Of fortunes and lovers

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October 29th; Inside 2-2 where the group date café has begun its services to the public. ...However, no one has yet to stop by. Souji and Yukiko are by the entrance, exerting for any visitors.

"C-Come in for a first-hand experience with group dating...!" Yukiko sighed with a warm face. "Ugh... This is so embarrassing." Yukiko murmured under her breath.

"I'll say. This is... well, I don't think my words would be enough to express how much of a bother this is."

"There's not that many people passing by here in the first place..."

"You want to sit down for a bit? You've been at it all morning."

"Alright... Let's see how the others are doing too." Yukiko nodded in agreement as they walked back into the room.

"I think we need some shills to drum up interest." The Class Representative suggested.

"Shills?" Yosuke questioned.

"Who else is here besides us?"

"I-Isn't that kinda sad?"

"Do we have a choice? We need customers to get the ball rolling. If there aren't many people passing by, then we have the attention of those who are by any means necessary."

"But there are only five of us here." Right as Yosuke says that, a familiar figure walks in.

"Yo, how's it going?" Kanji asked as he walked in casually before his expression took a slight negative turn. "I came to check up on you... guys?

"Perfect timing!" Chie exclaimed.

"But now we've got four guys and two girls..." Yosuke pointed out.

"Eh, one of you will be cross-dressing anyways, so one of you can sit on the other side." The rep said.

"What!? I'm not gonna-" As Yosuke tries to complete his sentence, Kanji and Souji hurry, yet nonchalantly, claim the only two seats left.

"There ya go Yosuke, you can be our girl!"

"A-Are you serious...?" Yosuke mopes as everyone takes their spots.

Kanji sat across of Chie. Yukiko paralleled from her lover, Souji. As for Yosuke he sat on the opposite side of his still-recent girlfriend, Chie, as he faced the class rep. The group grew silent, while the rep broke the silence asking someone to start; though no response was given as the level of awkwardness felt to have jumped tenfold. "...Can somebody please start...!?"

"Actually, what the hell is this?" Kanji bluntly asked.

"A mock group date." Yosuke grumbled. "...Er, I mean, we're on a group date, tee hee!" Yosuke said in the worst attempt in what was a feministic voice.

"You don't have to sound like a girl...!" Chie said in a slightly offended tone.

"S-So... What are your hobbies...?" Kanji asked in the most generic, yet still somewhat shy tone he could use. Despite how he knew Yukiko and Chie somewhat well, part of him asked with his own curiosity.

"Man, you're enjoying this, aren't you?" Yosuke loudly asked, but Kanji and Souji simply ignored him for the moment.

"I like, uh, martial arts in general. M-Mainly watching... Ahahaha..." Chie said with partial sincerity. "Yikes, this is really embarrassing..."

"M-My hobby is, um... defeating Shadows?" Yukiko said hesitantly with the group shocked at what left her mouth while the rep was confused as expected.

"That's not a hobby!" Yosuke shouted.

"Oh, yeah, um, sorry...!" Yukiko apologized after nearly blowing her cover.

"Okay, then we'll ask you a question! Umm, umm..." Chie asked with fading enthusiasm.

"What type of girls do you like?" Yukiko bluntly asked and quickly dispensed with the foreboding awkwardness that approached the table.

"Whoa, getting right to the point..." Yosuke commented.

"I guess... cute girls? Man this is lame." The rep whines.

"Oh, NOW, it dawns on you?" Yosuke says before shifting his attention to Souji. "Your turn Souji. What type of girls do you like?"

"...I'd want someone like Yukiko." Souji says after clearing his throat.

"That's someone you already have!" Yosuke points out and then shifts his attention again, but towards Yukiko's burning red face.

"Oh, um, thanks... I guess?" Yukiko acknowledges awkwardly.

"Your turn, Kanji-kun!" Chie says as she perks up her attention along with the rest of the group.

"Uh, well, I..." Kanji struggles to find the right words. "I-I guess someone who's kind of mysterious, but is actually kinda..."

".....Yeah, I really wonder who you are talking about." Yosuke sighs along with the rest of the group with Yukiko seeming to be the only one left in the dark before eventually realizing what the group was implying.

