What do you still have?

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As they were waiting for the authorities to arrive, Yukiko and Souji were watching Nanako the whole way through, worrying about her condition. But once the ambulance arrived, only Souji was allowed to ride with Nanako to the Hospital due to them being family members. The rest of the investigation team had to get to the Hospital on their own. Naoto called for Yakushiji, a secretary of her Grandfather, who took the girls; while Yosuke asked his Dad to take him and the rest of his friends to get to the Hospital right away. Despite his father's busy schedule, seeing the emergency presented before him, he drove them to their destination. Upon their arrival, they looked for Nanako's room. Souji found them after he had his left hand looked at and treated for his burns from the battle; with bandages wrapped around his palm. They waited for an hour without no update of her status.

Inaba Municipal Hospital, in front of Nanako's room. Nanako isn't allowed any visitors.

"Nana-chan's still small... so her other self didn't appear like everyone else..." Teddie informed as his eyes stared at the floor. "And she got caught in all that craziness. I hope she'll be okay."

"I mean, are the doctors going to be able to help her?" Yosuke added, not helping with Teddie's emotions.

"Waaaah... I'm worried about Nana-chan!"

"But there's nothing more we can do for her." As Chie stated. After a moment of silence, they heard Naoto mumbling to herself, likely using her talent as a Detective and trying to make sense of Namatame's actions.

"A deliveryman named Namatame... The possibility of Nanako-chan being targeted... If only I'd been more thorough in putting the facts together! Then Nanako-chan would have had to go through this."

"That... goes for me too. If I hadn't stood there like a lump in front of that bastard, Nanako-chan might've been okay." Yosuke turned one person's pity to a duo's.

"I hate myself... Why do I always panic when it matters most?" Chie added herself into the now pitiable trio.

"I couldn't do anything either... It's my fault Souji-kun got burned, but he made up an excuse so I wouldn't get in trouble." Yukiko sighed.

"I should have noticed sooner that something was wrong with that guy..." Rise lamented.

"Why didn't I notice something sooner!" Naoto continued blaming herself. "If I hadn't tried to engage him in conversation, and we rescued Nanako-chan immediately...! None of this would have ever happened!"

Souji had words to say, but chose not to say them; he closed himself off, like how he used to. His world was broken to the way it used to, and he could not pick up the pieces. It was small before, with no real care for his parents, who were never around for him when he wanted them to be. It only grew bigger thanks to the friends he made, engaging in his first relationship with the first woman he ever fell in love with, and the new family he just joined. And now, that family is all hurt or worse.

Kanji, grew annoyed of this pity party, with everyone wallowing in a shared misery with one another. After shaking his head, he turned around from the window and faced the group, sighing before he spoke. "Alright, enough of this pity party." This comment made everyone's stares shift toward Kanji. "Is standing around and whining really what we oughta be doing now? Feeling pathetic, consoling each other... that gonna solve anything!? We gotta believe in her." Kanji then turned to Naoto, grabbing both of her shoulders. "So stop rehashing what's already been done. Get it together, Naoto!"

After a pause and her eyes no longer widening from the surprise of Kanji grabbing her like that, she spoke. "Sorry... you're absolutely right."

"This is all that bastard Namatame's fault. And he's behind bars now, right? And it ain't like we were too late for Nanako-chan."

"Yeah, that's true." Yukiko nodded in agreement.

"I'll come see Nana-chan everyday so she'll get better!"

"That's all we can do for now..." Rise's head drooped before rising back up with a realization in her eyes. "Gee, Kanji... You sounded cool for a second there." Seconds after she said that, Adachi was seen walking down the hall.

"Oh? You guys still here?" He asked with with some surprise in his tone.

"Adachi-san, um... did they find out anything?" It was Yukiko who asked him the question on everyone's minds, with Adachi first responding by shaking his head.

"Dojima-san's speaking with the doctor now, but they can't say anything definite until they run some tests on her. Not just Nanako-chan, but the perp, too... Who knows when we'll be able to hear his story. Well, it's getting late, so hurry home." Adachi insisted. "The last thing we need is you guys collapsing too." Adachi then walked off to the direction of Dojima's hospital room.

"He's right." Yosuke spoke up. "Nanako-chan's gonna be fine. Acting all gloomy won't help anything." The whole team nodded in agreement.

