Girl Meets a New Era?

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Hey everyone!! It's been so, so long, I know. How are all of you lovely readers? I hope you're all doing amazing. I do have a question for you all who read and loved this story.

I am thinking of bringing it back. And I don't know if I'm just gonna rewrite it or if I should do like a spinoff of it when they're all older and maybe just out of college or visiting somewhere altogether for a summer?

Is anyone interested in either of those, or do you have any other ideas? Or should I just leave it where I left it? :/ I just don't know what to do, I really loved Emily's story and would just love to continue it or something.

Please let me know if you guys are interested! And if you're not, also tell me cause I def understand! :)

Thank you guys so much! Thanks for taking the time to read this and possibly comment!


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