Chapter 15

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On Sunday afternoons, Grigor, Felik, Mitko, Zoya, and the bakery owner Polina would gather in the room with other patrons above Matryoshka. In the midst of steam of coffee, they huddled in front of a huge flat-screen TV to watch Charlotte's videos of the previous games.

Once the coaches found out about Olive's baseball brain, she became the key part of 'the Tactical Team'. They would analyze the game, debating about the latest strategies used by professional leagues and plan next week's training schedule.

I tagged along with Olive, not because I wanted to discuss the tactics, but because Charlotte was also there in those Sunday sessions. But I didn't understand half of what they were talking about, and my eyes would wander away from the screen to the blonde girl. At one point, she turned as if she could feel my stare and caught me looking. I almost died right there but Charlotte just gave me a smile and looked back. No one knew my heart was galloping as if it wanted to sprint out of my chest. I had to get up and walk to the bathroom.

Inside I splashed my face with cold water and tried to breathe slowly. I wondered if Charlotte thought I was being a creep. After I got out again, I heard an eruption of noise from the TV set. I saw the part where I made a successful catch. Everyone clapped their hands, but this time it wasn't about what I did on the field, it was how the movie had presented me. I never knew that in the footage, I looked quite heroic. In fact, Charlotte had put a lot of work into making everyone a hero of her own. You could see how each player strove to act their role in the game, it was almost emotional to watch.

Then Felik was making a huge fuss of Charlotte. She was smiling, a bit embarrassed, while he raved on.

"Charlotte's documentary about the team has won a TV competition!" Felik announced to us.

Charlotte blushed again. The CNN sports was running a competition for documentary filmmakers. They were going to pick out the best ones and show them on TV. Charlotte's teacher, without telling her, had entered her baseball footage. Charlotte had made it to the shortlist and got nominated.

I wasn't surprised- Charlotte's stuff was really great. If we didn't know better, we would think it was made by some professional TV crew. And why did she seem so odd about it? If it was me, I'd be jumping around like an excited monkey. But Charlotte wasn't. That's what so cool about her.

"I still have to finish off for the final and then resubmit the complete production for the highlight overview," she said. "Technically, I haven't won anything yet."

Felik put his hand up to stop her running herself down.

"We don't want to hear that talk. Me and Grigor- everyone here - we've seen the quality of work. A magnificent feel for the game. We are very very proud of you. To Charlotte!"

He raised his glass to make a toast. Charlotte squirmed with embarrassment again.

Then Felik gave her a European-style kiss-a little peck on one cheek and then the other cheek. Zoya and Polina did the same to her, and for some crazy reason, I decided I should try it too. I stepped forward.

"Congratulations, Charlotte," I said and went to give her the kiss on each cheek. Trouble was, I felt so nervous, I wrecked the timing and we whacked noses. We both froze for a tiny moment. I tried to brush the awkwardness and leaned in for another cheek. This time we cracked foreheads with a sharp bony sound and I staggered back, dizzy.

I noticed Olive was facepalming herself over what a disappointment I was. Before I knew it, Charlotte was whisked away by a mob of noisy Russians congratulating her. I'd blown my chance.


I was supposed to be doing a training drill with Olive, but she was distracted. Mooning after Nora, as usual.

Nora was working in a pair with April's big brother, Ryan. He'd arrived early from college just so he could see April.

Ryan was tall, musclar, as good-looking as a guy in a sports advertisement. Confident and graceful with the bat skills. He happened to be a baseball player for his university team too. In other words, he was a total nightmare for the underdog like Olive.

Nora and Ryan practiced around the field, it gave them plenty of time to flirt. We saw Ryan leaning forward to whisper something in Nora's ear and she laughed. Oh yes, a knife stab to Olive's heart and my best friend sighed painfully. I knew it must be hard to see that drop-dead-gorgeous couple, and I tried to be sympathetic but she shrugged it off.

"No, no. Nora and Ryan - they're perfect together. They're baseball royalty," she explained. "Actually they're like the sports gods living on Mount. Olympus playing baseball like the Olympians they are. This is how it should be."

That might have been what Olive's logic, but it couldn't be how her heartfelt. I was about to push the subject with Olive when I heard my Dad's voice from another field.

