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Dissolving the horse into mist both Soojung and Minjee delicately touched the floor. Tapping the toe of her shoe to the ground, Soojung started bouncing her foot up and down. Minjee stared at the girls in cold calculation, a smile twitching upon her features. 

"Give up yet Yeora?" Soojung asked. "If you are the smartest in the universe, you should know when to back down." The girl smiled brightly like she wasn't just chasing the girl earlier.

Staggering to her feet, Yeora leaned heavily against Rimhi. "You're outnumbered now. Stand down." Yeora ordered the pair. 

Soojung giggled a bit. "We need you though." She blinked innocently. "You are our ticket back home." Minjee nodded, frost gathering at her fingertips. It formed into the shape of a ball. Soojung continued on, "So now you have to come with us!" 

Minjee threw the ball of ice, and it hit Yeora right on the side of her temple. Just like that, the blonde collapsed like a rag-doll.

"I don't think so." Wooki narrowed her eyes, firing a fireball straight into Minjee's torso. The older girl let out a cry of pain as she was hurled backwards. Wooki hurled another fireball at Soojung, but the girl dodged seeing what it did to Minjee.

Steam hissed around the girl of ice. "Fire." The girl wheezed. Ice lost to fire. She was at a major disadvantage. However, she wasn't about to back down quite yet.

"Minjee!" Soojung yelled quickly running over to her. Minjee's shirt was partially burnt off, and an ugly red patch now adorned her stomach. 

Clapping her hands, Soojung imagined just a few moments before. They were all in their previous places. Only Soojung knowing the next actions.

Wooki started again. "I don't thi-"

"Minjee! She can summon fire!" Soojung called to her partner. "DODGE!" She yelped as fireballs came flying at them.

Minjee rolled into a summersault and Soojung momentarily froze time to escape the incoming fireball. 

Shoes grinding against the pavement, Minjee landed in a crouched position. Sweeping out a hand horizontally, Minjee summoned a row of icicles sweeping towards Yeora and Rimhi. A wall of water crashed into them, protecting the two opposing girls.

That's when Minsun stepped forwards. "You won't harm them." She spoke. 

Minjee eyed the younger before shrugging. It was all but a second before the temperature suddenly dropped. Minsun's water freezing in its tracks. A smirk tugged on Minjee's lips.

"You know, if the temperature is cold enough..." Minjee's voice trailed off watching a puff of her breath escape into the now cold area. "Water freezes." She made her hand into a fist and Minsun's water shattered.

Soojung pumped a fist into the air. "Yeah Minjee!" She cheered, before ducking out of the way of another fireball.

Her hand slipped into her dress pocket to see if she had anything that could help her. Soojung's fingers grazed along a sharp surface. Her eyes widened slightly.

In her pocket was a piece of glass. It must've been from when the candles shattered from earlier when she bumped into that boy. Soojung wasn't exactly sure how it landed exactly in her pocket.

Her fingers shakily snapped as time froze yet again that day. Pulling the shard out of her pocket she walked over to Wooki. Slipping her arm around her neck, she pointed the shard toward the girl's neck.

Using her free hand, Soojung snapped once more. At this point she was practically leaning on the steaming girl. Wooki struggled a moment against the force holding her. 

Soojung let out a little breath, tickling Wooki's ear. "I don't think you want to move." That's when Wooki took note of the little shard pointed out her neck. Soojung let out a little sigh when the fiery girl tried to struggle.

Grabbing one of Wooki's hands she lightly tapped one of her fingers. The glass lightly puncturing. It wasn't enough to hurt the girl of course. No matter how desperate Soojung was to get home, she never wanted to seriously injury someone.

Pulling the shard away, a little droplet of blood formed on Wooki's fingertip. The trapped girl's eyes dilated at the small red dot. Wooki immediately went limp, her eyes rolling back. Falling backwards she fell on top of Soojung.

The smaller girl let out a grunt. "W-what?" She stuttered rolling the girl off of her. "Is she okay?" Soojung asked to herself. Carefully checking the girl's pulse. It was mostly steady. "She must've just passed out."

Hooking her arms under Wooki's elbows, Soojung dragged the girl beneath the shade of a tree. Letting out a soft exhale before shivering slightly due to the cold.

Minjee's mist summoned a bow. Lifting it from her position, her stance shifted. Posture straight. Ice swirled forming a beautiful arrow. 

Firing it to the trio, the arrow grazing the stuffed llama. The girl with the purple jacket stared in horror as part of the stuffing fell to the floor. "How could you?!" She let out a screech. Her face fell blank. The girl carefully lowered Yeora to the ground, and faced Minjee. "Love, I hope you don't mind." Her voice steeling into one of deathly calmness.

Weak flames flickered at her fingertips as Minsun gasped. A vibrant pink aura was surrounding the girl and Wooki, who was still passed out. 

The more seconds passed, the stronger her aura got as well as the flames. Wasting no time, Minjee fired more arrows towards the trio. 

Separating Rimhi from Yeora and Minsun, Minjee wrapped her hand around a sword's hilt. Her bow disappearing. Using her right hand, she swung the sword in an upwards arc at Rimhi. Rimhi grabbed the sword made of ice with her bare hands, and the sword started melting.

Taking the opportunity, Minjee pointed her left hand towards Minsun and icicles started flying at the youngest girl.

"NO!" A new voice screamed. Darkness rolled across the ground, causing flowers to start to wilt and die around them. The ice making its way to Minsun returned to its natural state, harmless. 

Silence fell as the conscious girls stared at the newcomer, a brown haired girl with a moon rabbit on her shoulder.

Looks like everyone has collided.

What do you think will happen now???

I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think!

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