with Alex than it had been with Pierre. Juniper could be a bit thick about relationship stuff, but with Pierre she'd known what was going on. She didn't know Alex well enough yet, but he seemed sweet. Friendly. Yes that was it. He was just being a welcoming host, in fact his mum had probably instructed him to make friends with her. She was just reading into things way too much. Stop overthinking. She chastised herself sternly.

"I should go find my brother." Juniper told him, turning away to head into the sprawling house.

"Oh yeah, Alex began to follow her, I can help you settle in, maybe give you a tour if you-"

Wow. He was really committed to this host thing. "No it's alright, I'm sure you have things to do." What she was really saying was, you don't have to babysit me. Alex got the hint.

"Right, he shoved his hand in his pockets, well I'll see you later I guess." Juniper thought she detected the tiniest bit of disappointment in his tone, but immediately shook it away. There was that overthinking again.

"James!" Juniper called, lugging her suitcase behind her. Her voice echoed off the high ceilings. She started making her way up the tiled staircase.

"Junie!" James bounded out of a room, jumping up and down excitedly like a golden retriever. "Junie have you seen this place, look at our room! Junie the ocean is right there, right there!" He pointed at the window, his face lighting up eagerly.

Juniper rolled her eyes, looking to Vanessa who was across the hall, "How long has this been going on?"

"Too long." Vanessa shook her head sourly, shutting the door to what Juniper expected must be her and Cali's room.

"What happened to I hate California James? What happened to it's too hot? And I miss Teddy?" Juniper goaded, getting her bags down on one of the twin beds.

"There's a beach." James stated very simply, "And I still miss Teddy, but Alex seems cool." He gave her a suspicious glance, "Speaking of Alex what were you two talking about down there? Please don't tell me I need to have words with him, I had such high hopes."

"I had a conversation with the opposite gender, James, that does not mean you have to get all big brother on me." Juniper sighed with exasperation.

"So you do admit I'm your big brother?" James pumped his fist triumphantly, already flinging things out of his suitcase.

"Shove off." Juniper punched him in the arm

"I'm serious Junie, James scolded, hands on his hips, I can't be friends with him if he's interested in you. I'd have to hate him" He complained, "It's so trying being the best big brother in the world."

"I never asked-" Juniper rubbed her head wearily, her brother could genuinely be the most annoying person on earth. And despite the fact that she'd told him numerous times to stop being so over protective, it was the one of those things that went in one ear and out the other.

The next few days passed rather quickly, all blurred together in a series of sunsets and stories about her mum's youth. Juniper had now discovered that her mum, Isabel, and Isabel's ex were a trio, known troublemakers at Ilvermorny. Juniper hadn't been down to the beach yet, she wanted to, it was just Alex had invited her every time. He had been trying to reach out ever since that first day, which is why Juniper stayed mostly in her room. She felt pitied. She hated feeling pitied. She didn't understand why he kept trying to approach her, was his mum really pressuring him that much? Meanwhile, James had become fast friends with Alex, returning from the beach sandy and happy. He was even learning to surf. Juniper almost gave in and went to the beach, solely for the purpose of seeing James attempt to surf. It was sure to be comedy gold.

Juniper could hear her mother and father laughing down below, no doubt halfway into a bottle of wine. The stars were bright against the dark sky, like spatters of white paint against a black canvas. James sauntered out of the bathroom, a sunburn starting to blossom on his cheeks.

"That's a nice color on you." Juniper smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"At least I went to the beach." James shot back haughtily, "You should get to know Alex, he's legit."

Juniper made a face at that word, her brother had been hanging around the beach a bit too long, "I'm sure he is." Juniper flipped a page of her magazine idly, "I'm going downstairs to get a glass of water. Do you want anything?"

"Nah, I'm fine."

