Chapter Eighteen

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A/N Skye's chapter's are back to a regular third person POV! Hope you enjoy!

Thank god it was just a dream, Skye thought, sighing.

Suddenly Lux came running in. "POTATOES!!!" He yelled, panting. He put his hands on his knees to support himself.

"What?" Skye asked, blinking. Maybe he's taken a dip into the loonie bin... "Says the person hallucinating..." She muttered to herself, incoherently.

"The plant-" he paused for breath. "It's a rare breed of potatoes."

She blinked. He really has gone crazy.

He straightened out. "And no, I know what you're thinking, I haven't gone crazy."

"So you're a mind reader now?" Skye piped, sarcasm poisoning her words.

Lux rolled his eyes. "I'm serious."

"So the plant you've been searching for this whole time was a potato?" Skye asked.

"Correction: Its the flower bud of the aureum potatoes," he stated.

Skye rolled her eyes. "Same difference."

"Sure, whatever you think, Princess." Lux smirks.

Come on Skye, calm down. Skye sighed.

"Do you feel better after last night's rest?" Lux asked.

Skye remembered her deaths. Her death with Blaise. Her own lonely horrible death. She shook the thoughts away.

"Yeah, I feel better," Skye lied through gritted teeth.

Lux pressed a hand to her forehead. "Your fever's gone." he smiled, putting his hand down. "Any hallucinations?" He asked.

"Well, I haven't mistaken you for Blaise yet, so I'd say no." Skye laughed.

"I think we should find it. Hallucinations were only part of it." Lux said.

Skye pursed her lips. She really did feel better. "Fine."

"Do you think you're ready to go outside again?" Lux asked.

Skye grinned. "Definitely." She was tired of staying cooped up inside for so long. Finally, freedom!

Skye jumped up and followed Lux outside. Skye breathed in the earthy smell of the fresh air.

Lux went straight to the books about his precious 'potatoes', when Skye looked around.

Skye looked back at Lux.

"Lux? I think I'm hallucinating again." Skye said.

Lux looks up from his studies. "What? Do I look like Blaise again?"

Skye blushed and looked away. "No...I've just never seen you with glasses. I didn't even know you needed them."

"Oh. these ol' things? I've had them for a while now. I'm farsighted." Lux laughs. They rested on the brim of his nose, never actually where the should be.

Lux took off his glasses and rubbed at them with the sleeve of his light blue shirt. They were black rimmed, small and rectangle shaped. "See? I think they add to my charm." Lux added, letting out a small smile.

Skye laughed. "Okay, okay, Mr. Potato, whatcha readin'?" Skye asked, noticing the stack of books on the trees stump Lux used as a makeshift 'desk'.

"About the 'potato' as you very much like to call it." Lux answered.

"Do you want some help?" Skye asked.

"Help? From the Princess? Why, I'm honored!" Lux laughed.

"On second thought, never-mind." Skye grumbled, turning away.

"Okay, okay! I was just joking!" Lux exclaimed. he grumbled.

"No wonder you don't have a girlfriend." Skye said.

"Hey!" Skye thought she heard him say something like "I have my eyes set on some people."

Skye didn't inquire. "So where do we start?"

"Well, we need to know where and when it grows and we need to know how and when to harvest it, we also need to know the proper way to eat it."

"Wow, what a picky plant.' Skye murmured. "How about I'll take the harvesting and you take the rest."

"Mhhm, 'kay."

Skye grabbed the first book off the stack and started reading.

"So much to do, so much to do.' Lux mumbled to himself, his voice barely audible.

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