Dinner with the Dojima family

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Pattering drops of rain can be heard on the window as Souji woke up. Usually he is a heavy sleeper, but it might be because of both the rain and the awkward position he was sleeping in led to his awakening. After adjusting himself, he took a glance at his alarm clock; the time read 3:23 A.M. It was still quite a ways until the final day of the 1st term would come. As he was about to lie down in his bed yet again to sleep, he noticed his phone was still on... in fact, it was still in a call. The person who he was talking to was still Yukiko. He made sure if she was still on the line before ending it.

"Yukiko...?" Souji whispered, fearing to disturb the ever so gentle Priestess from her always deserved rest. No response was heard and Souji was about to end his call with her when he finally got a response of some sort.

"S...Souji-kun..." Yukiko mumbled.

"Y-Yukiko...!?" Souji called out to her thinking he woke her up after all.

"Can I..." Yukiko continued. "Stay... on top?"

A rather perverted thought crossed Souji's mind, but he was likely over thinking it. It seems like she was dreaming of cuddling with him, but her prurience for him seemed to make Souji think otherwise. He couldn't help but laugh a bit to himself.

"S-Souji-kun...?" Yukiko muttered. It looked like she finally started to wake up.

"Good to see you wake up." Souji chuckled to himself. "I guess you were right when you said you would think of me as you sleep."

"Wh-What!?" A once groggy Yukiko finally snapped back into reality. "How you'd know...?"

"You seem to talk in your sleep. I could tell you were dreaming of holding me while we sleeping." Souji playfully provoked.

"...Y-you... R-Right! I was dreaming of c-cuddling with you." Yukiko quickly concluded. It seemed Souji's gut feeling was correct on what she was actually dreaming of. "Well, Souji-kun, I'll see you at school then!"

"Yukiko... stay with me just a little longer." Souji said with a smirk on his face. He wasn't about to let Yukiko get away now.

"O-Okay... just 10 minutes then." Yukiko said with a flustered tone. Souji calmed a frazzled Yukiko and spoke until they both grew tired again.

On the 30th of July. The team had just captured Mitsuo the day before and was now arrested and detained by the police. Souji had called Yukiko to check up on her.

"Hey Souji-kun..." Yukiko quietly spoke.

"What's wrong Yukiko?" A worried Souji asked.

"I'm just... still bothered about yesterday, I guess."

"About you're omelet from last night?" Souji said trying to tease and ease the tension.

"Well, that too but... that isn't what is really bothering me..." Yukiko continued to trail off.

"I see... well, tell you what, you want to come to my house for today?"

"R-Really? B-But, why do you want me to go there?"

"Well, a phone talk won't help much now, will it? I want to take care of you today. Just tell your mom you'll be out for a while; that you may not be home until around later in the evening."

"O-Okay." Yukiko agreed with wondering as to what Souji had planned.

"You know what I'll do for you right?" Souji hinted.

"M-Maybe?" Yukiko had an idea, but she was afraid to say it.

"Alright, we'll leave it at that. I'll go by the Inn at about 4:00 P.M. to pick you up. Please be ready by then."

"Alright, I'll be waiting for you Souji-kun. Goodbye." Yukiko eagerly hung up as she went to inform her mother she'll be going out for a while. Eventually Souji arrived and took her to the Dojima residence.

The path to the Dojima residence.

"Yukiko, tell me what it is that's bothering you." A worried Souji asked.

"It's just... I wonder why Mitsuo had to attack everyone. I can understand for me, but why the others...?"

"Ah, so that's what's bothering you. I should have figured. It's as he said, he attacked anyone that irritated him."

"I know, but... I guess I'm just still a bit shaken up by it."

"Were you scared when we fought him?"

"...Yes. Yes I was. I was especially scared when he tried hurting you with... Fire." Yukiko said as she turned away.

"Oh, there was nothing to worry about. Black Frost kept me protected from that. He drains fire after all." Souji grinned in a way to comfort Yukiko.