Juniper tiptoed down the stairs, not wanting to alert her parents to her presence or Alex for that matter. She wasn't in the mood for making conversation right now. She crossed the open entryway, letting the warm night air envelop her like a warm hug. Crickets chirped and the wind rustle din the palm trees. Juniper closed her eyes for a moment, grateful that she was here. Someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"AAAH! Bloody Merlin fucking shit balls!" She cursed a strange of profanity, caught complete off guard. Her hadn't went for her wand.

"Whoa!" She turned around and saw it was only Alex, a wide eyed expression on his face.

"You scared the crap out of me, she relaxed, you can't sneak up on a girl like that at night."

Alex stifled a laugh, "Bloody Merlin fucking shit balls?" He asked, a wry smile on his face.

"I curse when provoked." Juniper replied, pursing her lips, "What about it?"

"Which I would know if you ever came out of the room and did something with me."

"Look, Juniper wanted to put a stop to this once and for all, you seem like a nice guy, really you do." She began, "But I don't need- you don't have to be friendly to me, or try and be my friend or whatever just because your mom told me to. I have friends, I promise. They're just not here."

"Wow." Alex whistled, low and long.


"Did it ever occur to you that I was being friendly because I actually wanted to be your friend?" His face looked so earnest that Juniper nearly believed him.


"You gotta have a little more faith in people Juniper." It was easy to have faith in people if no one had betrayed you, Juniper mulled to herself. Her old insecurities were beginning to flare up again.

"I- have a hard time trusting that people- guys in particular are friends with me without an ulterior motive." She stared at her feet, not wanting to meet his eye. She'd never admitted that to anyone before. There was a long moment of silence as Alex placed a warm hand on her arm. Although it was quiet, Juniper could tell something had passed between the two of them.

"You know we've met before." Alex said finally, releasing her and walking to edge of the veranda.

"We have?" Juniper's brow furrowed, she'd have remembered that.

"Yeah, just the once, you most likely don't remember. You were probably about eight, I was nine. We went to the zoo, you were wearing a-"

"Lion hat on my head." The memory comes to her in a flash, her cheeks reddening at the recall. Even then she'd been a die hard Gryffindor. Her Aunt Luna had made her that hat. She wore it proudly for what must've been full year. There had been a little boy on that outing. Brown hair, blue eyes, scrawny with a retainer. She peered closely at Alex's face, disbelieving, "That was you?"

"Uh huh, puberty hit me like a truck." Alex winked. "You were a cute kid, I was not. I remember you making all the animal noises, I thought you were funny, thought we could've been friends if we lived nearer each other." Juniper felt her heart beat a little faster at the word cute. He was talking about you as a kid you idiot, she reminded herself. That doesn't mean he thinks you're cute.

"And now?" Juniper waited with bated breath, curious to know the answer.

"I still think we could be friends, just you know, he grinned and Juniper could see the gap in his two front teeth, a really beautiful friend I'd want to make out with as well."

Juniper flushed, hitting him lightly on the arm, "Are you flirting with me?"

"No." He waited a beat before raising his eyebrows, "Do you like it?"

"You're a lot more cheeky than I thought."

"Maybe you should get to know me better."

"Maybe I should."

Juniper went to bed still smiling, wondering what tomorrow would bring.

"Junie!" James's booming voice wrenched her from her peaceful slumber far too early for her liking. He flung open the curtains and she realized the sun was barely up.

Juniper groaned, pulling the covers over her head, "Mmmmph, James go away!"

He dragged her out of the bed, Juniper hitting him in protest, "Get dressed Juniper, we're going to the beach."

"The sun hasn't fucking risen yet James, are you mad?" Juniper glared at her brother as he whistled cheerily, looking through her suitcase for a swimsuit.

"You couldn't have packed a one piece?" James gave snort of derision, chucking her a blue halter style top and matching bottoms.

"Fuck off James, mum packed for me. I didn't even think I owned a swimsuit." It was true. Juniper knew how to swim, they had a cabin up by lake, but she usually just swam in old athletic shorts and a t shirt, or a battered one piece that she'd had since she was maybe ten. Of course her mother found a way to slip in some of the new clothes she was always badgering Juniper to buy.

