Hikaru x Introvert Reader

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You were walking the halls of Ouran while you had your nose stuck in a book like always. You were a very quiet person whom liked to keep to yourself. Though, two certain carrot heads always liked to try to get you to talk. To be honest you didn't mind to talk to people. You just preferred being alone. The two always tried to get you out of your space bubble. They were rather irritating at first but, you became fond of them after, a while. Especially, the older twin Hikaru. You found him quite attractive and entertaining. You couldn't help but, to think of him as you walked into class. You took your seat in front of the twins. You continued reading your book until, you felt something poking you in the shoulders. You looked up to see both twins poking you with their pencils.

"Can I help you?" You sighed feeling aggravated.

"Yes actually you can." The older twin said with a devilish grin.

"What is it?" You spat

"We want you to hang out with us this weekend. There's this new club we want to go to and we wanted you to come too." Kaoru responded.

"Why?" You raised a brow in confusion.

"Because, you never do anything with us." Hikaru replied as he rested his chin in his hand.

"Yeah I do. Mainly just because, you come into my apartment unannounced but, I still do." You respond.

"Yeah, well maybe we'd like to hang out with you at a club. Ever thought of that?" Hikaru retorted with a devilish grin.

"Well, why would I ever wanna go to a club?" You retorted back.

"Maybe because, its fun. Besides you spend too much time alone. You need to socialize." Hikaru said.

"Okay dad." You smiled devilishly and Hikaru glared at you.

Just then the teacher walked in and began to teach the lesson. You folded the corner of the current page you were reading and put it away. 

  ~Le time skip brought to you by Tamaki's emo corner~

It was Saturday now and you were getting ready to go hang out with the twins. You decided to wear dark skinny jeans and a (f/c) halter top. You had put your hair up in a ponytail and put on your favorite pair of (f/c) converse. Then, you just sat on your bed reading until, you heard a knock on the door. You ran out to the living room and opened the front door to see only one of the twins. Luckily, you knew how to tell them apart. It was Hikaru.

"Where's Kaoru?" You asked

"He got sick but, its okay. We can still have fun." He said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Alright. Let's go then." You smiled lightly and led him down the stairs of your apartment building.

You were a commoner like Haruhi. Your family was kind of poor but, you were a smart kid so, you were able to make it into Ouran.

"So, what kind of club are we going to?" You asked Hikaru as you both got into his limo.

"Its just like every other club. There's lots of music and dancing. Plus, they have loads of room in it. It's pretty big." He responded.

"Okay." You said

You just sat to him quietly hoping that you wouldn't feel crowded in the club. You felt scared whenever you would get surrounded. Nobody ever noticed though. Well, except for Haruhi. She notices everything. You just waited patiently looking out the window until, you arrived at the club. The driver opened the door for Hikaru and you. He then got back in and drove around to the back.

"It sounds lit." Hikaru grinned.

The music was loud and you could hear it faintly from outside. Hikaru then grabbed your hand causing you to blush.

"Come on. Let's go." He smiled as he dragged you inside.

He walked you both out onto the dance floor.

"You want anything to drink?" He asked loudly.

The music was so loud you almost didn't hear him.

"Yeah." You nodded your head.

"Alright I'll be back. You go on ahead and dance without me." He smiled at you before going to the drink bar.

You were beginning to feel kinda nervous. You've never danced in public before. You were especially nervous since, Hikaru left you alone. You weren't sure what to do but, you also didn't want to just stand there looking like an idiot. There were tons of people around you and you began to panic until you felt a familiar hand on your shoulder.

"Here you go. I got you a cola." Hikaru said as he held out the soda to you.

You gladly took it and smiled.

"Are you okay? You look nervous." Hikaru asked you.

"Yeah I'm fine." You lied. You didn't want to ruin his fun.

"How come your not dancing?" He asked.

"Oh, I don't really dance." You responded.

"Tch, come here." He gestured you to come towards him.

You walked close and he grabbed your hand.

"Just go with it. There's no need to be scared, nobody's gonna judge you." He reassured you and you nodded your head.

You began to move your hips to the music and were soon enjoying yourself. You just went with the flow. Little did you notice that Hikaru was staring at your every movement as he danced too. She looks like a goddess. He thought to himself. You both continued to dance to the music enjoying yourselves the whole afternoon. It was a great experience for you. You had a lot more fun than you thought you would but, after a while you were tired. Hikaru went to pay for everything as you waited on the dance floor. Suddenly, you noticed people were starting to get closer to you. Oh no. No no no no no. You bit your nails nervously as they got closer. Your breathing began to quicken and you held on tight to your hair. They were getting closer. Hikaru. Come back. By now you had full out panicked and curled up into a ball. By now you were just consumed with fear. You didn't know anything going on around you because, you were so scared all you could feel was trapped. You didn't even notice Hikaru shaking you until, a few minutes later. By now you could hear him but, you couldn't move. He decided to just pick you up and he carried you outside. The sky was a soft violet color and the sun was close to setting. He shook you a little not knowing it would only upset you. You were having a breakdown. After some time you had finally calmed down.

"(Y/n)? What the hell just happened? Are you okay?" He asked you.

"I'm sorry Hikaru." You whimpered.

"Its okay. Just tell me what happened." He said in a calm soothing voice.

"Well, I panicked.. You see, I get like this whenever I feel extremely crowded. I'm really sorry." You apologized again.

"Its okay (nickname). Im sorry I didn't know." He hugged you and your eyes widened in shock as you sat there on the concrete path.

You finally relaxed and hugged him back. You both just stayed there like that for a few minutes. You grew sleepy and Hikaru picked you up, carrying you on his back as he walked to the limo. You slept the whole ride back to your apartments. You finally got there and Hikaru walked with you to your apartment.

"Thank you Hikaru." You hugged the red head tight.

He hugged you back taking in your sweet scent. You just hugged him tighter.

"I hope I didn't cause you any trouble." You said with a frown.

"Of course you didn't you idiot. Geez, your such a sap." Hikaru laid his head on top of yours.

You then pulled back from the hug but, still held his arms.

"We should hang out again. Just you and me that is." You said

"Is that your way of asking me out?" Hikaru asked with a devilish grin.

You looked away from him as you blushed. He grabbed your chin with his fingers turning your head back to face his.

"Hm, your so cute when you blush." He laughed.

You looked into his golden eyes with your (e/c) ones. Your faces grew closer to each other. You both then kissed. He licked slightly at your lips, begging for entrance. You let him in and he pushed you against the door as your tongues battles for dominance. He won. You both came up for air gasping. You then looked at him shyly.

"Th- thank you." You blushed and covered your face.

"Hm, your welcome." He smirked.

He then kissed you again but, gently this time. He then, pulled away.

"See ya Monday." He said before leaving.

You just stood there in shock. You didn't even notice Haruhi was there the whole time.

"Oh, hey Haruhi." You waved

"Hey (y/n)." She said with a slightly disgusted look.

"So, I see you and Hikaru are finally together now." She said.

"Oh. Umm.. I guess so." You spoke nervously.

"Yeah, well I got to go bleach my eyes now. See you later." She said as she walked into her apartment.

In that moment you knew she had seen the whole thing. You just laughed it off and went into your apartment.
Well, that was excruciating. My thumbs hurt from typing for about two hours straight. I think. Tbh I lost track of time but, I enjoyed writing this. Go on ahead and leave your requests in the comments. Bye!

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