"Yeah, I did notice it didn't do anything to you. I was so glad to see that." Yukiko said as she turned to grab Souji's left hand, staring at once again, the burn mark from his battle with her shadow. "You know... I still noticed you were in a bit of pain even when the fire did not hurt you."

"I'm impressed you noticed that." Souji nodded. "Occasionally it will hurt from time to time; especially when it gets really hot near there. It looks like even Black Frost couldn't stop something like that." Souji shrugged.

Yukiko only nodded in response, stopping in place before speaking. "Still, it's my fault you got hurt like that." Yukiko sulked to herself as grabbed Souji's hand and kissed his battle scar. "...I'm sorry."

Souji stared into her eyes. She was beating herself up about this. That fear of dealing with the killer had engulfed her. He had to snap her back into reality. He used his spare hand to pick her face up, now getting her to make eye contact with him. He then moved closer to her, pressing his lips against hers, stopping time around them yet again. He broke the moment, moved his lips away from hers and proceeded to speak.

"Yukiko, there is nothing to be sorry about." Souji comforted with his rarely shown smile. "You yourself did nothing wrong. I chose to fight and this scar is proof of that. I don't regret what I did for you. I never have, and I never will. So please... don't beat yourself up over it." Souji said as he reached out for another kiss to comfort a disheartened Yukiko.

She savored the feeling. Her Fool was trying his best to make her feel better, she could no longer keep these self-pitying feelings she burdened on herself. As they separated she broke out into a big smile and said, "Thank you... Souji-kun; I'm really glad you're here right now."

"I'm always here for you. Now then... let's go. I have a surprise waiting for you."

"A-A surprise for me?" A suddenly flushed Yukiko blurted.

"Yes. A surprise; I think you will enjoy it. It's something we need to do as we go on with our romantic life." Souji chuckled to himself.

"C-Can you tell me what it is?" A very red Yukiko asked curiously.

"No, because it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" A playful Souji laughed to himself again. "Oh... I see what you're thinking of," Souji teased. "I know we enjoyed what happened a few nights ago, but I didn't think it would influence your way of thinking so much. My, you're a naughty girl,"

Yukiko couldn't say anything in response, either way he'd win. She could either lie about it, saying he's just trying to make her look like she's thinking that and the embarrassment would expose it. Or... she could come clean and admit it. Either way, her facial expression was enough to give him an answer. Her face was burning red and she couldn't even look at Souji at all. She could only say, "L-Let's just hurry to your house."

The Dojima residence; 5:30 P.M.

Souji told Yukiko to wait outside for something and Souji walked in all alone.

"Welcome home, Big Bro!" An even livelier Nanako greeted. "Is today the day?"

"Yes it is Nanako." Souji smiled. "You made sure dinner was okay while I was gone, right?"

"Of course I did Big Bro!" Nanako's happiness was beaming. Yukiko could feel her happiness from just standing outside the house.

"Alright, you can come in now!" Souji signaled a puzzled Yukiko to enter the house.

"Welcome Big Sis!" Nanako shouted as she ran towards Yukiko and gave her a warm hug.

"Oh uh, thank you Nanako-chan." Yukiko smiled despite being caught off guard.

"Welcome back Souji." A grumbling Dojima came from his room wondering what was with all the noise. "Ah... Hello Amagi-san." Dojima greeted with a slightly darkened tone seeing a surprising visit from Yukiko.

"Good evening Dojima-san." Yukiko replied.

"Souji, just what are you planning right now?" A somewhat shocked Dojima asked.

"Well... you said it yourself that you would have to meet her like this one day. So... why not now? Nanako and I are still making a big dinner for tonight. So why not invite Yukiko?

"Man... I am not ready for this. This is gonna be a hassle." Dojima shrugged.

"Daaaaad!" Nanako shouted as she smacked Dojima on his leg.

"H-Hey! I know Nanako, I should be happy. Don't worry, I am." Dojima said as he broke out into a smile.

"You two wash up and sit down. Yukiko and I will finish up dinner and get it ready." Souji politely ordered.

The Dojimas sat down at the table waiting as the new couple began working on dinner... well Souji did and Yukiko only watched, handing him anything he needed.