She slipped on cutoffs and a light flannel she tied over the swimsuit, twisting her hair into a ponytail and following James out the door, complaining the whole way. "I hardly see why we have to get to the beach before the sun does. I never told you I wanted to come either!"

James shrugged, donning a red baseball cap that Juniper had never seen him wear before in her life. Who was this early morning impostor? "Al said you were coming, waves are best in the morning."

"Oh Al said that huh?" Juniper rolled her eyes. Figured. "Is that what Al said."

"That is what Al said." Alex called from outside, toting a surfboard, "Al did not however endorse that nickname. Al also doesn't know why he's speaking in the third person and is going to stop now." He sent her a goofy smile, and Juniper shook her head.

"Nothing is more James than nicknaming a nickname." Juniper whispered loudly to Alex, earning her a huff from her brother.

"So, Alex asked as he loaded three surfboards onto a beat up blue truck, do you know how to surf?"

"Yes, in fact I'm a national champion. Haven't you heard of me?" Juniper deadpanned, sarcasm dripping off her words. She snatched the hat off her brother's head, and pulled it down low over her face, slouching in the passenger seat.

"Not a morning person huh?" Alex shared a look with James.

"Understatement of the year." James muttered, climbing in the back while Juniper scowled darkly at him.

Juniper's mood was slightly brightened when they arrived at a long stretch of sand, ocean as far as the eye could see. The beach was nearly empty, a few stray dog walkers and surfers dotting the area sparsely. The early morning mist was visible over the cresting waters, sun just starting to burn the marine layer off.

"Worth it, I know." Alex nudged her, his eyes lighting up at her reaction.

"I didn't say that." Juniper crossed her arms, but he was right. It was sort of worth it.

"Stubborn too." Alex teased, as him and James took out the surfboards. They all walked down to the ocean's edge together, sea foam lapping at the sand. Juniper dipped a toe in the water apprehensively, she usually swam in things that were flat. The day was already starting to heat up, and Juniper was glad for the refreshing jolt the cold water gave her. She set her bag down on the sand.

Her jaw almost dropped when Alex tore off his shirt, exposing his lean muscle and bronzed complexion, holy fuck he was fit. Heat crawled up the back of Juniper's neck, it hadn't even occurred to her that Alex would be shirtless. How stupid could she get? It was the beach. Juniper suddenly felt self conscious as the boys waited for her expectantly. It was beyond awkward. She wiggled out of her cutoffs and shed her flannel as fast as she could, brushing by Alex without looking him in the eye. She had never felt more exposed.

Juniper's instinct was to cross her arms over her bare torso, which now seemed extraordinarily pale in comparison to Alex's deep tan, even James had some color on him, or at least hide her legs somehow. She dared a peek at Alex, was he checking her out? Did she want him to check her out?

She sank into the water, grateful for the cover it provided her, and undid her hair, paddling out as Alex instructed. Juniper gazed warily at the churning ocean, wondering what creatures could be lurking in its depths. She shuddered and nearly flipped out when something grazed her leg.

"Relax, it's just me." Alex laughed, pushing a large surfboard towards her, "You scared of the waves or something?"

"More like sharks. Have you even seen Jaws?"

"You realize that sharks only kill like twelve people a year right?"

"Not helping." Juniper replied, hanging on to the surfboard and letting the gentle rock of the waves move her back and forth, "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Surf, I'm gonna teach you, Alex hopped up on the board and held out a hand to Juniper, James told me you're athletic, you should be able to pick it up easy."

"Awww Jamesie you talking about me?" Juniper cooed to her brother, who was surfing a little ways down from them.

"Only the bad stuff don't worry sis." He yelled back, and was subsequently clobbered by a rogue wave.

"Karma!" Juniper took Alex's hand and mounted the board, wobbling slightly, "Uh oh." She tried to maintain her balance, teetering off the edge.

"I've got you." Alex murmured, and he wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her.