"When Nanako-chan's out of the hospital, what should we do to celebrate?" Chie pondered.

"Dude, isn't it a little early for that?!"

"Why don't we reserve Junes and have a party there?" Yukiko suggested.

"A party... at Junes? Uh... That makes no sense." The confusion on Yosuke's face was enough to put a smile on everyone's face, even Souji's.

Teddie had a moment with Souji, that was cut short when they were told they had to go. Souji insisted that everyone go ahead of him since he wanted to see Dojima before he himself went home.

When Souji arrived home, it felt cold. There was no atmosphere anymore, almost suffocating even. The lack of Nanako or his Uncle pained him. Taking a few steps after putting his shoes away, he punched the wall with the side of his fist with all that he had. He didn't show after the fight, but he was still boiling with himself for not being here when it happened. He could have stopped it all. He could have caught the killer all by himself. These thoughts lingered in his head until he heard something collapse on the floor. It was a picture frame. As Souji reached down, he flipped it and saw it was not damaged. Good, he didn't feel like figuring out what dimensions it was and then go out to replace it. But when he looked at the picture itself, seeing it was Nanako, her Father, and her late Mother. Seeing her smile like that, reminded him of when she would smile around him, Yukiko, or with her dad. It didn't stop his pain, but it only suppressed it. She was safe now, there was no need to worry about the case anymore. All that was left was to wait for both of them to recover. All he could do was sleep and wait for what he considered the inevitable.


After school.

As a apathetic Souji was heading off to practice, he received a text message from Yukiko.

When do you get home from Practice?

It was surprising she didn't just ask before or during class. He still responded regardless.

I'll be home probably at around 5PM.

He sent that, but got no response. Normally, this would have made him worry, but he simply put it off until he got home.

Shortly after 5PM, he arrived on the street of his household, only to find Yukiko by the door with her back against the wall staring at the ground. She heard his footsteps and her head just sharply turned to the direction she heard them from. "Souji-kun!"

"Yukiko? Why are you here?"

"I just..."

"Wait, let's talk about this inside." Souji cut her off as he walked past her and unlocked the door. When she saw him just ignore her, a sting could be felt in her heart. She knew he still wasn't himself entirely. Yukiko still followed him inside. "Would you like to sit down?"

"Well, not yet..."

"Very well. So, why are you here?"

"To talk to you about... everything that has happened."

"I see."

"Souji-kun... are you feeling any better?"

"Of course not!" Souji's attitude immediately shifted tone. "I'm sad, angry, and I blame myself for all that's happened! Nanako and Uncle are both in the Hospital because of me!" He clenched his left hand in a fist, still in minor pain from the burns, but it did not phase him.

"S-Souji-kun... stop blaming yourself. You did nothing wrong!"

"And how did I do nothing wrong, Yukiko? Just how am I not to blame?" Souji's self-blame and anger continued. "Had I never been taken to the police station, this wouldn't be an issue. At the very least, he might've taken me and I would've been able to protect myself from Shadows! But Nanako... is too young to even have a Shadow."

"Souji-kun! I understand how you feel, but-"

"Do you, Yukiko? Do you honestly know?" His eyes narrowed in on her, demanding a response.

"Souji-kun, please calm down and listen!"

"To what? Tell me." Souji's attitude now grew sarcastic, almost mocking Yukiko's feelings.

"You know I just want to sort these feelings so you can feel better! I worry about you and what's changing inside of you!"

"I'm not changing at all, Yukiko. Just. Irritated."

Yukiko shook her head in disagreement. "Souji-kun, I know you're lying this time. There's more to it than just that."

"And how would you know then?" Souji's brow twitched up, seeing if Yukiko was bluffing.

"I've gotten to know you so much. Maybe more than everyone else in this town. I'm your girlfriend, Souji-kun!" Yukiko continued to reason with him, but to no avail.

"And I suppose you're only here because you're girlfriend? Like you have to be here?"

At then, Yukiko had heard enough. This argument was spiraling out of control. She raised her hand and, swatted Souji across his face. His head moved, but when it stopped, he did not react to to his lover at all. She slapped him back into reality. Yukiko took advantage of the silence and made her point across.

