|🔆|Chapter 3: The yet undocumented sea creature|🔆|

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"What are you doing, Ell? It's not safe to be this close to the big white thing." Ares pulled on the mermaid's arm. "Let's go back."

Ellysia was pulled away from the human she so desperately wanted to meet again, the human she desperately wanted to get to know.


No matter what Ares talked about on their way home, River and River alone was on Ellysia's mind.

"Are you even listening to me, Ell?"

"The human is amazing, right?" Ellysia replied.

"Oh no, don't you even think about it." Ares made a cross with his arms. "No."

Ellysia hung on Ares' arm. "Think about what, sweet ArAr?"

"About going back to the surface to spy on them."

"Well that's an excellent idea! I hadn't even thought about it," Ellysia replied, "Let's do it. I'll meet you there tomorrow morning. Toodles!"

Ares yelled "Noooooooooo", but Ellysia didn't hear it. She happily swam home thinking about that intriguing human being that suddenly showed up again after all those years.

"I'm not going to show up tomorrow, I'm not," Ares mumbled as he swam home.


The next day Ares showed up.

"Please try to be careful, Ell," he said as the two of them went back to the surface.

"Don't worry, the human won't harm me."

"It's still a human, you never know."

"It's a human I know, ArAr. I met them years ago. I still can't believe they came back for me."

"For you?" Ares raised an eyebrow.

"For me." Ellysia smiled brightly. "I saw them hanging up a drawing of me in the big white thing. They looooooovvve me."

"How can they love you, Ell? They don't even know the current you. Everyone changes a bit everyday. The you of then isn't the you of now anymore and neither are they, so please be careful. They may not have good intentions."

"Owww, ArAr is jelly, you're so cute. Someone might fall in love with you being like this."

"I mean it, Ell, be careful."

"I will," Ellysia said as she rushed to River's boat, as she rushed in their trap.

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