Alex was very close to her now as he taught her how to stand up on the surfboard. There were several times when Juniper considered swimming off into the distance and letting the sharks have her just so her stomach would stop filling with butterflies every time his skin touched hers.

Surfing was fun though, really fun. Alex had been right. Juniper was a quick study, and soon she was agilely surfing the waves with Alex and James like she'd been doing it her whole life. Her hair was plastered to her forehead with salt, and there was undoubtedly sand in every crevice of her body, but she was far too exhilarated to care. She wasn't even self conscious anymore.

They swam and surfed in the water for what seemed like hours, and Juniper was surprised at how quickly her complexion had darkened. Thank god she had her mum's coloring because any sunscreen she'd had on was long gone.

While James went to go get tacos from a nearby truck for lunch, Juniper and Alex played a lighthearted game of Frisbee.

"So, Alex tossed the disc to her, what's your boyfriend like?" Juniper eyed him carefully, what was he getting at?

"Is that your way of asking if I have one?" Her lips curved into a smile, catching the frisbee and returning it.

"Well I just assumed that you did." He shrugged nonchalantly, picking the Frisbee up from where it landed on the sand and dusting it off.

Juniper bit her lip, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Her black mess of hair was already drying in crazy waves, further induced by the wind. "And what makes you think that?"

"First of all," he tapped the Frisbee between his hands sheepishly, "have you seen you?" He tousled his damp hair, sending water droplets flying. Juniper blushed, why did she find that attractive?!

"What kind of masochist wouldn't want to date you? Second of all," he continued more seriously, "the way you act around me."

"What are you talking about?" Juniper frowned, genuinely puzzled.

"You know, you're very hands off. You sort of moved away from me, or flinched, every time I adjusted your stance on the board. It's a very clear message. If I was involved with someone, that's how I'd act." He explained, throwing the Frisbee back to her

Juniper looked down at her hands, was that really the vibe she was giving off? That she was taken? She definitely didn't intend to do that, but she supposed, internally she may have been holding herself back. But why? Lost in her own thoughts, Juniper's throw went wide, knocking over the sand castle Alex had built earlier.

She clapped hand over her mouth, "Oops."

A devilish grin took over Alex's face, a mischievous glint she didn't recognize gleaming in his eyes, "Oh no you didn't."

Juniper shrieked, giggling and attempting to dodge Alex. He chased after her, footfalls leaving messy footprints in the wet sand. She lost her footing, it was increasingly difficult to run in sand, and crashed to the ground, Alex tumbling after her. She gasped for breath, still giggling as she rolled onto her back. It was then she realized Alex was hovering over her. Hands firmly planted on either side of her, his hair hanging down over his face as he gazed into her irises. Her heart began to thump wildly in her chest as he neared, dropping his face slowly until their noses were almost touching.

This was it. This was happening. It was like Juniper rose up from her body and viewed the scene from above. It all looked so perfect. She was about to have her first kiss on a beach, by a beautiful boy, like a heroine in a rom com. So why was she feeling so guilty? Again, that wave of guilt she'd experienced when she'd first met Alex washed over her. Just as his lips were abut to meet hers, she turned her head to the side, whispering softly, "Er- we should probably go see if James is back."

Alex closed his eyes, as if he'd suspected something like this might happen, and nodded, "Sure." He stood up and helped Juniper up as well, flashing her an easy smile. Laidback as always, like nothing had happened. He was so sweet.

Juniper cursed herself internally. Alex was perfect. She liked him, he was going to kiss her. Why did she stop it? She knew why. It was because he was so sweet, and charming, and a good guy. It was because she liked him so much. It was because she could actually see it going somewhere. And that scared the shit out of her. Even after all this time, even though she was't obsessed anymore, it still felt like she was cheating on Teddy. Stupid Teddy. With Pierre it had been easy because she knew it couldn't go anywhere. Alex was different. Alex liked her. Alex made jokes with her. Alex taught her how to surf. Alex thought she was beautiful. She should've kissed him. But she didn't.