"Souji-kun...was with what you were planning all along?" Yukiko asked with a rather embarrassed look on her face.

"Maybe; I thought this would help make you feel better." Souji smirked.

"This wasn't what I had in mind at all!" Yukiko blurted in a hushed tone.

"Oh... would you like to share to me and the Dojimas just what you had in mind then?" Souji whispered, boldly called her out.

"Th-That's...!" Yukiko dared not say what she had in mind, ESPECIALLY in front of the Dojimas.

"Well, you do need to actually meet Uncle like this. Don't worry, I'm here for you. So don't get scared."

"I'm not..." Yukiko trailed off.

"Liar." Souji cut her off.

"...You got me. Alright then, I'll try my best, but... can I sit next to you?"

"Of course you will. Now it's just about time. I wish us good luck."

Yukiko and Souji set up dinner and sat next to each other across from Dojima and Nanako.

"So uh... are you two getting along okay?" Dojima bluntly asked, trying to think of ways to start the conversation.

"Of course we are." Souji replied.

"I see... How about you Amagi-san, you think you're getting along with Souji okay?"

Yukiko only nodded in response. She was being more of the silent type than Souji usually was. He could feel how intimidated she was by being around the locally infamous Hard-Boiled Detective. Souji put his hand over hers for to dismiss any worry and assure he's there for her. Dojima was of course, unable to see that.

"Dad, don't scare her!" Nanako pouted. It seems even someone her age could figure out the atmosphere.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to come off like that." Dojima said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"It's alright." Yukiko replied trying to smile. "Dojima-san, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"

"Not this again." Dojima laughed to himself. "I can only tell you what I told Souji when he asked me that. I'm just as it looks; I'm a simple country detective living with his daughter. You both are interested in the strangest things."

"Um..." Nanako cut in. "Yukiko, is it alright if I can call you Big Sis?" Nanako asked after the eagerness from the couple's arrival left her. It seems she said that spontaneously without actually having Yukiko's confirmation about it.

"Of course you may Nanako-chan!" Yukiko nodded.

"Thank you Yukiko, um, I mean Big Sis!" Nanako said as her usual joy had finally come back to her.

The dinner had an awkward vibe throughout it for quite some time, with bits and pieces of conversation until Yukiko brought up a certain topic.

"Um, Dojima-san; is it true you know my parents when you were in High School?"

"Yeah, those were the days..." Dojima reminisced. "I remember we would all use to hang out and talk all the time, though I usually hung out with your father Akio more. Your mother usually liked to speak to Souji's mother all the time; in fact, it's thanks to Souji's mom you're parents fell for each other."

"Really? How did it happen? Mother never really told me how she met my father aside from saying they both went to the same school." A now curious Yukiko continued to listen to Dojima's story.

"Well... it happened at around... the time of the culture festival." Dojima remembered. "Our class had just finished its event and Kaede wanted to confess her feelings to Akio, but was afraid to do so. Then my sister had done a little snooping using her position as Student Council President. Akio was the Treasurer at the time, so she had spoken to him quite often, so it was easy with her persuading to get the info she wanted out of him. My sis was quite expressive back in the day." Dojima chuckled. "On the 2nd day of the Culture Festival, She practically staged Akio and Kaede meeting one another. I wasn't there when it happened, but your mom just confessed to him and then they were officially a couple from that day forth."

"Wow, that's just... I'm surprised to hear that. Did your mother ever tell you about this, Souji-kun?" Yukiko looked at Souji with gleaming eyes.

"...No. She never really told me about her past." Souji muttered as he looked the other way.

"Ah... I see. Dojima-san, are there any other stories about you and my parents?"

"Oh yeah, I got plenty of stories of our escapades from back in the day."

Everyone listened to Dojima's stories until Nanako grew tired and fell asleep. Souji then walked Yukiko to the bus stop to see her off.

"Yukiko, did you enjoy today's dinner?" Souji asked.

"I did! It tasted really good." Yukiko complimented

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I meant how it was talking to Dojima."