Souji seemed to be pondering something while the words of Kanji were still in the group's thoughts. A wide smirk grew upon Souji's face and Kanji noticed. He simply rolled his as he could tell things were about to get "interesting." "...So, which one of you us do you like Yukiko?"

"N-No!" Yukiko shouted in a knee-jerk response before realizing what she said. "U-Um, That's... D-Do I have to say it here in front of everyone?" Souji only tried to hold back his laughter at his girlfriend's response. It seemed to have gone beyond his expectations.

"Yes you do Yukiko."

"Dude, who here in this room does not KNOW who she likes?" Yosuke grunted, though this time not in jealousy.

"Alright then, mind if I ask another question?"

"Sure, I guess."

"Which one of us do you like Chie?"

"I am NOT answering that, Souji-kun!" Chie growled.

"OH MY GOD SOUJI!" Yosuke jumped up from his seat in irritation.

"Yosuke, why are you standing up? It's not like I asked you. Why do you care so much of who she likes, hm?" Souji said with the widest smirk that could ever be made.

"I-I... Nevermind!" Yosuke grumbled as he plopped back onto his seat.

"Senpai, you're enjoying this, aren't you?" Kanji asked.

"Hell yeah, I am." Souji quickly replied. "Revenge is best served sweet." As the silence re-appeared, Rise walked in to check up on her upperclassmen.

"Senpai, how are you doi-?" Rise cut herself off after realizing the awkwardness. Seeing Yosuke on the girl side was a signal that things were getting... slightly disturbing. Rise only makes a forced laugh at what she sees. "W-Well, see ya!" Rise forced out as she took a few steps back and then turned tail and ran.

"Rise, get back here!" Kanji blurted out as he tried to chase her but he lost sight of her by the time he got to the entrance. "Damn, and we finally had an actual third girl."

"Mark it, the group date café is officially a failure." Yosuke said as his head drooped downward with the others to fall in suit.

After some time had passed and many tours of some of the stands and performances later, Souji had enjoyed his time with his club-mates, he was to meet Yukiko at the break room at the end of the 3rd floor. He had arrived earlier than scheduled, after parting with a newly-cheerful Ayane, he walked inside. It was quiet as he was expecting. As he went inside the dark room, he noticed Kanji sitting, or rather, sleeping on the desk on the other side of the room. As he walked up to him, the giant had awoken from hearing the footsteps of his upperclassman.

"S-Senpai, what are you doing here...?" Kanji yawned.

"I'm waiting for Yukiko. We're going to go around the festival together. What about you Kanji? Do you plan on going with someone?"

"N-No way, Senpai! There's no hell in way any chick would want to go around with me!" Kanji spoke in a flustered tone as he got off of his seat.

"Kanji please, I can name two women right now who would love to go with you." Souji replied.

"R-Really? Who might they be?" Kanji said as he eyes widened in surprise.

"Rise and Naoto of course."

"Senpai, quit bullshittin' me-"

"I'm not. I seriously think you should try asking one of them. Or both if that's what you prefer." Souji snickered.

"N-No way Senpai! I wouldn't be like that? Do you take me for some kind of "player" or something?"

"No, just messing with you is all." Souji chuckled, but then put on a more serious face. "But in all seriousness, I think you should just go for it Kanji. I'm certain one of them would say yes. Or do you only have one of them in mind?"

Kanji wanted to say no to Souji, but his eyes could pierce through any lie he could fabricate. "...Y-Yeah, I do want to go with someone." Before Souji could ask who, Kanji simply blurted it out. "...I, I really wanna go with Naoto damnit! Is that a problem!?"

"...No, not at all Kanji." Souji smiled as he gave Kanji a pat on the back. "Kanji, if you don't say anything or take actions, you will never get the chance you want. I thought we were over this already."

"Yeah... I suppose we were in a way."

"Then you already know what you must do. I'll be glad to guide you for the first couple of steps-"

"But after that, I'll be on my own right?"

"Exactly. You know what needs to be done, and that's why you're one of my best friends. You always prove people wrong and I for one, admire that."