If James knew anything was up, he didn't say so. They ate their lunch mostly in silence, the sound of seagulls squawking and James crunching his taco shell the only noises in the background.

Alex cleared his throat, "Um, there's this drive in movie tonight by the pier. They're playing Grease." He looked hopefully to Juniper, "Is that something you'd be interested in?"

"You know, I'm really tired from today Alex, I don't-" Juniper started to turn him down, but James seized her arm aggressively.

"Excuse us. Junie. A word." He yanked Juniper a few yards away, fingernails digging into her arm.

"Bloody hell!" Juniper exclaimed, "What is the matter with you!"

"You are going to march your arse back over there and tell Al you would be delighted to accompany him to the movie." James commanded, staring me down.

"I'm sorry what?" Juniper was aghast, "You want me to be alone with a boy?"

"Please." James rolled his eyes, "The two of you have been flirting the whole god damn day. It was revolting. And I know for a fact he fancies you, you're all he could talk about when we went surfing all those times you stayed at the house. And I think you fancy him too."


"It's very simple Junie, just go over there and say yes. That's it. Why do you think I brought you here this morning? Do not mess up my plan" He said, wagging a finger at her.

"My- my twin brother is setting me up?" Juniper felt faint, what was going on today?!

"I figured at least one of us should venture outside of the single life we both seem to lead."

"My life has officially reached a new low." Juniper decided, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Just call me Cupid." James waved her off encouragingly, "Now go."

Juniper blinked as she walked back, still dumbstruck over what had just occurred.

"So?" Alex fidgeted adorably, "Movie?"

"I'd love to." Juniper answered, stepping on her brother's foot while he gave her the look of a proud parent.

"Cool," Alex grinned, "it's a date."

"Did you hear that Junie?" James smiled innocently at her, "It's a date."

"I hate you."

When Juniper, James, and Alex arrived back at the house, the first thing Juniper did was take a shower, The steamy downpour of hot water felt intoxicatingly good on her salt encased skin, and she was shocked by the amount of sand that swirled down the drain. She wrapped a towel around herself and rifled through her suitcase, a rising level of panic starting to overtake her mind. She'd never been on date before. What was she supposed to wear on a date? Was there she sort of date dress code she wasn't aware of? When he said date did he mean date date or just like a cool that's what we're doing it's a date? Did she have to tell her parents about this? Had Alex told his mom about this? What was she going to eat? Should she eat beforehand? And then again, what should she wear?

Juniper stared at the clothes in front of her blankly, unable to make a sound decision about clothing at the current moment. She took deep breath and knocked on the door of only person who could possibly help her right now.


"What's up Junie?" Nessa poked her head out of the door quizzically, obviously wondering what this was all about.

"I need help."


Juniper steeled herself, here goes, "I have a date tonight and I don't know what to wear." She blurted in a rush, watching as Vanessa squealed excitedly, clapping her hands.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment." Vanessa bolted into Juniper's room like lightning, immediately laying out an array of different outfits for Juniper to choose from. She chattered incessantly as she did, asking Juniper a series of rapid fire questions, "You're going with Alex right? Ugh of course you are, James and I knew there were sparks flying between the two of you, are you going to dinner or-"

"Hold up, Juniper interrupted, you and James have discussions about my love life?"

"Totally." Vanessa said airily, peering at a pair of ripped cutoffs, "So what is the venue? That's going to affect my styling."

"You and James talk about my love life?" Juniper repeated with incredulity, staring at her sister.

"Oh we're still on that?" Vanessa shrugged, "I thought you knew. We were real worried when you went to the ball with that creep, McLaggen. James isn't as oblivious about this kinda stuff as you might think, well besides the fact that he still has no idea about the Teddy thing."

Juniper choked on her own spit, sputtering, "What?!" She was red in the face, coughing.

"I'm sorry did you think you were hiding it?" Vanessa snickered, "You had a crush on him for years, it was so bloody obvious. Though not to Teddy I guess."