He was having a meltdown, roaring, red in the face.

"What? What did you say, Julie?" he bellowed. "Yes, I could hear you! Lose as badly as you all did in the last game, you should all shut your mouths! I'm sick of your complaints!"

Felik and Grigor were watching Dad's temper storm. I felt terrible. Embarrassed by my dad. Ashamed for being embarrassed by my dad. Even if I was angry with him, I didn't want him to look like a madman in front of other people.

When the training was over, I saw Dad packing up equipment, shoving it around roughly. Then I saw Felik walking up to him. Oh no, I thought, what's he doing? And what will Dad do?

Felik was very polite and very respectful. Dad was awkward, stiff, not meeting Felik's eyes.

"Felik Vasilovich," my coach introduced himself and offered his hand for Dad to shake. "We haven't really met. One of my players is your daughter. She's also a great captain. I've been wanting to meet you, Mr. Bloom."

"Er...thanks," Dad said awkwardly.

"I have so much respect for your daughter. Not just as a player, but as a fine young lady."

So many thoughts were spinning in my head- happy that Felik said that about me, sorry he'd said it to Dad, glad Dad heard it from my coach, terrified that Dad would look petty and mean next to Felik. I held my breath, waiting to see how Dad would react. He made an awkward nod back.

"Sorry," he said. "I have to...uh...get this gear away. "

"Of course. I don't want to hold you up," Felik said, stepping aside. Dad knew he'd been rude. He knew he shouldn't be so cold and brushed Felik off like that. He turned back to say something else, but he saw me standing there looking.

"Darci, I'll give you a ride home."

"Don't worry, I'll ride with Olive," I said and turned away. I didn't want to look at Dad right then. I wanted to love him and respect him, but it was hard sometimes.


For the rest of the season, the Rejects kept improving.

"Every week better and better," Felik would say. "A coach can't ask for any more."

"I saw some pro team out there today, not as good as you guys!" Grigor would say. "I'm lucky to have you."

Harper surprised everyone. Once she was picked up by a fancy Bentley for every training, she could focus on the game. If we were a deck of cards, she would be our hidden ace. Week after week, Harper would show us her real talents in the game.

Susan really put in the effort. Even if an opposition player did some obvious dirty foul, she wouldn't turn into a Hulk like she used to. Her self-control was getting stronger.

As the season went on, I realized that Felik and Grigor were pretty tough on Stefanie. Even though she was one of the best players, that didn't stop them benching her. They were freezing her out until she got the message: she had to be a team player, not just the best player.

I didn't think they had a chance of getting through to an arrogant snob like Stefanie. But I was wrong. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it. Yes, Stefanie Jenkins actually made a sacrifice fly, which meant she allowed a teammate to score a run instead. There was a wave of cheering from the Rejects supporters. Felik was loudly clapping, grinning at Stefanie. Grigor staggered around, holding his head, doing an over-the-top, I can't-believe-it act. Stefanie was embarrassed at the way the two coaches were carrying on. But you could tell she liked it.

Tonya's skills also improved remarkably. She could throw the ball and make it land perfectly in the catcher's glove across the field.

Melissa was our 'secret weapon', Felik would say. And she would grin like the happiest girl on earth.

On the sidelines, the food got more elaborate every week. By the tail end of the season, Mitko and his friends had a monster buffet table set up, decorated in the red and white color as our team.

The espresso machine was hissing and whooshing away down one end. The table was laden with platters of sandwiches, Russian dumplings, pies, ice cream, and bread.

Every game was like a party for our supporters. So many people turned up more than usual. Our parents, of course, plus heaps of other neighborhood faces. Charlotte came to see us every game. She would video tap from the sideline. Every time we scored a run, she would wave at us. I liked to think that she waved at me the most, and I would wave back at her.

The team put on a good show. We won the next eight games straight. The Rejects had started the season so far down the bottom of the ladder, but when the division board was stuck up on the wall week by week, we watched our team gradually move up. We were only one win away from making it to the semis.

That last round, every single player was pumped. Every set play worked without a hitch. We played the best baseball game we ever played.

The minute the whistle blew-we won by three runs, we'd made the semis- well, I guess that's when everything started to change. Even if none of us knew it yet.

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