"Gee, thanks Senpai... I think?"

"Hahaha. Alright now Tiger, go and find yourself a date. Make your Senpai proud of you."

"Yes Sir!" Kanji saluted as he walked out proudly and marched past Yukiko. "'Scuse me, Yukiko-senpai!" Yukiko only stared for a brief moment and walked into the nearly empty break room.

"Souji-kun... What was with Kanji-kun?"

"I just gave him a few encouraging words is all." Souji smirked with enjoyment of his underling growing up. "Anyway, let's have him try to enjoy some special time with a certain someone while I enjoy my special time with my certain someone." Souji then pulled Yukiko in for a playful embrace.

"Oh, I understand..." Yukiko nodded as she was caught off guard. "Well, I heard the noodles outside are really good. Shall we stop by there first?"

"Sure, let's do that, but first, there's something I need to ask you..."

Kanji went down to the first floor to search for Naoto and thankfully, he spotted her with Rise, so in a sense, Fortune blew his way. Though whether it would blow in the favor of Lovers has yet to be seen. However, it looked like Naoto was prepping to leave with a slightly dramatic Rise trying to stop her.

"Naoto-kun, don't go! You haven't really tried anything yet!" Rise begged as she clamped her hands on Naoto's arm.

"I see no need to waste more time here, Rise-san. Now please let me go." Naoto explained as she struggled to break free and then she spotted Kanji by the stairs. "Ah, Kanji-kun. Can you please tell Rise-san to let me go so I may return home?"

"Uh, well I-uh..." Kanji struggled as he wanted to ask Naoto to go with him

"Kanjiii! Help me here! Naoto doesn't want to go where I want to take her! Please convince her to stay!" Rise continued with her begging with Kanji still struggling with what he wanted to say.

"Well with what YOU suggest, it would only end with your enjoyment through my embarrassment!" Naoto argued.

"Oh come on, Naoto. It's just a little fortune telling about your love and going through the haunted house with Ka-"

"Don't you dare say anymore!"

Kanji had known what he wanted to say, but it might not end well if he said it right now.



Kanji had no possible solution as to what to do. He thought to himself of what his Senpai might do. ...He knew what Rise wanted to do and that she was deadset on it, but what about Naoto? "Naoto, are you absolutely sure you want to go? Is there not anything you want to try out?"

"Hmm..." Naoto then thought to herself to confirm her own conflicting thoughts. "...I would like to try one of the food stalls and possibly see the science club's experiments with someone."

"Naoto, those are so boring though. You gotta try the fun stuff!" Rise objected.

"Alright, Alright. If I take you to those, would ya stay here a little longer?" Kanji said calmly. He had somewhat of a poker face on the outside, but he was nearly celebrating how smoothly things were going. His thoughts were revolving around how Souji would be proud of how things were going.

"...Yes, I suppose so."

"That's great, then let's go!" Kanji said as Naoto broke free from the grasp of Rise and walked outside with Kanji. "Uhh, Rise-san, you comin' or what?"

"You never said I could go with you. I don't wanna disturb your date anyway."

"D-DATE!? Rise, it's not a date, I just all'a us to have fun damnit!" Kanji stammered as his hopes for a smooth plan have just fizzled away. Naoto's face was almost beaming red just like Kanji's. "You're going with us and that's final!" Kanji declared he dragged Rise out the door with Naoto just following along. "First, let's get some noodles since Naoto said she was hungry! I hear they're really good this year! Whaddya say?" Kanji said with somewhat forced enthusiasm as the girls nodded at his suggestion.

After the door closed, nearby students began whispering to themselves about Kanji possibly dating both Naoto and Rise. Souji and Yukiko had just arrived to the first floor to hear some of it. Souji only sighed at this and he walked up to Ayane, who was prepping to leave since she had already played for her concert along with touring some events with Souji earlier and now was getting ready to go home herself.

"Ayane, what are these people talking about now?"

"Um, they're saying that Kanji-san is supposedly going out with Rise-chan and Naoto-kun. I don't believe it, but I still don't like how everyone is acting..." Ayane explained.