"But I never- we've never- you know." Juniper gestured mindlessly. Her and Vanessa didn't talk about this stuff with each other.

"I'd like it if we did, Vanessa grew more solemn, I want to at least. Do you?"

"Yeah actually." Juniper shared a smile with her sister, a bond that hadn't been there in a long time starting to re-materialize.

"Venue?" Vanessa pushed, ever avoiding soppy topics of conversation. She detested being affectionate.

"He's taking me to a drive in movie."

"Romantic." Vanessa stuck her tongue out at the thought, tapping her chin as she surveyed her options. Finally, she presented Juniper with a sleeveless white sun dress, a floral print encompassing the fabric. It had a sweetheart neckline and delicate straps that tied in the back. It hit Juniper below her mid thigh, but above her knee. Short, without being too skimpy. "Perfect, Vanessa was satisfied, pair that with your white converse and I'll braid your hair." She paused, thinking, "You're not on your period are you?"

"Nah." Juniper shook her head.

"Good." Vanessa made quick work of Juniper's hair, two French braids hanging just so down Juniper's back. She approached Juniper with a mascara wand and a tube of lip gloss.

"No!" Juniper put her hands up defensively, blocking her face. "No makeup Ness!"

"Pleaseeee, Vanessa wheedled, just a tiny bit. This mascara will make your eyes pop."

"That sounds disgusting."

"Juniper!" Vanessa folded her arms defiantly. She would not go down without a fight.

"Fine." Juniper relented, "But no lip gloss."

"I'll take it."

Juniper tugged at her dress nervously, her palms were sweating and her lashes felt heavy with the mascara she'd let Vanessa swipe on them. She smoothed her hair for the hundredth time, and made her way down the stairs, thanking Merlin that her parents and Isabel were out for the night.

Alex was waiting at the door, looking downright dashing as he tapped his foot, shuffling like he was nervous as well. Juniper let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. It made things so much better if they were both nervous.

"Hey Alex." She said softly, willing herself not to blush.

"Hey Juni- wow." He breathed, staring openly at her. So much for not blushing. "I mean you look...wow." He rubbed his jaw, searching for the words, "I mean- damn I promise I'm more eloquent than this. I don't think my brain is properly functioning right now, because you- wow."

Juniper laughed, immediately put at ease by his good nature. She had a feeling he had a way of making everyone around him instantly more relaxed.

He opened the car door for her, "After you, here's hoping I regain control of the English language by the end of the night." Alex winked, sliding into his own seat and starting the ignition. Juniper had been worried they were going to have to make awkward conversation, but was pleasantly surprised to find that her and Alex had a lot of things to converse about. She was almost sad when the movie started, even though she loved Grease.

The opening bars of Summer Nights played, and without realizing it, Juniper began mouthing the lyrics along under her breath. She didn't even know she's been doing it until she spied Alex looking at her out of the corner of her eye.

"You know you're supposed to be watching the movie, not me." She teased, inching her hand closer to his on the middle console. They'd been playing this game this all night, seeing who would be the first to make the move.

"What can I say?" Alex grinned, "You're very distracting, you're just...wow." He groaned, "Please feel free to shut me up if I use the w word again." He laced his fingers in Juniper's, and she feels a warm pulse travel up her arm.

"And how do you suggest I do that?" Juniper whispered, leaning in closer.

"I had a few ideas." He whispered back, taking his other hand and cupping her cheek. Juniper knew what she wanted this time, and before she could think too much about it, she pressed her lips to his. The kiss was short and sweet and the butterflies residing in Juniper's abdomen were beating their wings so furiously she thought she might burst.

He smiled, touching a thumb to her lips, "So?"

Juniper could only think of one thing to say, she smirked, "Wow." And he kissed her again.

i'm so happy for junie ❤️❤️
this chapter was really fucking long
am i sleep deprived? yes.
i regret nothing.
iced coffee is my savior
i love you all

comment and vote!!

rants, discussion, thoughts—————————->


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