Chapter Two

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Blaise couldn't help it. He thought about Skye, Alice, and Luke all the time. When he had made the offer, he couldn't imagine life without Alice or Luke, with their adorable round faces, big eyes, and cheerful smiles enough to light up anybody's day. But Desmos didn't keep his part of the deal, Blaise knew he couldn't trust him and now all three of them were captured. Now Blaise had no idea where Luke and Alice were held or if they were even alive.

His best hope for Skye was that she had somehow escaped Desmos' grasp and was somewhere far away and safe. But that was a far stretch, knowing her she was probably somewhere dangerous, in the middle of an adventure, maybe even trying to save them. Or maybe she's moved on, maybe she forgot about us and found someone else, and loved him. No, he thought, I have to believe in her. He couldn't just give up on her. Maybe she got hurt or captured.

Blaise hated not knowing. He just wished he could see Skye again, how she laughed, and her smile that could outshine the sun, her confidence. He pictured her in his mind. Her tall, skinny frame, her bright blue eyes, and her blonde hair whipping around her shoulders in the wind. He had known her since he could remember how they traveled to every kingdom, trying to find the most unique animals and beautiful places.

But he knew, he would probably never see her again. At least that way Skye couldn't meet the same Fate he had. No, I have to stop thinking like that he thought. Years of being forced to work for Desmos was starting to wear him out.

Blaise wondered if Sky had loved him. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't, but he was confident that nothing could ruin their friendship. He just hoped Skye felt the same way. 3 years ago Skye had said that nothing would ever ruin their friendship. But at that time nobody could have foreseen what had happened. Blaise heard a door creak open, a guard stepped in, a man dressed in silver armor, he placed a tray onto the table and left. Blaise brushed the hair out of his eyes and stood up. During his time here his hair had grown shaggy and longer.

In Desmos' stronghold, he had Blaise, build and power weapons. Blaise wondered what he was going to do with the weapons. He also worked as Desmos; head officer, because Desmos' knew he would do anything to keep Luke and Alice safe.

Hopefully, Desmos forgot about her. Skye, just thinking about her hurt too much, every time he thought about her, it reopened an old wound, making it deeper every time. But, he still thought about her and the outside world constantly, afraid if he didn't he would forget about the happy things and lose himself completely. Desmos had physically tortured Blaise to near death, trying to force out information about Skye's whereabouts, Blaise had always answered with silence. But compared to the emotional pain being away from Skye caused, it was nothing.

Blaise picked the tray up and sat back down. Blaise hated the food here. He hoped that Luke and Alice would get better food. He needed to escape, but he couldn't do that without endangering Luke and Alice. Blaise wondered if Luke and Alice were held together or apart. He hoped they were together.

Blaise hoped that Sky was safe. Hope. That's all Blaise could do and he despised it. He would hate himself if anything happened to any of those three. He was lost in his thoughts about his friends when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in," he said. Another guard stepped.

"Lord Desmos would like to see you," the guard stated.

Oh no, Blaise thought was it about them? Did Desmos kill one of the people he cared about? Those were his last thoughts before two more guards stepped in and dragged him away.

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