When they get jealous pt.1

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You and Tamaki decided to hang out at the mall today and you soon came across the arcade.

"Tamaki can we go to the arcade please?" You asked in a child like tone.

"Why of course princess." He responded happily.

You both went inside the arcade and you immediately ran over to your favorite game. Someone else was already playing it so, you waited patiently as you watched the guy in front of you play the game like a pro. He looked back at you then smiled. He quickly turned his head back to the game and beat the games high score.

"Hey doll face." He turned around facing you and winked.

"Doll face?" You raised an eyebrow.

To the side of you Tamaki was starting to grow mushrooms again as he grew jealous of the guy speaking to you.

"Sorry, your just really cute." The guy said.

By now Tamaki realized he couldn't just sit there growing mushrooms while, some guy was hitting on you so, he got up and wrapped his arms around you.

"I'm sorry sir I think your mistaken. My lovely (Y/n) here is not cute. She is the most beautiful girl ever. Now leave peasant for she is already taken." Tamaki got extremely salty with the guy.

The guy left feeling rather awkward and not to mention offended. You rushed up to the machine and beat the guys high score in a heartbeat. Tamaki cheered for you when you won and you kissed him in return.


You were hanging out at the park with your boyfriend Kyoya when some boys started to check you out from afar. Kyoya noticed this and went over to them to handle the situation. Let's just say these boys were never seen anywhere near your city again.


It was a hot, sunny day outside so, you decided to go to the pool with your favorite carrot top today. You were swimming around the pool happily as Hikaru laid in his sun chair drinking coconut water. Some guys just came to the pool when they noticed you. You were out of the pool reapplying your sunscreen and the boys just drooled at you. One of them was about to approach you when Hikaru got in their way.

"Excuse me but, this is private property." Hikaru said as he grabbed onto you.

You glared at him for objecticizing you. You hated feeling like an object but, you still loved Hikaru anyways.

The boy held up his hands in defense as he walked away slightly scared of Hikaru.
Once, they left you continued what you were doing before as Hikaru kept close watch on you to make sure nobody would try touching you and if they did he had a set of brass knuckles waiting for the idiot that would touch his girl.

You were eating ice cream which made Kaoru blush for him. You just looked at him weird and thought nothing of it. He mumbled something under his breath but, you didn't care.

"I'm jealous of that ice cream cone." He muttered

You didn't hear him and just kept eating while Kaoru stood there feeling sexually frustrated. Let's just say later that night he made you do the same thing to him that you did to that ice cream.

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