Slowly Slipping Away....

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*end of flashback*

My eyes clouded over as I remembered that sweet little girl, what was her name again? Dammit! I couldn't remember.
  I heard the music play and the sound of kids laughter and screams. I felt lonely, huh. Not unusual. I traced a crack on the floor, it leading to nothing but more cracks.
   I thought to myself about how worthless I was and about how I wasn't needed. Why was i even still here? I thought about how the kids nowadays won't even have heard the name 'foxy' it pained me and made me feel sore somewhere in my chest.
   I had also lost Chica, she saw the state I was in and tried to help, I snapped, telling her to leave and that she wasn't helping. I've heard she likes Freddy now. And I've heard he likes her back.
   I don't know where I stand anymore, I'm i still important? Hu, course not. But then..... Why? Why put me through this pain and suffering? Why make me stare at nothing and give me only the thoughts in my head? Why make me relive that same moment again, and again, and again. Why?
   I'm slowly melting away, not sure what reality is anymore. I feel I know, but the next day is different. It's getting harder to wake up, to know that there's no reason to do so. It helps to think that maybe.... Just maybe, if they leave me alone long enough. I might shut down, just go blank.
   Each day is the same as the next, just the songs in the background. I know them off by heart. Every. Single. Note.
  The thoughts in my head are confusing. One day I understand them, the next they tell me horrible, cruel thoughts. About how I liked the taste of the blood in my mouth. How it felt so right to just, do that.....

But those are only thoughts of a crazy man. A man that's been locked away long enough to not have seen the light of day in ten years.
  The children have stopped now, they're leaving. Going out that door with their mums and dads. Smiling away like they don't have a care in the world. Well I do, I have every care in the world. And guess what? There's nothing I can do about it.
   I hear the manager talking to the new guard. The last one got fired, playing around with the band I think.
   This is the manager, Scott, words to the guard. "Now they tend to get a bit quirky at night, something about there servos locking up. I know it might sound bad but it's not." He then left turning and saying his final goodbyes.
   I decided I'd step outside, maybe go see the new guard. I raced down the hall, not wanting the other anamatronics seeing me. I reached the door only to be meet by a door, RUDE !
  I had nothing more to do, so, back to the cove I guess.

*le video is by groundbreaking. Yesh

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