Crack #4

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It's been a week since I've left the hospital, and Natsu's calmed down a little, but hasn't let me go to work...and he's been working from home, meaning I can't sneak out, which is a problem. How am I suppose to make money from home! I'm a doctor for god's sakes.

"Natsu!" I sigh loudly while screaming.

"Lucy! What's wrong?" He burst through the door, running to my side instantaneously.

"I'm fine, I just need to go to work." I whine, shaking his shoulders.

"Lucy, who knows if Brandish was right? You could have something worse going on..." He trailed off.

"Natsu, I'm fine, but if we continue like this, I could lose my job!"

"Lucy..." Natsu looked the other way, clenching his jaw tightly.

He stood up, sighing and shaking his head. "Fine, but if you even get the slightest of headache, I'm coming down to get you."

"Natsu, I work an hour from here! Not to mention I work in a hospital?" I cry out, hoping he'll agree to let me go back to work.

"Only on one  condition," He says, turning to face me.

"Mm?" I hum.

"You call me on the hour." He says, raising his eyebrows.

"Okay!" I smile.

Natsu grabs my hands, pulling my up into his arms. "I love you Lucy, you know that right?"

"I love you to Natsu." I bury my head into his chest, feeling the warmth radiating off of him.

We stand there for a while, just enjoying each other's company, he kisses my forehead lightly, then letting go.

"I'm going to get back to work, and you" He pokes my nose, "Are going to get some rest."

I smile sheepishly, finding myself sitting back down on my bed, wrapped up in my favorite blanket. The last thing I hear is the door closing to the bedroom.

In my dreams, I usually see my parents, and Mavis, and such, but I found myself elsewhere. It was dark and gloomy, almost too foggy to see.

"Hello?" I ask, but alas, I get no reply.

After walking a while in this weird place, I find a home, but not just any home, it's Natsu and I's home, our mansion. But it didn't seem like our rocky mountains, it seemed like our old home...with the flat fields, and daring cliffs.

"Natsu?" I asked quietly, knocking on the door.

No one answered. As I opened the door, it creaked, louder than I expected. As I walked throughout my home, I realized the amount of cobwebs and grime was left on the walls. As my hands felt the furniture, I made my way up the stairs, peeking into Natsu and I's bedroom.

Once my eyes scanned the bed, I walked over, seeing what I thought was a sleeping Natsu. My hands touched his shoulder, and my blood ran cold. "Natsu..."

"Hello?! Natsu!?" I tried shaking him, my worry growing quicker and faster than ever before.

"He's gone honey," I froze, hearing a voice, that's not normal.

My feet whirled around, coming face to face with a dark shadow, "Who are you?"

"The man who poisoned your parents."

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