"Well... it was scary talking to him, even with you and Nanako-chan there. But I had a lot of fun in the end." Yukiko smiled.

"That's really good to hear; maybe we can do that again next time."

"Yeah, I think so too." Yukiko nodded in agreement as the bus had arrived.

"Alright, I'll see you later. Good night Yukiko." Souji smiled.

"Good night Souji-kun." She said as she reached for a good night kiss from him and got onto the bus.

August 6th. The rainy weather kept everyone from doing their usual activities. Souji was off running errands and the girls had a study group at Kanji's house for their scooter licenses. They brought Yosuke to help and Kanji was to assist in reviewing and making sure they stick to studying.

"Man, you girls are dead set on passing this, aren't you?" Yosuke remarked.

"Yeah, we are!" Chie yelled. "If we don't get our licenses on the first try, this summer is done for!"

"Yeah I know, I know. Anyway, any of you girls up for snacks? I'm going to Shiroku to get something for myself."

Yosuke got some snacks and returned to hear an interesting conversation. He remained outside the living room door to listen in on what was happening.

"Yukiko-senpai, it's about time you told us!" Rise shouted.

"T-Told you what?" Yukiko stuttered, trying to feign ignorance.

"You know what I mean! You're relationship with Souji-senpai." Rise pressured. "We're all curious, y'know. Right, Chie-senpai? Right, Kanji?"

Chie did not say anything. She couldn't even look at Yukiko. She knew it wasn't her business, but her curiosity could not be denied. Kanji only took a deep breath before speaking.

"Rise, you shouldn't pry like that. What Souji and Yukiko-senpai do ain't our business." Kanji once again, tried to cover for the couple.

"But Kanjiiii! You know you want to know as well. You aren't denying it!"

"Th-that ain't it!" Kanji already knew, but couldn't say much due to the fear of slipping up.

"Well, what is it Yukiko-senpai?" Rise continued to put pressure Yukiko.

"I..." Yukiko didn't have much to say. She was on the verge of admitting what exactly her relationship with Souji was.

Things were not looking good. Yosuke had to intervene. "Alright, that's enough. Rise, just stop already, you're scaring Yukiko. Didn't we already promise not to act like this again?" Yosuke calmly blurted out.

Rise could not say anything; she could only look at everyone else to see their reactions. Chie was turned around, still shocked at Yosuke's presence. Yukiko was looking the other way, as if contemplating something. Kanji could only give a defensive glare at Rise. His glance seemed to tell her to just "drop this." Rise only looked down in response to Kanji's stare.

"I'm... sorry senpai." Rise said as she continued to stare at the floor. A suddenly awkward air filled the room and silence reared its head for a time.

"C'mon guys, lighten up. I brought snacks for everyone. I even got Animal Crackers as well, so who wants to help me find the penguin?" Yosuke suddenly suggested

"Ooh, I want to find the penguin!" Rise agreed, losing her melancholic tone.

"Dude, you still owe me from back at the camping trip! I'll be the one to find the penguin this time, damnit!" Kanji shouted.

The tension from earlier had eased and from there on, the studying went on without a hitch.

Later at night. In Yukiko's room.

Yukiko sighed after arriving in her room and turned on her phone. There was a missed call from Souji which seemed to have been recent. She left her phone off so she could study in peace, but she immediately called Souji to see what was wrong.

"There you are. I tried to call you earlier, but it went straight to voicemail." Souji answered.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Yukiko firmly nodded in apology.

"It's quite alright. Anyway, Kanji told me what happened. Are you alright?" Souji asked with a worried tone.

"I'm fine. Though I almost confessed to everyone had Yosuke not intervened and ended it." Yukiko sighed.

"That girl..." Souji trailed off. "Well, it looks like we'll need to tell them at some point, it seems." Souji shrugged.

"Yeah..." Yukiko too trailed off. "Oh, Souji-kun... can I go somewhere with on Monday?"

"Sure. Where do you wish to Yukiko?" A curious Souji listened.

"I want to go to... you're room."

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