Elizabeth Vernon

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We were a few ghosts short, so I made one

"Oh boy, why are you friends with her? She asked me how to spell orange once."

NAME: Elizabeth Michelle Vernon
AGE + YEAR OF DEATH: 17, deceased 2020
CAUSE OF DEATH: mutilated

"Don't waste your time doubting yourself. If anybody is putting you down, it means that they still need to learn to mind their own business."

APPEARANCE/FACE CLAIM: Elizabeth has dark skin and medium lengthen natural hair, which she usually wears in two messy braids. Her head is quite round, and her eyebrows are also surprisingly curved. She has dark eyes that are rather narrow. Her mouth is quite big, metaphorically and literally. She is quite tall and curvy.
PREFERRED CLOTHING: She likes muted colours and tends to wear tight-fitting things such as well-fitted pullovers, tank tops and leggings. She is very particular about textures and wears a lot of soft clothes, although she doesn't like anything fluffy. She has some weird obsession with ankle boots and will wear them all year round with anything.
MOST DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Her size (she's so tall it's kind of intimidating) and curved eyebrows (she rather resembles a cartoon character)

"Would you like to play chess? I play my move, then you take control of the body and you move, and on and on."

PERSONALITY: Many people would describe Elizabeth as rather cold. That's not necessarily accurate; she is just very straightforward and doesn't sugarcoat things. And when she does, it usually means she really looks down on you because she thinks you can't take the truth, which is pretty much a fatal flaw in her eyes. She's extremely logical and rather intelligent and struggles to relate to people who struggle. In fact, she struggles to understand herself when she's struggling. When she just can't understand things, it launches her into an existential crisis and triggers a whole lot of self-loathing.
This doesn't mean Elizabeth doesn't care about people. If you show her common decency and aren't an idiot, she'll most likely like you. But she's not big on huge displays of affection. She'll show she cares in little ways, like just being there when she knows you're down or doing your homework for you when you're stressed or just listening. Aside from stupidity, she's not especially judgemental and will accept your personality and viewpoint regardless of her beliefs. You do your thing, she'll do hers, why waste time trying to control others?
Regarding creativity, Elizabeth's only really creative in the problem-solving sense. When it comes to inventing stories or art forms, she struggles and doesn't really see the point. She's the sort of person who'd listen to a piece of music and analyse it without paying any attention to the emotions it's conveying. She's more of a theoretical person than practical. When she develops a new interest (which is rather regular), it means she reads up on the topic rather than making something.
A side of Elizabeth people don't expect is the attention seeker. She loves lecturing about her interests, competing with others, and performing. This is essentially her love language—if she does it with you, you're one of her favourite people. Unfortunately, not many people see it that way. People often find her unlikeable as a result, and when they call her out on it, she just ditches the person, and she expects the same lack of judgement from others as she exhibits.
STRENGTHS: logical, accepting, good memory, good listener
WEAKNESSES: social skills, creativity, lacks coordination, crafts
HOBBIES/SKILLS: reading (non-fiction and historical and sci-fi that are rather educational), logic puzzles, finding connections, researching her latest obsession online, memorising poems, violin and piano, weight-lifting
LIKES: Celts, books, sudokus, futoshiki, martial arts (kind of wants to learn one but never got round to it), learning new things, warm bread, sour food, brown, dark academia aesthetic, chess, piano, violin
DISLIKES: classism, aesthetic attraction as a concept, fluffy and scratchy clothes, soups that aren't pure liquid and juice with bits in, fantasy books, being judged
HABITS: pinching herself when she's stressed, biting her nails, picking at anything that's peeling
FEARS: not being good enough, being stupid, zombie apocalypse, llamas, pickpockets
MENTAL DISABILITIES: PTSD from her death, also people kept telling her parents they thought something wasn't quite right with Elizabeth but since her parents felt she didn't 100% fit anything, they just denied everything

LOVE INTEREST?: maybe, who knows
INJURY/DEATH? (as in their host dies): naturellement

FAMILY: Cassandra Elsa Vernon: mother, 46, very uptight and had undiagnosed anxiety
Jackson Vernon: father, 37, very goofy and always tries to be perfect kid
Natasha Bryce-Vernon: stepmother, 34, literal sunshine
Greg Vernon: stepbrother, 10, very nerdy, loves trading cards
Anika Vernon: stepsister, 7, cutest kid but is a bit of a drama queen
Stephen Vernon: stepbrother, 3, scared of everything and very clingy
BACKSTORY: Elizabeth was an accident, but her parents soon came to terms with her and Jackson married Cassandra due to pressure from his parents ("It's the honourable thing to do" bla bla). The marriage didn't work that well since Jackson wasn't quite ready for the responsibility of a child yet and wanted to live a little. There were also financial issues as Jackson was faced with the prospect of dropping out of college since Cassandra refused to be the sole earner. So, within a couple of years, they split up. Elizabeth stayed with her mother for financial stability and soon became a bit of a wunderkind. She showed an interest in learning way before her peers. Cassandra and Jackson were proud of their kid, even if she didn't have many friends.
She started piano and violin and developed incredible technique on both, but although she won early competitions, eventually, she reached the point where she couldn't win due to her lack of actual musicality. Her performances were uninspired and lacking emotion.
When she was five, Jackson married Natasha and Elizabeth would regularly visit them. She adored her step-family and sometimes wished Natasha were her mum because she was more laid back, though she'd never admit it to anyway.
Anyway, on the 5th of October 2020, her mutilated corpse was found. It was a big deal afterwards, since the murderer was never found and people were scared they'd kill more girls. Nobody else died, though.
WRITING ADVICE: Actually write.
3+ FUN FACTS: ~ she never figured out what she wanted to do after school
~ playing Monopoly with her is traumatic
~ whereas other kids brought home drawings from kindergarten, she brought home pages covered in numbers and words
~ actually posted a load of pictures on Instagram and was super active on social media in general

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