"She's fighting hard to stay alive! And so is Dojima-san! They're fighting to come back here." Souji's glance shifted to Yukiko's eyes, with his body still unmoving. "We're still here too. If not for you, you would have never freed me from Namatame's control, and we wouldn't have been able to stop your attempt to save us be in vain! We are all here thanks to your will to keep fighting!" Souji could see Yukiko's eyes begin to well up, but she still continued. "I understand you care for her so much! I do too! She looks up to us as siblings; and for that, I want her to be safe just as much as you! But you need to stop... Stop forcing all the burden on yourself! I'm here for you! We all are!" Yukiko clinged to her boyfriend, almost tackling him onto the couch; hiding the tears that were falling from her cheeks.

"Yukiko..." Souji kept himself balanced, taking all her words to heart.

"Souji... before we rescued Nanako... I blamed myself too." Yukiko said after wiping the tears from her face. "I know it hurts you more than me since you live here and maybe you could have prevented this. But she's safe now. We caught Namatame, who should face his due punishment. You have to stop blaming yourself for all of this."

Souji's began to cry along with Yukiko, now wrapping his arms above her waist. "I'm sorry...! I'm sorry for the way I acted. I shouldn't have lashed at you."

"Souji-kun... so much has happened..." Yukiko's muffled voice said with her face hiding in his chest. She moved up to see his eyes. "Everything will be better, Souji-kun... So please."

"I know..."

"What do you still have left, Souji-kun?"

"I have you. I have our friends. I have so much still."

"Yes, you do! Thank you for realizing it!"

"Heh..." Souji tried cleaning his face with his sleeve. "Thanks to you."

"Souji-kun..." Yukiko gave a bright smile.

"Yukiko, that smile might make Nanako jealous."

"You're one to talk. I haven't seen you smile like that for a while now."

"Suuure. Anyway, let's clean ourselves up. You look like a mess."

"Says the fool who's worse than me!" Yukiko laughed, though not as bad as she usually would.

After sometime, the two settled in with their emotions and sat together before Yukiko said about the other reason she came by.

"So, I wanted to ask you something. Something important."

"What is it?" Souji perked up, curious to hear what she was going to ask.

"Since Nanako-chan and Dojima-san aren't here, I was wondering..."


"You're probably going to feel alone here sometimes, right?"

"Yeah...?" Souji was unsure on where this was heading.

"So, since you say that, it made me think if I could... stay here with you." Yukiko's face reddened with embarrassment.

"Wh-What!?" Souji stammered in astonishment for the first time in who knows when. "You do know what you're asking, right?"

"Yeah... I know it sounds like such a bizarre question, but..."

"You work at the Inn! You're pretty much heir to the place, and you need to be there for them. This is such a selfish thing for you to do."

"I know that, but I... I told my mother about what happened. I asked for guidance on what to do. It sounded crazy at first, but she made a point." Yukiko's shifted to her eyes. "She said, 'Times like these are when you need to be watching over him. He needs someone to lean on now.'"

"Wow, am I that frail of a person?" Souji laughed to himself a bit.

"I don't think so, but I think my mother is being overprotective."

"Your mother is too lax on this." Souji shrugged.

"Heehee, she kind of is."

"Are you sure you can get away with this? Will the Inn be fine without you?"

"Yes, and yes. My Mother said she can hold her own for a while. I'll still work when I can like on the weekends; so you don't need to worry Souji-kun." Yukiko persuaded.

Souji kept asking her if she was sure and how no one else would be affected. He was considering all factors for what the Inn might have to face in her absence, but she was prepared, as if expecting this business-like side of him.

"Souji-kun, we'll be fine! Don't worry about us, please!"

"It feels like you're peer pressuring me into this..." Souji Very well, when will you be able to stay? You'll need to make it discrete, by the way. Bad enough with the rumors we have about us, but this will make it worse."

"I'll be ready by tomorrow night! I'll bring some clothes and everything else I need too!"

"Want me to help you then?"

Yukiko nodded. "Yes, that would make this easier on me."

The two stayed together discussing the future plans and putting each other back together after their emotional episode. As it grew later into the now shorter days and longer nights, Souji walked Yukiko home.

When Souji returned home, it still felt the same; empty. But... It would soon be filled. Not near to what it once was; but enough for him to survive. He would be seeing Yukiko, his first and only love, who were now going to spend an uncertain amount of time together; perhaps this is a chance to really test the strengths and weaknesses of their relationship?

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