Chapter Five

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Skye looked at the horse in amazement. It was a beautiful honey color, Skye reached up to touch its golden brown mane. It felt soft.

Skye looked at Lux in bewilderment, "This is mine?'' she asked in disbelief.

"Sure" he smirked, "Unless you want another one" he added quietly.

Skye blushed. Lux reminded her of Blaise. In the short time they had known each other they had become good friends.

Skye liked him. She liked how he was understanding and he wasn't pushy like Blaise could be at times. He didn't ask about Blaise.

Lux was like a safe harbor for her. He eased the guilt. She didn't know how, she didn't know why. All she knew was that he was.

He even looked like Blaise. So much so it was almost painful.

She couldn't do that to Blaise, or could she? No, she couldn't leave Blaise nor Luke and Alice. No matter how hard she tried to forget, memories kept pouring back to her, every moment she spent with Blaise all came flooding back to her. No matter how much she desperately wished they'd stay dammed up in that dark corner of her mind.

A questioning voice interrupted her thoughts, Lux's voice, "Are you coming or not?'' he asked. He was already on his horse, a dark brown stallion.

"Oh" was all she could say as she felt her face flush a little. She cursed herself silently.

Then, Skye looked at the horse hesitantly. More importantly, how would she get on?

Skye was scared of riding. She couldn't and she wouldn't ride. All because of what happened years ago. But of course, Lux didn't know, not as Blaise did.

She hesitantly walked up to it and tried to straddle it. She fell off.

She heard a chuckle behind her. She turned around and gave Lux the best glare she could muster.

He doesn't know what happened, she reiterated in her mind. When she was a child, Skye had an older brother, Danner. Died, died because of a horse. He loved riding. It was that love that killed him. One day he went riding in the mountains behind their small village.

His horse had gotten scared, so it bucked. If Danner had flown off, he would have been okay. But his foot was caught in the reigns. The horse had started running, dragging Danner along. He was getting beaten up by the rocky ground. He had lost consciousness. They had found his body a few hours too late, still attached to the horse. It was bloodied and bruised beyond recognition.

Skye almost burst into tears at the thought.

Lux, sensing her distress hopped off his horse and shook her shoulders. "Hey, are you okay?'' he asked softly.

In answer to that, Skye burst into tears. But, this time, instead of letting those tears flow, she was mad. What am I doing? I need to be looking for Blaise. No, no, no..! But no matter what she told herself, no matter how hard she shut her traitorous eyes, they still released tears. 

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