"Don't worry; we'll make sure to set things straight. In time, everything should drop and be back to normal." Souji calmly assured.

Back outside, the three underclassmen were enjoying some of the noodles made by some people from the cooking club. Rise went off to try out some of the games for a bit, leaving Naoto and Kanji to try some noodles first.

"Damn, this stuff's really good!" Kanji exclaimed after he swallowed some of the noodles.

"Indeed. The club's outdone themselves."

"Naoto... mind if I ask ya something?" Kanji hesitated after he finished all of his noodles.

"Sure. I don't see why not?"

"I want to know... Why did you really want to leave?"

"It's simple. I just didn't want to have false feelings for someone to spread all around campus." Naoto explained with a logical tone.

"Ohhh, I get what ya mean."

"You do?"

"Yeah, you don't wanna hurt someone's feelings. Especially if it's 'cause someone else said it and spread those rumors around."

"Really? I just don't want any rumors to spread."

"Nah Naoto, you're a lot more considerate of people's feelings than you give yourself credit for. You sound more concerned about whoever they would say you had feelings towards instead of the people saying it themselves."

"I... I see. Perhaps you are right. Thank you Kanji-kun for helping me better understand myself. You are perhaps more insightful that what I once believed." Naoto nodded in gratitude.

"I-It was no problem. Just speakin' what's on my mind is all. Nothin' special." Kanji spoke with a flustered tone. "S-Say uhhh, mind if I ask ya somethin' else?"

"Go right ahead Kanji-kun." Naoto smiled. "By the way, what's wrong with your face? You look awfully red. Were the noodles too hot or are you getting ill?"
"Nah, it's nothin', just ignore it..." Kanji said as he turned away. "Do... Do you actually like anybody right now?"

"Kanji-kun!? Not you too!" Naoto shouted in irritation.

"Well, you never said if you did actually like anyone or not. And I'm just... curious is all. You don't have ta answer if you don't wanna."

Naoto only sighed at the classmate's request. Why his curiousity got the better of him, she would never know. "...Very well. If I had to be honest here, I can't tell if I do have a romantic interest in someone. I care for people, like my family and the team, but I can't say if anyone is a candidate for my search in a relationship... N-Not that I'm interested in going in one! Being a detective and student take up-"

"Aww no fair!" A cheery, yet very familiar voice interrupted. "How come she tells you about her crush, but not me!?"

"R-Rise-san!?" Naoto stammered in surprise. "I do NOT have any romantic feelings for anyone! If you were eavesdropping like you were, you should have known that!"

"Awww, looks like a certain friend of ours just got knocked out. Right Kanji-kun?" Rise teased knowing what she was saying completely. Kanji had to say something. Naoto was looking as if she wanted to know the full details with Rise also ready to push the truth out if Kanji didn't.

"...Now now, children, settle down." A calm voice could be heard from afar.

"Senpai!?" Rise looked in shock to see it was her two Senpai walking towards the group.

"We mustn't let things like this ruin our fun. Especially since this will likely be our only chance for a long while." Souji brought up with a smirk across his face.

"Thank you Senpai!" Naoto and Kanji spoke at the same time.

"How long were you two here?" Rise asked.

"Long enough." Yukiko answered. "It's bad enough with rumors that Kanji-kun is supposedly dating you and Naoto-kun, but now it seems you two are only making it worse upon yourselves."

"W-WHAT!?" All three underclassmen shouted at the same time.

"Just the result I expected." Souji chuckled with Naoto simply glaring at him. "Anyway, let's just go around for a bit since we're all together."

"Yeah... that would be best I think." Rise sighed with a bit of disappointment. As the group went back inside to see other things clubs and classes have formed, Kanji pulled Souji away to one edge of the group while Naoto pulled Yukiko to the other.

"Hey Senpai..." Kanji whispered.

"Excuse me Yukiko-senpai..."

"Hm?" Souji answered.

"Yes Naoto-kun?" Yukiko responded.

"Thank you for the help." The two said at the same time.

"No problem." The couple responded at the same time, unaware of the coincidence.

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