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When a plane came crashing down on a day early on in October of the year 2000 it caused quite the stir, not only because of the fact that a plane had come crashing down and not only for the obvious signs that something horrible must have happened aboard the plane while it had still been in flight but mostly for the fact that there were three survivors, all of whom were one hundred percent unharmed.

Three men, two lying unconscious in close proximity to one another amidst total devastation, another standing lost in a daze and at a complete loss to not only explain but understand what had happened. Is his survival the result of a miracle? If any of the dead could be asked that question, then you would be hard pressed to find anyone who would agree that any sort of a miracle occurred at all.

First responders would take a moment to stand in awe with the shock of seeing an unharmed survivor wandering around the wreckage. What took them back all the more was the fact that the wandering survivor so happened to be a priest. Surely someone from above must have been looking out for him, if only those responders knew. The subsequent discovery that there are two more survivors besides the priest, both of whom are also unharmed, well ... the responders have never previously seen the likes of this and they most likely never will again.

Dispute would quickly come among these responders with some wanting to believe in a miracle and others doubting that the priest was on the plane at all, doubters being quick to question the fact if a miracle intervened then why didn't such a miracle save the plane as a whole along with all those of whom had been aboard it? It is easy to judge and remark when not all the facts are known. There was darkness and there was light aboard the plane with darkness being the more powerful on this occasion despite the fact it did not complete its mission.

Regardless of who believes what, the three survivors are taken to hospital no matter the fact that they all appear to be physically unharmed. The priest's associates came to be unconscious more due to experiencing extreme fear than anything else. Moving shadows, ripping people to shreds, protective shielding, a plane hurtling unpiloted to its doom. If that is not extreme fear inducing, then not much else is. Indeed, all three may not be hurt physically but they still went through something extremely traumatic, so to a hospital it is.

Psychologist Professor Patrick Dunne and lawyer Jeremy Flynn spent most of their time recuperating together while Father Jason Alveron more or less kept to himself moving through the hospital wards and grounds when hospital staff would rather have him rest in bed. The most they engaged as a three piece while in the hospital took place when Father Alveron made an attempt to convince the other two not to tell of the events which did occur while the plane was still in flight.

'Think about it ...' he told them. 'Tell them anything and they will think you both are crazy ... really think about it ... they will think you are insane no matter what they think they already witnessed.'

'There are three of us' speaks the professor. 'If we all tell the same story then they will have to believe us.'

'They'd quicker have us committed especially when they find out for sure that we really were on that plane, they can check passenger lists and any camera footage there might be of us boarding the plane. Thing is too, we have a job to do. There is a reason why we got on that thing to begin with. We'll stay here in the hospital as long as they want to keep us, after that it will be back to business, alright? Are you both with me?'

The professor and the lawyer exchanged glances then reluctantly agree. They both tell that they have no idea as to what happened while Father Alveron more or less refuses to answer any question that comes his way. He is even threatened with arrest at one point by police though that ultimately leads nowhere. If he had been on the plane and had something to do with the deaths of others on board, they how the hell did he survive without a scratch. He could have parachuted before the crash occurred though there is absolutely no evidence of this and nothing else can be proved either.

The most Father Alveron would state was that he and his companions are on important Vatican sanctioned business with which they need to get on with. Before eventual release from hospital, they all would be subjected to psychological evaluation. So odd for Professor Patrick Dunne to be on the other side of what he does for a living. His guidance however would be beneficial to the other two in regards with getting through such an evaluation and indeed a release would eventually come.

Contact details would be needed and reluctantly given in case police have anything else they would like to ask of the three strangest guests the particular hospital they stayed in ever had.

'So where to?' asks Jeremy Flynn as he, a lawyer along with a psychologist and a priest all exit a hospital together having every step they take watched.

Father Jason Alveron simply looked at this his two associates then looked back into the hospital they vacated and simply says 'follow me; we have wasted enough time already.'

As odd as odd is, odd is far from being done with these three men. They all are being brought in on something which at best can be described as other worldly. Yeah, in 2016 Jason Alveron had a part to play in ensuring a girl who shines would no longer be held against her will in a vile place though in the year 2000 he had a job to do, unite that girl as an infant with her parents.


Father Jason Alveron is on a special mission on behalf of the Vatican as the Vatican more than believes that a child of God has been born, sent into the world of Man to take on a threat initiated from the depths of Hell. Father Alveron may be a man of the cloth though he highly doubts the existence of such a child, and this is despite the fact of all he has seen with his own eyes in his own life prior to such a time he so happens to be sent to unite this infant child with her biological parents.

He is sure there is a child who may need his assistance in finding a way to her parents but a child who herself has been heaven-sent? It also adds to his doubt that not only he has been told that Heaven has sent a child, but this child is a daughter, not a son, of God and despite his doubts and despite what occurred on the transport that took him away from the Vatican, he still has a job to do.

There may be an eagerness to get to the miracle child who in this moment in time is only a few weeks old though a visit to the biological parents is what Father Alveron feels is called for first. Given that however, it is not up to him to decide if the child should be reunited with her biological parents, his job, his mission is to prepare and convince, to do all he can do to ensure that the child is to be placed with her parents even if he were to conclude that this might not be a good idea. It is also not up to him to try and prove or disprove the girl is the daughter of God for again his mission is one to unite.

How appropriate it is that the surname of the Earth-bound couple charged with bringing the daughter of God into the world so happens to be White, their first names too ... could that be coincidence? The first visit to Mark Joseph White and his wife Helena Mary Bernadette White does not get off to the greatest of starts. Mark and Helena had been expecting a visit and no matter having advance notice of such a visit, their home is a disaster zone.

Upon arrival Father Jason Alveron and his team were invited into the White household and the mess was apparent from even before an entrance into the home could be made. The garden is unkempt though not severely so and there is a distinct unpleasant and obvious smell wafting out as soon as the front door is open.

The hallway is un-hovered, stairs are littered with clothing, the kitchen can be seen with the sink full of unwashed dishes. There are remnants of take outs possible dating back a week or two, this is probably the main cause of the unruly smell contained within the home and the living room is not much of an improvement.

Indeed, Father Alveron's job indeed is not to judge, it is a task that needs to be completed and as it appears his job will not be an easy one and this is so while not knowing the full extent of what lays ahead of him.

Mark White had greeted Father Alveron and his team and invited the guests straight into his home. Elena White sat in the living room, she herself a complete mess leading Father Alveron to speak the words 'oh dear' before he was even introduced to her. Those wouldn't be his first-choice words. Hearing a priest speak 'oh shit' is not exactly comforting or expected. Yeah, the road ahead certainly will be a difficult one.

When Father Jason Alveron, Professor Patrick Dunne and Lawyer Jeremy Flynn are briefed with circumstance as to why a daughter is not with her parents from the parent's perspective then it may be somewhat understandable as to why the family home is in such disarray so first things first, a change is very necessary. A clean up is very necessary before any effort can be made to bring a daughter home.

First impressions are certainly important. Father Alveron may have his reservations about the capabilities of Mark and Helena White to look after any child though when he views the infant child Cassandra for the first time, he knows straight off that she needs proper care, the right care, there is no doubt at all that this child really is a miracle.

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